[R] Calm In The Middle (Fundy-centric)

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(A/N: there was a request for a sequel to chapter 84, and I'm delivering :D! uhh chapters might be a little bit shorter for Reasons, and those reasons being recovering from the Dream SMP, but I hope they're still good :D
also I've been putting off actually working on a fic of mine for ages now so I gotta do that aha)

Fundy slouched down his seat, fully aware of all eyes on him even as he miserably ate his sandwich.

Unlike usual, the cafeteria was quieter. His group of friends were all quiet and simply staring at him uncomfortably, munching on their own lunches. He supposed that they would've talked, if it weren't for the bodyguard currently standing behind him.

Throughout his day, the bodyguard had been following him around. Fundy was already used to having people follow him around, since he did grow up in Antarctica's castle. But the students of this school hadn't, so they parted for him like the Dead Sea whenever he walked through the hallways.

He had barely gotten a chance to explain anything to his friends before he was whisked away to another room to be briefed on the situation by the bodyguard. Apparently, there had been a breach in security, and in paranoia, his father had sent out bodyguards to make sure he stayed secure. As far as he could tell, there were also at least 19 more bodyguards around the area, monitoring everything closely.

"So, uh," George spoke up first, awkwardly. "Anyone gonna address the elephant in the room here? No? Just me?"

"Kinda awkward to talk in front of a literal bodyguard there," Sapnap hissed at George. Fundy refused to enter himself in this conversation, no matter how much his other friends stared at him.

The whole cafeteria seemed to jump as the doors to the cafeteria suddenly banged on the walls loudly.

"Prince Tommy, your highness, you can't just-!" a bodyguard yelled out.

Fundy groaned as Tommy marched up to his table and slammed his hands down, brows furrowed and mouth curled into a frown. "Okay, what the fuck did you do?! I've suddenly got all these bodyguards following me and shit!"

"Why do you always assume it's my fault," Fundy said miserably. "And didn't the bodyguards tell you already?"

"They tried to," Tommy shrugged. "But then I ran away."

"You ran away?"

"Yeah, asshole, what about it?"

"You," Fundy spluttered. He grabbed his cousin by the cuff of his jackets and pulled him downwards so he could whisper in his ear. "You ran away from your bodyguards when there's a fucking security breach at Antarctica?"

"There's a what?!"

"Well maybe you should've known if you had just paid attention!" Fundy snapped back. "And where did you leave your friends, anyways?"

"We're right here," Luke's voice cut through dryly, stepping to Tommy's side, dressed in a suit and with a gun strapped to his belt. Fundy heard sharp intakes from a few people in the room as Wisp, Bitzel and Deo hopped down from the ceiling, all dressed as the bodyguard roles that they were meant to have when they came along with Tommy to the school. "Tubbo's already been sent back; his father got worried."

"And speaking of fathers," Bitzel continued. "We've just got an ETA of 3 minutes for your father's arrival. He'll be here any second now."

"Wait, who's your father?" Eret had somehow gotten the confidence to speak up to ask that question. Fundy winced, and reluctantly answered them.

"Wilbur Soot-Minecraft," he said, sighing at the gasps his answer received. "Yeah, I know."

"But... your last names are different?"

"Vanderzee is my mother's last name. I used it as a disguise."


"Well, this must be so awkward for you, Fundy," Tommy said aloud. Fundy, in response, smacked his cousin's arm, making him screech and probably giving their bodyguards a few heart attacks.

"Stop it! Stop it, dickhead!"

"I don't know, Tommy," Dream piped up, a teasing tone in his voice. "I think you deserve it."

Fundy had to admit, with Tommy here, everything seemed to somewhat relax. Little chatters started up, and his friend group started quietly talking, at least. Fundy answered the questions that he could answer out loud, and promised to answer the rest in their group chat later. However, his temporary peace was cut off by yet another bang of the cafeteria doors, only this time, the silence was more prominent when everyone saw who stepped through.

Fundy grimaced, and tried to sink further down his seat.

Because the person strolling through the doors, dressed in a black vest with brown pants and a blue coat tossed over everything with a sword strapped to his side, looking somehow both like he had just came from a photoshoot, was Wilbur Soot-Minecraft.

His father.

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