[R] r/AmITheAsshole (Tubbo-centric)

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(A/N: couldn't fit some of the prompt in, sorry about that!)

r/AmITheAsshole from u/buzzingit- I (18M) want to ban my best friend's brother (26M) from coming into my home because he nearly killed me and several others. AITA?

Before I say anythin I will be deleting this user soon to avoid my house's laoner from tracking this post down due to secruity reasons, but r/thedreamsmpchronicles thus is the user I will be using :D and aslo i am dyslexic so if I type anything wrung it's because of that, sorry

So first and foermost, I'm the 'T3' in u/treasureplanetfox post and 'Bee' in u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT post I think yuo have probaly seen those posts already. The older brother is T1, aka Pig. Higher up is Ram and the festival where I nearly got killed is the topic of this. Im gonna give a short summary of what happened because I don't want to revel too much details

So basicly I set up a festival, but then a higher up trapped me in a box and ordered Pig to kill me. This was because I was a 'mole' for my best friend (who I will call Disc :D) and his brother and their revilution, because the higher up was very bad. Pig is a very powefrul man but his weakness is mild to severe social pressure. There were like 15 peopel attending the festival, and afte shooting me Pih shot all of them. The reason why he did that is because he had felt mild pressure and just couldnt stand it. He also has a condition where he hears voices in his head that tell him to give blood for the blood god, but its not a mental illness or anything trust me we checked. Its just him so don't say its a mental illness because thats very harmful to actual mental illnesses

Also I'm pretty sure the house loaner wouldve killed him if he didn't go through with it. The house loaner is more powerful because Pig is technically in his area. If Pig didnt comply Im not sure what couldve happened to him.

So I dont want him anywhere near me anymore, but my best friend's father thinks this is an ovverreaction and I should let him into my house for the household dinner. But he reminds me of bery bad times and if I let him in im pretty sure 6 other people will try to kill him and then everyone will attack each other. Disc says that I should just go away for some time and hang out with him again and let father handle everything but im not sure

Am I the Asshole?


Judgement_Bot_AITA [Beep Boop]
Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment.
OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

It was pretty warranted on his behalf because he might've been killed for not complying. Pig is very strong, stronger than the higher up but my house's loaner is even moer powerful and Pig might have gotten hurt by the loaner

Help keep the sub engaging!

u/shiftmebarrry: NTA. I have no idea what kind of shit you and your whole 'dream smp' is
                          going through right now but honestly I'm pretty sure the real villain here is
                          whoever your house loaner is.
                    u/buzzingit: the house loaner can be nice! Sometimes! I think!

u/malokovakween: Please take literally everyone to go see a therapist. Call the police or
                               something because oh my god. I've scrolled through the dream smp
                               subreddit and the collection of posts you all have posted in multiple
                               subreddits are concerning and borderline manipulative by the so-called
                               'House Loaner'? Please seek help if you can.
                    u/buzzingit: the guy is very powerful though! And we cant reveal too much or things
                                       will happen, so its for the best if we dont. But I think I will go see one of
                                       my friends soon they are very therapeutic!

u/treasureplanetfox: psst im changing ur username and location so he cant find out bee
                     u/buzzingit: oh shit did he notice us?? uh oh hacking skills activated
                                         u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT: You should probably go hide for a while big man
                                                              u/buzzingit: yeah I will! please distract him from me thankyou

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