95: Boys

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The final bell rang and I walked downstairs so I could go to my locker before heading home with Luke. I walked down the hallway and I saw him waiting at my locker, where Jenny usually waited.
"You know just because Jenny is sick you don't have to completely take her place," I chuckled and unlocked it.
"Well I don't have to but I want to," he said.
"Don't you have anything better to do than wait around for me?" I said.
"No," he said, "I want to wait for you."
"Okay," I smiled.
"So how was your day?" He asked as we were walking down the hallway.
"It was good," I shrugged, "what about you?"
"Yeah good," he said.
"So how's Jenny?" I asked.
"I think she's feeling a little better, I texted her at lunch and she said she hadn't thrown up as much, but she has a really bad headache," he said.
"Oh that stinks," I said.
"Yeah," he said. We walked to his car and we both got in. We drove home and I occupied myself by going on my phone to distract myself that I was alone with Luke. The boy I've liked only since middle school. He pulled in the driveway and I turned to him. I smiled and I couldn't help but notice him starting at my lips. I could feel myself becoming super nervous.
"T-thanks for the ride Luke," I said.
"Yeah no problem," he said, I wanted to get out but I was so stuck in his gaze. He was so cute.
"Do you have a minute?" He asked nervously.
"For what?" I said confused.
"For this," he said. He stroked my cheek with his thumb and leaned in and kissed me. My first kiss.
I left work to go pick up the kids. I pulled into the elementary school and soon enough the kids came out. They climbed into the back seat and I smiled.
"How was school?" I asked.
"Good," Ellie said.
"Yeah," Noah said.
"What did you guys do today?" I asked.
"I had art class, and I painted," Ellie said.
"What did you paint munchkin?" I asked.
"A rainbow, with clouds, and the sun, but my teacher wouldn't let us bring home our paintings today because they need to dry. Can we hang it on the fridge tomorrow?" She asked.
"Sure we can, and Noah what did you do today," I asked.
"I had my recorder class," he said, "and I got my new recorder belt because I passed my playing test!"
"That's awesome," I said, "how many is that now? 6?"
"This one was my 7th," he said.
"Very impressive little guy," I said, "sounds like you two had a good day." They nodded as I went to go pull into the driveway, but someone else's car was here. It looked like Jenny's brothers car, maybe Jenny was over? I don't know. I parked on the street and unlocked the front door.
"Kamryn I'm home, who's car is out front?" I said.
"Oh um it's Luke's, Jenny is sick so I was just giving him her work that she missed in school," she said as she came down the stairs with him, "mom said it was okay."
"Okay," I said, "Hi Luke how are you?"
"I'm good Mr.Hunt how are you?" He said.
"Good," I said. I watched him grab his keys and coat.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Luke said.
"Bye," Kamryn said as he left.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Ellie said, god she had no filter just like her mom.
"No," Kamryn said, "he's Jenny's brother."
"Are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" Ellie said.
"Yes Ellie I'm sure he's not my boyfriend," Kamryn said.
"So he was picking up schoolwork?" I said.
"Yes why is that so hard to believe?" Kamryn said.
"I didn't say I didn't believe you," I said.
I drove home and parked in the driveway. I unlocked the door and I could smell dinner in the kitchen.
"I'm home!" I said.
"Hey!" Owen called from the kitchen. I walked in and saw my adorable husband cooking.
"Hey," I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and he pecked my lips.
"So how was your day?" I asked.
"So Luke was here," Owen said, "Alone with Kamryn."
"Yeah I know he was getting work for Jenny," I shrugged, "Kamryn said she has the stomach bug or something."
"Amelia they were alone here, for like an hour," Owen said.
"Yeah maybe they hung out, he was here when you got home?" I said.
"Yeah," Owen said, "That's a little long for work."
"I'll talk to her, I'm sure they ended up hanging out or something, it's Jenny's older brother, I can't imagine anything happening," I said.
"Do you think they're dating?" He asked.
"No," I said, "it's Jenny's older brother Owen."
"Okay," he said, "why didn't you tell me Luke was stopping by?"
"Well I figured he was going to be in and out," I shrugged, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he said and kissed my head. I helped him finish making dinner and the kids came down to eat.
"Hi mom how was work?" Kamryn asked.
"It was good," I said as we sat down.
"How was everyone's day?" I asked.
"Kamryn has a boyfriend," Ellie said.
"I do not," Kamryn said, "shut up."
"Hey don't talk to your sister like that," Owen said.
"Then why was Luke here?" Ellie said.
"Okay anyway," I said, "Noah buddy you're quiet, how was your recorder test?"
"I got my next recorder belt!" He smiled, "can I show you mommy?"
"Sure, just go get it quickly okay?" I said. He smiled and ran into the other room to go grab his backpack. I looked at Owen as the girls were giving each other glares across the table. They were sisters, and they always butted heads, but they loved each other. Ellie looked up to her so much, and always tried to be like her older sister Kamryn, it was cute.
"Mommy see it's blue," Noah said and showed me the little string tied around the plastic instrument.
"That's awesome buddy," I said, "look at all your colors! You're a recorder pro." He beamed and I smiled.
"Tell mommy how many tests you have until you're a master," Owen said.
"Two," he said and held up two fingers.
"That's awesome," I smiled, "I'm proud of you." He smiled and sat back down.
Noah and Ellie were getting ready for bed and I decided to go talk to Kamryn. I knocked on the door.
"Come in," she said. I opened the door and she was sitting on her bed reading a textbook.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey what's up?" She said.
"Am I interrupting a study session or can we talk for a minute?" I asked as I sat down at her desk.
"It's boring anyway," she said, "so what's up?"
"Well Luke stayed for a while at the house today," I said. He face turned red and I knew something happened.
"Is something going on between you two?" I chuckled.
"Well no," she said, "but he kissed me, uh, when we were driving home from school, so I offered to give him Jenny's work and he wanted to come in for a minute, but I promise we just hung out and talked, nothing happened I promise."
"Okay," I said, "so your first kiss!"
"Yeah," she chuckled.
"Aw my baby girl is all grown up," I sighed, "no fair."
"Are you mad I let Luke stay?" She asked.
"No, but I would prefer if you were honest as to why, but, just in the future one of us should be home if you two are going to hangout," I said.
"Okay," she said, "noted."
"So are you guys a thing?" I asked.
"I don't know, I mean he's Jenny's brother," she shrugged.
"If he makes you happy he makes you happy, you and Jenny have been friends for so long, that she would be happy for you," I said.
"You think so?" She said.
"Yes," I nodded, "I think so."
"I really like him mom," Kamryn said.

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