3: Brothers

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I heard a little girl scream. I broke the hug from Owen and we bolted down the hall, where we were met by Arizona and Callie.
"I told all of you to watch her!" Arizona yelled at the nurses. I didn't see the parents anywhere, just Jamie and Kamryn. Kamryn was halfway down the staircase screaming and crying, Callie was checking her out.
"What happened?" We heard. Owen and I turned to see the parents.
"Where the hell were you?" Arizona snapped.
"Arizona," Owen stepped in.
"No where were you that your son pushed your daughter down a flight of stairs? AGAIN!" Arizona said.
"Okay Arizona go take a walk," Owen said sternly. I ran to Kamryn. She was screaming and crying.
"Amelia!" She cried when she saw me.
"Hi I'm right here," I said and sat down next to Callie. I grabbed her hand and her collarbone looked dislocated.
"Is it broken?" I asked.
"No," Callie said, "okay Kamryn I need you to be a big girl right now okay?"
"I don't want to it hurts!" She cried.
"Listen to the doctor okay? She's going to make you feel better," I said.
"I need to pop your bone back into place okay?" Callie said, "it's going to hurt a little bit sweetie but it's okay, it's going to help it heal."
"No!" Kamryn started crying.
"Kamryn you have to listen to her please," I begged her, "I promise it'll be okay after this."
"Why don't we count to three okay?" Callie suggested.
"Kamryn can you count to three with me?" I asked.
"I don't want to!" She cried as she held onto my hand for dear life.
"Look were going to count okay?" I said.
"Kamryn please it's very important," Callie said. I could hear arguing from upstairs and I looked up and saw CPS talking with her parents and brother, and Arizona and Owen arguing. I heard Kamryn scream and I looked and her collarbone was popped back in.
"I'm so sorry sweetie I know it hurt," Callie said. She was now hysterically crying.
"Why don't we bring you back to your bed?" Callie said.
"Can you carry me?" She said and looked at me.
"Yes," I said.
"Careful on the bone she needs a sling," Callie said. I nodded and put the little girl on my hip and wrapped my arms around her. I got to the top of the stairs and everyone was arguing which only made Kamryn more upset.
"We're going to go some place quiet okay?" I said. She nodded as the tears kept falling down her face. I rushed her back to her room and Callie closed the door behind me.
"We need to start her on fluids again," Callie said.
"I got it," I said and grabbed a needle for the IV.
"No!" Kamryn cried.
"It's not going to hurt I promise," I said.
"It will," she cried.
"You had one in before sweetie remember?" Callie said.
"No I didn't," she said, I figured it was so hectic when she came in she didn't remember getting an IV.
"What if I put one in my arm and show you that it doesn't hurt?" I said.
"Okay," she nodded. I looked at my arm and immediately regretted saying what I said. I hated needles because of my past addiction, and this was so triggering but I had to let her know she was safe. I pushed it into my arm and held the bag.
"See?" I said.
"It didn't hurt?" She said.
"Nope," I said. I grabbed a new IV and then hung hers.
"I'll be right back okay?" I said.
"Where are you going?" She said sadly.
"I have to go take this out okay?" I said.
"Doctor Torres right here is going to stay with you and Doctor Robbins will be back soon," I said. I walked into the hallway and saw Owen.
"What happened to you?" He asked.
"She was afraid to get an IV so I did one myself to show her it didn't hurt," I said, "and I regret that decision very much."
"Triggering?" He said sadly.
"Yeah," I said. I tried getting the stupid needle out and I couldn't. I was so angry I could feel myself getting mad and teary eyed. It wasn't the IV, it was the fact that those parents would let their son hurt their daughter.
"Amelia," Owen said.
"What?" I snapped.
"Just let me do it," he said and grabbed my arm. He pulled the IV out and tossed it. I could feel tears pouring down my face.
"Hey, hey it's okay," he said and pulled me into a hug.
"She's so scared," I said.
"Hey what's wrong?" I heard Meredith say. Owen wrapped his arms tighter around me as I cried.
"She's worried about Kamryn," I heard Owen say.
"Oh honey she'll be okay," Meredith said and hugged me too.
"She's such a sweet girl, she's so small," I cried.
"Shh come here," Meredith said and wrapped my arms around me.
"Amelia?" I heard. I wiped my tears away and turned and saw Callie.
"Hey you okay?" She said.
"I'm fine what's up," I said.
"She's asking for you, Arizona is talking with CPS and they're sending an additional social worker right now to talk to Kamryn," she said.
"Okay," I nodded.
"I'm going to go talk with CPS too with Arizona," she said. I nodded and walked into Kamryn's room.
"Hi sweetheart," I said and sat at the edge of the bed.
"I missed you," she said in a quiet voice.
"I missed you too," I smiled.
"Is one of the professional people coming?" She asked.
"Professional people?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "the people who ask me about my mommy and daddy and Jamie."
"A social worker?" I said. She nodded.
"Yes they're coming," I said.
"Are they taking me away?" She asked.
"I'm not sure honey," I said.
"Is it because of Jamie?" She said. I nodded.
"Do you have a brother?" She asked cutely.
"I did," I said.
"Did?" She said sadly.
"He got into a car accident," I said.
"I sorry," she said.
"It's okay," I said and kissed her head.
"Do you miss him?" She said. I nodded.
"I miss him very much," I said. The door opened and it was a social worker.
"Are you miss kamryn?" A woman said. Kamryn nodded.
"I'm Miss Cauldwell," She said, "can we talk alone?"
"Can Amelia stay?" She said and grabbed my lab coat. The social worker looked at me and shrugged.
"I can go," I said.
"No," Kamryn said.
"Kamryn I'll be right out there, you see the chairs over there?" I said.
"No please," Kamryn begged.
"Is it okay if I stay?" I asked.
"Sure," Miss Cauldwell said. I got up off her bed and sat down in the chair in the corner. Kamryn looked back at me with sad eyes.
"Hey, look at me," I said softly, "she's just going to ask you some questions, just answer honestly, you're not in trouble, she just wants to know about your family okay? You'll be okay sweetheart, I'm going to be sitting right over here okay?" I looked up at the social worker and she mouthed "thank you". I nodded and hoped Kamryn would relax and answer honestly. She looked at me with big eyes and my heart broke.
"You're okay honey," I said, "I'm right here."
"Hi Miss Kamryn, were just going to start with a few questions okay?" Cauldwell said. Kamryn nodded.
"Have your mommy or daddy every hurt you?" She asked.
"No," Kamryn said.
"Has jamie every hurt you?" She asked.
"Yes," she said hesitantly.
"It's okay, you just have to answer honestly," Cauldwell explained. Kamryn looked over at me and I felt so bad.
"You're doing good okay?" I said. She nodded and I could see tears forming in her eyes.
"How did you get hurt today?" Cauldwell asked.
"Jamie wanted to go downstairs to see the little babies and he pushed me down the staircase, he told them I tripped over the wire," Kamryn said quietly.
"He told your parents you fell?" Cauldwell said.
"They tell me I'm clumsy," Kamryn said.
"Did Jamie also push you down the stairs this morning, off the jungle gym, and at recess?" Cauldwell asked. Kamryn looked at me and I could see tears forming in the little girls eyes.
"Just tell her Kamryn it's okay," I said softly.
"They'll get mad at me," Kamryn said crying.
"Honey nobody is mad at you," Cauldwell said, "none of this is your fault, and nobody is mad."
"He pushes me a lot," Kamryn said. Cauldwell started taking notes and Kamryn started crying.
"Amelia," she cried. I got up and sat down next to her and she grabbed my lab coat again. I wanted to give her a hug but I was afraid of her collarbone.
"Can you come back later?" I asked the social worker as Kamryn was crying into me.
"We have everything we need," She said.
"Okay," I said softly. Kamryn buried her face in my side and Cauldwell got up and left.
"Hey she's gone," I said.
"I'm sorry," she said crying.
"Why are you apologizing?" I said.
"Because I didn't want to answer the questions," she said.
"No it's okay, they were sensitive it's okay," I said.
"Sensitive?" She said.
"Hard to answer," I said. She nodded and then leaned into me.
"Why don't we watch cartoons?" I offered.
"Okay," she said. I turned on the TV and she snuggled into me.
"I like this show," she said, I had no idea what it was, I didn't even recognize it from my nieces and nephew.
"What is it?" I chuckled.
"Paw Patrol," she said.
"Cool," I said.
"That dog is my favorite, he's so cute," she said and pointed to the screen.
"He is," I chuckled and put my arm around her. She seemed to have calmed down and I ran my fingers through her hair.
"You okay now?" I asked.
"Thank you for staying with me," she said.
"You're welcome," I said. She snuggled into me and in that moment I never wanted to let go.

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