5: Home?

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I was panicking. Was this too impulsive? She needed a home. I cared for her a lot, I really did. I was in the bathroom in Owen's office cleaning up to go talk to Cauldwell.
"Can I come in?" Owen said.
"Sure," I said. He opened the door and he handed me a cup of coffee.
"Thanks," I said.
"So are you really doing this?" He asked as he leaned up in the door frame.
"Yeah, yeah I think I am," I smiled.
"You'll be a great mother," he said. I smiled and took a sip of the coffee he brought me.
"Do I look like I just bawled my eyes out for 20 minutes?" I said.
"Looks like only 5," He joked.
"Shut up," I said and hit his chest.
"Go get her," he smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled and walked out to go find the social worker. I walked down the hallway and saw Cauldwell walking out of Kamryn's room.
"Oh hey there you are, she was asking for you like crazy," she said.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
"Sure," she said.
"Do you think I would be able to foster her?" I asked. She smiled.
"Yeah, are you sure about it? I would have to get you the paperwork," she said.
"I can foster to adopt right?" I said.
"Yes definitely, fostering goes quicker, there's a lot more background and hearings for adoption," she said, "but you can certainly foster and then adopt down the line if that's something you're interested in."
"Do you think I'd be a good fit?" I asked.
"She really loves you, every time I asked her about this hospital all she talked about was you," she smiled, "I've never seen a patient and doctor closer."
"Really?" I smiled.
"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, I would have to go down to my office and grab paper work and call a judge to allow her to go with you, but I think it'll go smoothly, I mean you're a doctor."
"Okay," I smiled, "Can I talk to her first before I fill anything out, I just want to make sure it's what she wants too."
"Of course you can," Cauldwell smiled, "that's the right thing to do too, come get me and we can talk."
"Okay," I smiled. I opened Kamryn's door and she was sitting on the bed crying.
"Hey what's wrong?" I said and sat down at the edge of her bed.
"Where am I going to go?" She cried, "she said I can't go back to my family."
"I was just going to talk to you about that," I said.
"You were?" She said.
"Well, what if you came home with me?" I said. Her face lit up and she was so cute.
"With you?" She said.
"Yeah," I said, "I could foster you."
"Really?" She smiled.
"Yup, you could come stay with me, I have an extra room in my apartment that could be all yours," I smiled.
"My own room?" She smiled, "with you?"
"Yup, with me," I smiled, "does that sound good?" She nodded and smiled.
"Thank you," She said.
"You don't have to thank me honey," I said and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"When can I go home with you?" She asked.
"Whenever you get discharged," I said.
"Discharged?" She said.
"When you can leave the hospital," I said.
"Okay," she smiled. The door opened and it was Doctor Robbins.
"Okay Miss Kamryn I just need to check your fluids and stats okay?" Arizona smiled.
"Okay," Kamryn said.
"I'm going to be right back okay?" I said. Kamryn nodded and I walked out into the hallway. Miss Cauldwell got up and I smiled.
"I want to do it," I said.
"I knew you would say that, so I had someone drop these off," she said and handed me a packet, "just fill all of this out, and I will forward it to a judge, and you should know by tomorrow morning."
"Thank you so much," I smiled and took the packet from her. I figured I needed a quiet space so I ran to my office quickly and filled out all of the paperwork. There were so many pages, at least 20, but I filled everything in perfectly and I hope this gets approved, it has too. I went back downstairs and handed all the papers to Cauldwell.
"You'll get a call as soon as the judge approves," she smiled.
"Thank you so much," I said.
"You two are a good fit, I'll put in a good word okay?" She said.
"Thank you so much," I said. The door opened and it was Arizona.
"You're fostering her?" Arizona smiled.
"As soon as the paperwork goes through," I said.
"Oh my gosh congrats!" She smiled and hugged me, "oh she's going to be so happy!"
I walked past Kamryn's room and Amelia was sitting in the chair next to her bed. I opened the door and she looked up from her phone, she looked really stressed.
"Hey, you okay?" I said.
"I'm waiting for a call from the judge," she said, she looked over at Kamryn and she was asleep.
"To see if you can foster?" I said. She nodded.
"I'm so scared I won't get her," she said.
"Amelia of course you'll get her," I said, "you're amazing."
"What if they see that I was in rehab?" She said, "I had to disclose that."
"Well you were honest, that counts," I said, "and that was what? 7 years ago?"
"8," She said.
"You'll be okay," I said. I nodded and I got up and hugged him.
"She loves you a lot," I said, "you've got this."
"I don't have any kid stuff at my apartment," she said panicked, "I don't even have a bed for her."
"Amazon," I chuckled.
"Yeah," she smiled, "I have a lot of work to do."
"You got that right," I chuckled. My phone rang and she practically jumped to answer the phone.

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