84: Progress

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a few weeks later
Owen and I were sitting in the nicu watching Noah. Arizona said he can come off the vent today. I was nervous. I really hope he can breathe on his own. Owen reached over and squeezed my hand.
"He'll be okay," Owen said. I nodded.
"Yeah," I said, "he'll be alright."
"I love you," Owen said.
"I love you too," I said and leaned in and kissed him. The nicu door opened and it was Arizona. She smiled and a team of three followed her. I instantly felt really nervous because I was so scared something would happen to our little Noah, or he would need the ventilator for longer.
"You guys ready?" Arizona asked. I looked at Owen and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and nodded.
"Yeah," we both said.
"Okay, so we're going to take him off the vent, and monitor his breathing for a few seconds to evaluate if he can or can't breathe without the vent.
"Okay," I nodded. I squeezed Owen's hand as I watched Arizona take off the vent. Owen and I watched the screen quietly and he was breathing. He was doing it on his own.
"Owen," I said.
"He's doing it," he said and smiled at me.
"Oh my gosh," I smiled and started crying. Owen pulled me into a hug.
"We're just going to monitor him for one more overnight stay, just to make sure nothing declines or regresses with his breathing," Arizona said.
"Can we, can we hold him?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I've only held Noah moments after his birth, other than that he needed the vent the survive.
"Hi buddy," I smiled as I was crying. I picked him up and held him. Owen put his arm around me and I smiled.
"Hey look, that's daddy," I smiled, "He's back from the army." Owen smiled and kissed my cheek. I placed him in Owen's arms and Owen started crying.
"He's so small and precious," Owen said.
"he is," I smiled, "and he's a fighter, just like his daddy." I smiled as I nuzzled into Owen's shoulder.
"Hey look it's mommy," Owen said cutely.
"Hi baby boy," I smiled.
"You wanna go see your sisters?" Owen said.
"Wanna go see Kamryn and Ellie?" I smiled. Owen smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I smiled as he kissed me.
"Arizona, can we bring him down to the daycare?" Owen asked.
"Yes," Arizona smile, "just bring him back."
"Of course," I smiled. I picked up Noah and Owen and I walked towards the elevator.
"Hi baby," I smiled, "look this is the hospital where mommy and daddy work."
"You're adorable," Owen said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled as Noah clung to me. The door doors opened and we walked into daycare.
"Noah!" Kamryn smiled, "mama where's his breathing gear?" I chuckled and smiled.
"Your baby brother is strong enough to breathe on his own. Isn't that right buddy?" I smiled.
"Can I hold him?" Kamryn asked.
"Baby!" Ellie giggled as she ran over. Owen picked her up and I put Noah in Kamryn's arms.
"He's so tiny," she smiled.
"He is," I smiled.
We spoke with Arizona and if all goes well tonight with his overnight stay, we could take him home tomorrow. He was 8 weeks old now, and stronger than ever. I was so excited to bring him home. It was so long overdue, and I couldn't wait to have him in his nursery at home. I wasn't ready for all the crying, but it was definitely worth having our baby boy home and healthy.
"So Amelia," Owen said. We were sitting in the nicu watching Noah sleep and breathe on his own.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Well I was thinking," he said, "tonight is the last night without a crying baby in the house."
"So what would you like to do tonight?" I chuckled. We haven't had sex since he got back since I had just given birth, and I knew we were both craving it.
"Well I don't know, do you have any ideas?" He said.
"I'm sure Meredith could watch the girls," I shrugged and he grinned.
"Okay," he said.
"Okay," I smiled, "I'll go talk to her."
"Alright," he said. He kissed my hand as I got up and found Meredith down the hall.
"Hey!" She smiled, "heard Noah is breathing all on his own."
"Yeah," I smiled, "can I ask a favor?"
"Sure," she said.
"Could you watch the girls tonight?" I asked.
"Sure, is Noah coming home?" She asked.
"No, not tonight, Arizona thinks tomorrow," I said.
"Oh," she said, "OH."
"What?" I chuckled.
"This is the last night without a screaming baby in the house and you need to get laid," she chuckled.
"Yeah something like that," I laughed.
"Yes I'll watch them, I can take them home from daycare with my kids," she said.
"Thank you so much, I owe you big time," I said and hugged her.
"You're welcome," she chuckled, "Enjoy the time without the screaming and crying baby."
"Will do," I chuckled.

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