59: First Night

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We could bring Eliana home today. Owen and I were so excited. Kamryn was off the walls excited. I don't think she realizes all Ellie will do is cry, poop, and sleep for the first few months but it's cute she's excited. I picked up our bag and kamryn grabbed her stuff. Owen came in with Ellie in his arms. I smiled and walked over to them.
"Good morning," I smiled and kissed her cheek. Owen smiled at me and kissed my head.
"Can we bring her home now?" Kamryn asked.
"Yup, mama and daddy just have to sign some paper work okay?" I said as Owen handed me the clipboard with papers.
"Okay," she said, "I can't wait to show Ellie our house."
"Me too," Owen said. Owen and I finish filling out the papers and Ellie started getting fussy.
"I got her," I said to Owen as I picked her up out of his arm.
"Hi baby," I smiled, "are you excited to go home?" Of course she didn't respond but that's okay. I held her close to me and rubbed her back until she fell asleep on my shoulder. The four of us walked out to our car and I sat in the backseat with Eliana and Kamryn since the baby car seat was at our house and not installed yet. We got home and Kamryn ran to the door.
"Can I give Ellie a house tour?" She begged.
"Why don't we let your sister sleep first okay? I'm sure she'll be up soon and you can show her the whole house okay?" I smiled.
"Okay," she nodded. Owen unlocked the door and I brought Eliana upstairs. She was still asleep. I kissed her head and put her in the crib in our room. I grabbed the baby monitor and pointed it towards her crib and turned the volume up. I left the door open and walked downstairs to see Owen fiddling with the baby monitor in the kitchen.
"Need help?" I chuckled.
"Yeah how do I work this thing?" He chuckled.
"It's not plugged in Owen," I chuckled.
"I thought you put batteries in it," he said.
"Yeah that's why there's this giant cord on the counter," I joked, "I thought you were smart."
"I have my moments," he chuckled.
"You do, this isn't one of them," I laughed and plugged it in and turned it on.
"What is that?" Kamryn asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"It's a baby monitor," Owen said.
"Yeah, your silly daddy didn't know it had to be plugged in," I chuckled.
"Doesn't it have a cord though?" Kamryn said confused.
"Exactly," I chuckled as I kissed her head.
"Is it recording Ellie?" She asked.
"It is," I said, "so we can hear when she's crying or if she's awake."
"That's cool," she said, "she's so small."
"She is," Owen said.
"Is she going to be awake soon?" Kamryn asked, I could tell she was getting impatient.
"Soon I promise," I said.
Amelia and Kamryn were the cutest. Kamryn was patiently looking at the baby monitor to see when Ellie was going to wake up so she could show her the house. She was so adorable. Amelia was snuggled into me on the couch watching Kamryn.
"She'll wake up soon," Amelia chuckled, "some watch TV."
"But what if she wakes up and we don't see?" Kamryn said innocently.
"She'll cry, we'll know when she's awake," Amelia chuckled and reached her arms for Kamryn. Kamryn climbed on the couch and nuzzled into Amelia. I leaned down and kissed Amelia's head.
"Hi," Amelia said cutely.
"Hi," I said. The three of us watched cartoons together, and after a half an hour we heard crying from the baby monitor.
"See? She's awake," Amelia chuckled. We walked upstairs and Amelia picked Eliana up.
"Baby why you crying?" Amelia said in a baby voice, "are you hungry?" Amelia cradled her in her arms and I smiled at them. Eliana eventually stopped crying.
"Ellie I think Kamryn wants to give you a house tour," Amelia chuckled, "don't you Kammie?"
"Can I?" She asked.
"Sure," I said.
"Okay let's go," Kamryn giggled as she ran downstairs. I kissed Amelias head before they headed downstairs together.
Kamryn was currently giving Ellie the house tour. I was following her as I held Ellie. She was wide awake now, which was good, she slept a lot this morning.
"Mama can we show Eliana her room now?" Kamryn asked.
"Yeah," I smiled as we walked upstairs. Kamryn opened the door and smiled.
"Ellie this is your room," She giggled, "see? It has all the baby stuff in here." I looked down at Eliana and she just looked around the room.
"When do babies start talking?" Kamryn asked. Oh god, like over a year.
"Uh a little while," I said, not wanting to crush her spirits by telling her over a year.
"Okay," she said, "can I hold her again?"
"Yeah go sit down in the rocking chair over there," I said. She sat down and I placed Ellie in her arms. I smiled at them as I took a picture of them. I sent it to Owen who was making dinner downstairs.
It was now kinda late and I knew Kamryn would be in our room any second asking to have a sleepover since Ellie was in here. I was cuddled into Owen's chest while we were watching TV.
"Do you think she's gonna cry a lot?" Owen asked and looked at Ellie peacefully sleeping in her crib.
"I'll be optimistic and say no," I chuckled.
"Good answer," he chuckled and kissed my head. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him. Soon enough our door opened and it was Kamryn.
"Can I sleep in here?" She asked.
"Sure," Owen said. She smiled and hoped on the bed next to me.
"You have to go to bed though," I said, "it's almost 10."
"But you're not going to bed," she said.
"But Ellie's asleep," I said, "just like you should be." Owen chuckled and Kamryn gave in and snuggled into the other side of me.
I woke up to crying. Loud crying.
"Owen," I mumbled as I sat up. He rubbed his eye and I climbed over Kamryn to pick Ellie up.
"Hey baby," I said softly, "shhh it's okay." After a few moments she calmed down and went back to bed.
"Good night," I said softly. I put her back in her crib and Kamryn rolled over. I'm thinking she was still asleep. Owen opened his arms for me and I cuddled into him. Little did I know what a long night was ahead. Twenty minutes later Ellie started crying again.
"I got it," Owen groaned.
"Thanks," I mumbled as I tried to go back to bed. As the crying stopped I felt Owen lay down next to me.
"What time is it?" I asked softly.
"Too early," he said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

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