88: Fevers

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I woke up to screaming and crying. I looked over and it wasn't Noah, which meant it was Ellie. Owen groaned as he sat up.
"Ellie?" He said as he looked at Noah.
"Yeah," I said.
"Hey I got it," He said as he kissed my cheek.
"Thanks," I said. I laid back down and watched Noah's crib as I knew he would probably wake up crying too as soon as he heard Ellie.
"Amelia," Owen said as he came in the doorway with Ellie. She was still screaming and crying and I knew something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" I said, and then Noah started crying. I walked over and picked him up.
"Hey buddy it's okay," I said softly and held him close to me.
"She's spiking a fever," Owen said.
"How high?" I asked.
"101," he said. I looked at Noah and then back at Owen and Ellie.
"Switch with me," I said. He took Noah and I took Ellie and she was still throwing a fit. I walked into the bathroom and took her temperature again. Yup, 101.
"Do we call Arizona?" I asked Owen.
"I'll go call her," Owen said.
"Thanks," I said.
"Mommy," Ellie complained as she cried.
"What hurts?" I asked. She just continued crying and I wrapped her in a hug.
"My head," Ellie said softly, "my head hurtie."
"I know, daddy's calling the doctor okay?" I said.
"No!" She cried, "my head hurt!"
"I know, I know," I said, "just be patient with me okay? Daddy's calling the doctor." After a few moments the bathroom door opened and Owen was off the phone.
"Arizona said she doesn't need to come in. She can take ibuprofen or Tylenol, and she probably just needs water or a bath or something to cool down," Owen said.
"Okay," I said. I grabbed the Tylenol bottle and read the bottle. I gave her the right dose by pouring it into a cup.
"Mommy that smells bad!" Ellie complained.
"I know," I said, "it'll make you feel better I promise."
"No!" She cried.
"Eliana please," I said, "your head won't feel any better if you don't drink this little sip okay?" She understood and she drank the little sip.
"I'll give her a bath," Owen offered.
"Thanks," I said, "I got Noah." We switched and I cradled Noah. He clung to my chest and I walked down the hallway and opened Kamryn's door. She was still asleep thankfully. I walked back into my bedroom and I could hear Ellie still crying.
"Okay buddy I'm gonna go check on your sister okay?" I said and put him down in his crib, "Mommy will be right back." I touched his cute little nose and I put his favorite blanket in his crib. I walked to the downstairs bathroom and Owen was giving Ellie a bath.
"Mommy!" Ellie said.
"Yup there's mommy, now please don't fight me on the bath," Owen said. I sat down next to him and Ellie sat in the water.
"Does your head feel better princess?" I asked. She nodded slowly.
"Tiny," she said.
"A tiny bit?" Owen asked.
"Yeah," Ellie said. After her bath I wrapped her in a towel and changed her into summer pajamas so she was cool.
"Me sleep in your bed with daddy?" She asked as she held onto me.
"Sure," I said. I came into the bedroom and Owen was back in bed.
"We have a visitor," I chuckled.
"Come here," Owen said. I put Ellie on the bed and she crawled over to Owen.
"You feeling better?" Owen asked her.
"Tiny bit," Ellie said. She snuggled into Owen and I smiled. I crawled into bed and I looked over and Noah was fast asleep.
I woke up to Noah crying.
"I got it," I said to Owen. Ellie was still asleep and Owen opened his eyes. I picked Noah up and cradled him until he stopped. I looked at the clock and it was already 7:20.
"I'll get Kamryn up for school," I said.
"Okay," Owen said. I walked down the hallway and opened her door.
"Kammie," I said and rubbed her back.
"Good morning," she mumbled as she rolled over. She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Hi noah," she smiled.
"Someone wanted to say hi," I smiled.
"Is it time for school?" kamryn asked.
"Yeah," I said, "get dressed and ready, but be a little quiet, your sister isn't feeling well and she's still asleep."
"Ellie's sick?" She asked.
"Yeah, she just had a little fever, she'll be okay," I said.
"Okay," she said. I went downstairs and Owen and Ellie were up.
"Oh you're up," I said, "Ellie are you feeling any better."
"Yeah," she said quietly.
"I can stay home with her today," Owen offered.
"Are you sure?" I said, "I could stay."
"No it's fine, go get ready for work and I'll drop Kamryn off at school and take care of the kids," he said.
"I can take Kamryn, and yeah that's works you can stay here," I said.
"Okay," he said, "not a problem."
"Thank you," I said.
"Well of course, you have that important tumor today," he said.
"You remembered? I told you that like weeks ago," I chuckled.
"Yeah of course I remembered, it was important," he said.
"Thank you," I smiled and kissed his cheek, "you're the best." We got Kamryn ready and then I took her to school.
"Bye have a good day, I love you," I smiled.
"I love you too mommy," she said and hugged me. I smiled as she walked into first grade. The kids were growing up so fast.

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