15: Bad Days

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I opened my eyes and I was in my old room at Merediths. I was wearing a pair of pajamas I left here and I walked downstairs and Maggie was awake and making coffee.
"Good morning," she smiled.
"Morning," I smiled and she handed me a cup of coffee.
"What time does Kamryn have school?" She asked.
"8:30, I'll wake her up at 8 if she's not up," I said.
"You're up early," she said, "I thought I'd have to wake you up."
"Kamryn wakes me up at like 6:30-7 every morning," I chuckled, "think I got used to it."
"That's rough," Maggie chuckled. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30.
"Mama," I heard and I saw Kamryn walking into the kitchen rubbing her eye.
"Good morning baby," I smiled and picked her up.
"Good morning," she said, "Hi Auntie Maggie."
"Good morning Kamryn," Maggie smiled.
"Are you hungry for breakfast?" I asked. She nodded.
"Okay why don't you go sit at the table and I'll make you something," I said.
"Okay," she said and ran over to the table. I grabbed her a bagel and buttered it and gave it to her.
"Thank you," she said sweetly.
"You're welcome," I said and went back to drinking my coffee.
"Good morning!" Meredith smiled as she came into the kitchen holding ellis.
"Someone's peppy," Maggie chuckled.
"Someone woke me up at 5," Meredith chuckled and looked at Ellis who looked so sleepy. Zola and Bailey came running downstairs with their bags and grabbed breakfast.
"Kamryn we gotta get you ready for school so we have to stop by home okay?" I said.
"Okay," she said.
"Say thank you to Auntie Meredith and Maggie for letting you stay," I said.
"Thank you!" She said.
"You're welcome honey," Meredith said.
"Have fun at school," Maggie smiled. Kamryn said goodbye to her cousins and we went out to my car and we drove home quickly.
"Okay grab your bag and get dressed so we aren't late," I said.
"Okay!" She said and ran down to her room and a few minutes later she came out dressed and she looked so cute.
"Can you braid my hair?" She asked.
"Sure," I said and she sat down on the couch and I braided her hair into two braids.
"After this we have to go okay?" I said.
"Okay mama," She said. I finished braiding her hair and we got up and I drove her to school.
I walked into work and I saw Owen. I thought of last night, and smiled.
"Hi," he said as he walked up to me.
"Hi," I said and grabbed a folder of charts from the nurses desk.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Checking some charts, you?" I said.
"Nothing much, had a trauma before but it's been a slow morning," he said.
"Well that's good," I said.
"Yeah," he said. I looked up at him and I wanted to kiss him so badly.
"Can you look at those later?" He said quietly, only for me to hear. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into an on call room. He cupped my face with his hands and we started making out. We started kissing more when my pager went off.
"Ugh," I sighed, "I'll see you later?"
"Definitely," he said and kissed my forehead. I looked at the page and I ran down the hall for a neuro consult.
It was time for me to pick up Kamryn from kindergarten. I changed out of my scrubs and grabbed my phone and started driving over to the school. I parked and grabbed my keys and walked into the lobby of the school. The door to her classroom opened and she came out and hugged me.
"Hi," I said.
"Hi," she said as we started walking. She didn't say anything else and I knew something was wrong. We got to the car and I put her backpack in the backseat and Kamryn looked so sad.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head no and avoided me.
"Kammie what's wrong? It's okay you can tell me," I said.
"You can't be mad at me," she said quietly.
"Honey I won't be mad at you, just tell me what's wrong," I said.
"We did reading today and I didn't do a lot of reading at my other school and I can't read as well as everyone else, especially Bailey, he's so good at reading, so is everyone else," she said softly and I could see her trying not to cry.
"Oh baby it's okay, we can work on it together alright? I'm not mad at you, it's nothing to be ashamed of Kammie, we'll work on reading together I promise," I said. She looked at me and nodded. I hugged her and then put her in her car seat.
"You okay now?" I said. She nodded and I kissed her cheek.
"Okay, we can go hangout at my work, does that sound good?" I said. She nodded. I drove back over to work and I knew I couldn't leave her at daycare right now because of how upset she was.
"Do you want to go hangout in mama's office?" I asked.
"Mhm," she nodded. We got in the elevator and walked into my office and she sat down in the spiny chair and she looked so sad. It broke my heart.
"Do you have homework?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"Do you want to do it?" I asked.
"I need help," she said.
"Well we can do it together," I said. I picked her up and we sat down on the couch in my office and she took out a reading page.
"I don't know some of the words," she said.
"That's okay," I said and kissed her head as she moved into my lap.
"Oh Mrs Williams wanted me to give you this," Kamryn said and handed me a folded sticky note.
"Okay," I said, "thanks." She cuddled into me and we looked at the page together. She really wasn't a bad reader, she got stuck on a few words but she did know how to read.
"I don't know that word," she said and pointed to the word should.
"Okay well, why don't we sound it out?" I said.
"Okay," she nodded.
"So what does 'sh' make?" I asked.
"Shhh," she said.
"Mhm, and 'ou'?" I said.
"Uh?" She said.
"Yup, but you see the L is silent," I said.
"Why?" She said.
"I, I don't know," I chuckled, "but you know what sound d makes right?"
"Yeah," she said.
"So what do you get when you put it all together?" I said.
"Should?" She said.
"Yup good job," I said, "see, you're not bad at reading, you just have to sound a few words out." She nodded and I kissed her head. We finished reading the paragraph together and she just had to circle words she didn't know and needed help on. I finished helping her with her homework and she snuggled into my chest.
"So how was your day besides reading?" I asked.
"It was good," she said in a small voice.
"Yeah?" I said. She nodded and I ran my fingers through her hair.
"Okay," I said softly, "do you want to go to daycare with Bailey and Ellis so mama can do some work?"
"Okay," she nodded. I kissed her head and we walked down the hall to daycare. I signed her in and she ran over to Bailey and Ellis and she was coloring away already. I walked back to my office and opened the sticky note she gave me. Attached was her teachers email and a link to a good website to help her with her reading. I put the email and website into my phone and I heard my office door open.
"Hey," I heard. I turned to see Owen.
"Oh hey," I smiled.
"What's up?" He said.
"Kamryn had a bad day at school," I frowned.
"Really? I'm sorry," he said, "is she okay now." I nodded and he came over and hugged me.
"She'll be okay," I said.
"Of course she will, she has an awesome mom like you," he said sweetly.

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