[R] Good and Bad (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: request by EchoMelon (ao3): if your not full with requests, can you write a fluff shot of bad introducing his twin (goodboyhalo) to the others? I was thinking either at nikki's birthday party, or the festival (the start of it at least)
I have no idea what happened at Niki's birthday party (never watched the vod hhh but I'll do my best!)

It was Niki's birthday party. Since most of the others were busy doing their own things, or they were enemies, the only people attending were Quackity, Bad, Karl, and surprisingly Wilbur as well, under promises to stay nice and not drag outside matters into this, of course.

Almost everyone was ready when Niki finished setting everything up... except for one person.

"Does anybody know where is Bad?" Niki looked around, frowning. "Is he okay? Has anyone heard from him before this?"

"Not that I know of," Quackity frowned, not wanting to think of what could possibly hold up the kind-mannered man. "I don't think he'd go to Schlatt, since he hates him, but..."

"Wait, wait! Uh," Karl perked up and shouted out before anyone could jump to anymore wrong conclusions. "He told me he was bringing a guest over. I was supposed to tell you about it yesterday, but I accidentally forgot."

"Oh, no, it's okay," Niki offered the now panicking man a gentle smile. "I wonder who he'll be bringing over, though..."

"He might bring someone from Manburg," Wilbur hissed quietly from beside Niki, only to let out a small yelp as he was jabbed in the shoulder.

"Don't say that!" Niki chided. "Bad wouldn't ruin my birthday party like that; he's too nice to do that."

"Too nice to even let us swear," Quackity rolled his eyes. "I mean, really, the day someone manages to be Abel to swear without Bad telling them 'language' is the day that... I don't know, Wilbur doesn't threaten to blow us all up anymore?"

"Fuck off Quackity," Wilbur snapped. Niki stepped between the two.

"No fighting at my birthday party," she said firmly, before adding, "Please."

Before anyone could say anymore, there was a shout from Karl.

"He's here!" he yelled. "I can spot him on the horizon!"

"I'm sorry I'm late," Bad called out apologetically. "I got caught up!"

He wore his usual attire, which was normal. What was strange, however, was the fact that he was dragging someone along with him, someone with an attire that looked like an inverted version of Bad's own clothes.

"I don't think we've met whoever he's dragging along, have we?" Niki asked out loud.

"I don't think he'd bring someone evil to your birthday party, at least," Karl told Niki.

They heard a loud yell coming from the white hooded man.

"Fucking let me go!" the hooded man swore. Shockingly, Bad didn't even bother to say his classic "Language!", simply rolling his eyes and tugging him along more harshly.

"Holy shit," even Wilbur was stunned. "He's supposed to say the line, isn't he?"

"What the fuck?" Quackity whispered. "Wait, what the fuck? Holy shit, Wilbur-"

"Don't you dare say it, Quackity."

As Bad and the man neared, they were able to see the other's features much better. He looked almost like an exact copy of Bad, except all of the colours were inverted. Hell, even their eyes were different — Bad's eyes were fully white, but the man's eyes were fully black.

"Sorry again!" Bad laughed sheepishly. He raised the hand that wasn't holding onto the man, which held a basket of what was almost definitely muffins.

"It's fine, Bad," Niki began softly. "Who's your guest?"

Before Bad could reply, the other man spoke up.

"I've told you already, I don't want to meet your stupid friends!" the man snarled. Rolling his eyes, Bad punched his arm lightly, before turning to his gobsmacked audience with a bright smile on his face, seemingly unbothered by what had just happened.

"Guys," he gestured to the man beside him with a bright smile. "Meet Good, he's my younger twin brother. Sorry if he's a little prickly, he gets shy around strangers."

Good flipped him off. Bad didn't even blink an eye.

There was a thump; Karl had fainted. No one went to help him up. Good started cackling loudly.

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