36: Parenting Troubles

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Security took Rose away and Owen, Kamryn and I were in my office. She was still crying and I have no idea what Rose said to her. She was holding onto me and I had my arms wrapped around her.
"Kammie," I said softly, "you can tell us what happened." She looked at me and Owen.
"She wants me to live with her," she said, "she said you weren't my mama and that she was going to take me."
"You know that can't happen right?" I said to reassure her, and to be honest I didn't know if it was true but I really hoped it was.
"She said mean things about you guys," she said sadly.
"I'm sorry," I said and kissed her head, "you won't ever have to see her again okay? I'll make sure she never comes by you ever again okay?" She nodded as she sniffled.
"I want to go home," she said.
"Okay, lets go," I said.
"I want Owen to come too," she said quietly.
"Okay," I said and kissed her head. I grabbed Owen's hand and the three of us walked out. We got in my car and started driving home and Kamryn was quiet the whole time. I felt awful because I let her see Rose. We got home and I unlocked the apartment door and Kamryn ran to her room. I looked at Owen and he gave me a sympathetic look.
"It's not your fault," he said.
"Yes it is," I said, "I'm supposed to protect her and I let her see her."
"You didn't know," he said and wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Let's go check on her," I said.
"Okay," Owen nodded. We walked down the hall and I could hear her crying. I opened the door slowly and she was under her covers.
"Kammie," I said. She sniffled and rolled over. I walked in and sat down on her bed and rubbed her back.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"I want a hug," she said.
"Okay," I said and picked her up. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.
"Is Owen in here?" She asked. I motioned towards the door.
"Yeah," I said. Owen came and sat down next to us.
"Owen?" Kamryn said.
"Yeah?" Owen said.
"Can I call you daddy?" She asked. I smiled at Owen.
"Yes," Owen said. Kamryn smiled and gave him a hug. They were so cute.
"Okay," Kamryn said. I smiled at Owen and kissed his cheek.
"Don't listen to what Rose said okay?" I said. She nodded.
"Why would she say mean things about you and daddy?" She frowned. I looked at Owen and couldn't help contain my smile that she called him daddy.
"Because she's angry," I said, "I think she missed you very much and is upset that you like living with us and don't want to live with her, so she said mean things to get you to move with her."
"Oh," Kamryn said. I rubbed her back as she clung to Owen. They were so cute.
Kamryn went to bed a little while ago and Amelia hasn't said a word. I know she's thinking.
"Amelia," I said.
"Yeah?" She said as she walked out of the bathroom.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine," she said and walked into the bathroom. I got up and walked into the bathroom and she looked over at me.
"I said I was fine," She said, her voice getting raspy from holding her cries in.
"Is it Rose?" I said, "what's bothering you?"
"Nothings bothering me," she said as she wiped the tears off her face.
"Amelia," I said, blocking the door so she couldn't leave the bathroom.
"Owen let it go," she said and tried to push past me.
"You know you can talk to me," I said softly.
"There's nothing to talk about," she said crying, "move."
"Amelia, honey," I said.
"Owen move out of the way," she said as tears were strolling down her face. I brought her into my arms and she started crying. I rubbed her back and kissed her head. I held her for a little while as she calm down. She pulled away from me and looked at me.
"Do you think I'm a bad mother?" She said quietly.
"What? Amelia are you serious? You're not a bad mother, is this because of what Rose said to Kamryn?" I said.
"Owen she was upset about us being engaged and I didn't notice. She felt like there wasn't going to be anymore time for her and I didn't notice. I let her see Rose and now she totally upset her," she said.
"Amelia," I frowned, "it was one bad day."
"I feel like a horrible mother," she said.
"You're not," Kamryn said. We both froze and saw her standing in the doorway.
"You're the best mama," Kamryn said and walked over and hugged Amelia.
"I love you so much, you know that right?" Amelia said.
"Of course I know that, and I love you too," she smiled. Amelia picked her up and hugged her.
"Do you want to sleep in mama's room?" Amelia asked. Kamryn nodded.
"You read my mind!" She giggled.
"Guess I did," Amelia chuckled. The three of us walked back into Amelia's room and Kamryn snuggled into the bed. Amelia and I got in bed and Kamryn crawled on top of Amelia.
"Good night," Kamryn said sleepily.
"Good night," Amelia and I said, and like that she was asleep. Amelia rubbed her back and I don't know how Amelia could ever think she was a bad mom. She was so perfect.
"Amelia," I said.
"Yeah?" Amelia said.
"You're not a bad mother," I said.
"Sometimes I feel like it," she admitted.
"You're not, everyone has bad days okay?" I said, "you're doing amazing, you're raising an awesome little girl."
"Well I couldn't do it without some help," She smiled.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she smiled.

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