[R] Crimson Child (BBH & Sam)

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(A/N: Akatozasa: could u make a badboyhalo oneshot with the red egg thing bad found
so I decided to take a decidedly fluffier road with this. brainwashing egg what? sorry i only know baby egg
tw warning for mentions of vomiting and throwing up.)

Sam was supposed to building the prison Dream had paid him to build. The deadline was coming up in a month, and Sam knew he would have to rush things to complete it and perfect it before it was due to contain whatever Dream wanted to contain in there. He didn't have much time to spend not building the prison.

Yet somehow, he had found himself standing before Bad, who was clutching an egg to his chest. Bad, who was wanting help from him on how to dig a hole to let his child grow.

"So let me get this straight," Sam raised up a hand to stop Bad from interrupting. "You and Skeppy had this wonderful, platonically intimate moment, and over the course of the next few days, you started being sick, before throwing up a small egg that eventually grew into the egg that you're holding, and you want me to help you to dig a space somewhere underground or it to grow properly?"

Bad spluttered. "I mean- when you put it that way it sounds weird!"

"That's because it is!" Sam nearly shrieked, only remembering to keep it down when he remembered that Antfrost was nearby. "Okay, fine, I'll help you, but before I do that, I need to ask you a question first."

"What is it?" Bad tilted his head.

"I- just-" Sam gestured go the egg in his hands. "What kind of species do you have to be to have children by vomiting up eggs for them to grow and hatch?!"

At this question, Bad seemed to shrink on himself. He groaned, and Sam thought he would've buried his face into his hands if it wasn't for the red egg in his hands.

"Okay," Bad said after a taking a deep breath. "But you can't tell anyone, okay? So far, only Ant and Skeppy know, everyone else doesn't."

"I pinky promise you I will not tell anyone else," Sam responded solemnly.

Bad nodded. He seemed to clutch the egg closer to his chest. "So, dragons are thought to be nonexistent, right?"

"Yeah? Wait, are you a dragon?"

"Yeah," Bad winced. "More like half-dragon. That's why I uh, that's why I kind of threw up the egg instead of pushing it out of my... behind. And because I vomited it instead of pushing it out, and because I'm much smaller than a normal dragon, the egg came out small. Normal dragon eggs are much bigger, so this little buddy right here needs to grow."

"So I have to help you dig a hole underground so that you can put the egg there and let it grow properly," Sam clarified, sighing when Bad nodded eagerly. "Alright. Does Skeppy know? I thought you would've asked him to help you do this instead."

Bad looked away guiltily. Sam narrowed his eyes.

"Bad," he started. "You did tell Skeppy, right?"

There was no response.

"BadBoyHalo, please tell me you actually told the literal other father of this- this dragon baby that you have, that he is the father."

"I can't," Bad whispered. "Tell him, I mean."

"Wh- but he's literally the father?!" Sam threw his hands up in frustration. "I'm pretty sure Skeppy deserves the right to know that he has harboured a child!"

"I don't want to talk about this now, Sam," Bad snapped, his voice dropping lower than normal, making Sam shiver. "I will not be telling Skeppy anytime soon. Now, are you going to help me with digging or not?"

Sam stared at the egg. It glowed a faint red, and if he paid a close enough attention to it, he could see it faintly thrumming. Sam sighed and took out his pick axe.

"Well, lead the way, Bad. This little guy's probably going to need a way bigger hole to grow in, and I don't have much time left of my free time."

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