63: Appendicitis Part 2

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Owen went back to Meredith's to go pick up Ellie, and Kamryn had a million questions.
"So what happened to me?" She asked.
"Well, you have an organ by your tummy called your appendix, and your appendix burst which can lead to bad stuff moving through your body, so Doctor Robbins took out your appendix," I explained.
"Do I need that to live? Am I going to die?" She said.
"You're not going to die, plenty of people have their appendix taken out," I said, "your Aunty Mer had her's taken out."
"Really?" Kamryn said.
"Yup," I said.
"So where is it?" She asked.
"Where is what?" I said.
"My appendix," she said.
"Probably in the hospital lab," I said.
"Can I see it?" She said. Kids say the weirdest things sometimes.
"No that's gross," I chuckled, "trust me you don't want to."
"Do you have your appendix?" She asked.
"Yup," I said.
"Does daddy?" She asked.
"Yup, daddy has his appendix too," I said.
"Ellie has a baby appendix then," She said.
"Yup, all of Ellie's organs are baby sized," I chuckled.
"Can we snuggle?" She asked cutely.
"Yes," I said. She moved over and I laid down next to her. She snuggled into my chest and I smiled. I was so glad she was okay and it was only her appendix.
Ellie was fast asleep when I got to the hospital. I opened the backdoor to my car and lifted her out and put her into her carrier. I hoped she wouldn't wake up. Lately she had been sleeping much better, and hasn't been crying in the middle of the night. I walked into the hospital and checked in and got in the elevator. The doors opened and I walked to Kamryn's room. I opened the door and Amelia and Kamryn were snuggled together in the bed. Kamryn was nuzzled into her chest. Amelia looked up with the sound of the door opening and smiled.
"Hey," she said.
"She still awake?" I asked.
"Yeah," Kamryn said softly, "is Ellie here?" She sat up and smiled when she saw her baby sister.
"Is she asleep?" Kamryn asked. I nodded. I put her carrier in one of the chairs so we could all see her.
"Daddy guess what," Kamryn said.
"Just talk a little quieter because of Ellie," Amelia said softly and kissed Kamryn's head.
"Oh, sorry, but guess what," Kamryn said.
"What?" I said and sat down.
"That I'm the only one without my appendix in our family," she said.
"Besides Aunt Meredith," I said.
"Yeah but like the four of us," she said.
"She finds it very fascinating," Amelia chuckled.
"It is!" Kamryn said, "Doctor Arizona also said I could have ice pops, so can I have one?"
"Sure," Amelia said, "which color."
"What colors are there?" Kamryn asked cutely.
"Any color you want," I said.
"Even purple?" She said.
"Yup," I said.
"One purple ice pop coming up," Amelia said and kissed her head, "I'll be right back."
"Okay," Kamryn said, "thank you mama."
"You're welcome princess," Amelia said. Amelia left and Kamryn looked around the room.
"How long do I have to stay here?" She asked.
"Probably a day or so," I said.
"This is where you and Mama work right?" She said.
"Yup," I said.
"That's cool," she said.
"It is," I said.
"Can you come sit with me?" Kamryn asked,
"Sure," I smiled and sat down next to her. She snuggled into me. After a few minutes the door opened and Amelia came in with an ice pop.
"Here you go," Amelia said.
"Thank you mama," Kamryn said as she sat up.
"Are you sore?" Amelia asked.
"Not really, my tummy hurts a little but," Kamryn shrugged, "it's just like stiff."
"So you're sore?" I chuckled.
"Is that what sore means?" She said.
"Yes," I chuckled.
"Oh, then yeah," she said. Amelia chuckled and I smiled.
"Does this mean I don't have to go to school?" Kamryn asked.
"Yup," I said, "no school for you today."
"Does Ellie know I had surgery?" Kamryn asked.
"We told her before," Amelia chuckled.
"What did she say?" Kamryn said.
"Remember how we talked about how Ellie won't talk for a little while?" Owen said.
"Why can't she talk?" Kamryn pouted, "she just sleeps and cries."
"You slept and cried when you were a baby," Amelia said.
"Did I?" Kamryn said, "I don't remember that."
"I'm sure you cried just like Ellie," Owen said.
I was currently holding Ellie in my arms and walking around the hospital wing. Kamryn was asleep and Owen was staying with her. Ellie was getting super fussy so we were going on a walk.
"Do you want to go see where mommy gets her coffee?" I said in a baby voice, "let's go." I walked downstairs and waited on the line for coffee.
"Oh my gosh she's adorable!" April smiled as she walked up next to me.
"Ellie, say hi to Doctor Kepner," I smiled and took her little hand and waved.
"Oh she looks just like you," April smiled, "so cute."
"Thank you," I smiled and looked back down at Ellie.
"Is Kamryn okay? I heard she had surgery this morning," April said.
"Appendix," I said, "she's enjoying the free ice pops." April chuckled and smiled.
"Glad she's okay," she said.
"Me too," I said. I ordered my coffee and walked back upstairs.
"Do you want to go see your sister now?" I said and looked at Ellie. Ellie tried grabbing my coffee cup and I chuckled.
"You wouldn't like coffee," I said. I opened Kamryn's door and she was still asleep. Owen looked up from his phone and smiled.
"How are my other two girls doing?" He said.
"Good," I smiled as I sat down next to him with Ellie in my lap.
"Did you have a good walk with mommy?" Owen said as he picked her up. He was the best with the kids. I looked over at him and then at Kamryn, fast asleep in the hospital bed, so thankful for my family.

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