r/needadvice (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: you all just really wanted a sequel huh. at this rate I might need to make a separate book for this. also if you're confused as to why they're suddenly an 'apartment building group' instead of a company it's bc tommy's tryna hide how their thing actually is, as with fundy)

r/needadvice from u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT- I think my (17M) older brother (28M) is descending into madness and I'm scared. Interpersonal, Mental Health, Friendships

Okay, so I usually don't do such serious things (I mean, just look at everything I've commented on, and my username) but this is really getting to a point where I really don't feel safe anymore. I can't say much for privacy reasons, but I can tell you the general basis of it.

So, some background information before you decide anything: I stay in a place which has been named 'Dream SMP'. Don't ask why it's named like that, the owner's a dick and a self-righteous bastard. So, recently, a few weeks back, I and a few others earned the 'right' to have our separate group under their group, kind of like a country declaring independence. Recently, a few more people have decided to stay, and my older brother (who I'll be calling Burr) wanted to prove his likability and power, so he decided to hold like an 'election' to see who would get to be the leader of the group.

So, we held an 'election'. And my older brother's old friend, who I'll be calling Ram here, won by forming a coalition with another 'party'. And the first thing Ram did when he won, was to basically kick me and my older brother out of the apartment, since we were the previous co-leaders. So me and Burr had to run away, and we ended up in this underground bunker kind of thing (it's really old, we ha Deo do so much cleaning up). Then we plotted to get the apartment back, since Ram was being a tyrant, and he forced my best friend (who shall be named Bee) to be his 'secretary', and I think he's hurting him.

Anyway, some stuff happened, my other older brother who I will be Pig (who is public enemy no. 1 for the world government, don't ask how or why) came to help us take it back. All while this is happening and we're kind of planning, Burr is kind of spiralling deeper? He gets snappish easier and faster, and he keeps singing the anthem we made for our group back when we first got 'independence'. We're also teaming up with the guy who we fought against in the fight for 'independence'.

And recently, there was a festival hosted by Ram. I'm not going to go into too much detail on that one, because even I can recognise that it was... it was really bad. Burr tried to blow up the apartment but failed because he forgot where the trigger was, Pig shot and nearly killed Bee, as well as like 15 other people who were attending including Ram. I thought I could trust them, but as it turns out the answer was no.

I'm with this in the underground bunker. We have two extra people staying with us, Bee and another one of my friends. Burr forced me and Pig to fist fight and I may or may not have lost and got beaten up, and Burr just kind of stood there. Doing nothing. That's when I kinda realised something was horribly wrong.

Even before this, there were the signs and all. He was more aggressive, more prone to laughing and crying and going through emotions, and he tried to convince me that everyone else were traitors and liars and that Bee (who is my best friend) would drop me if he got the chance to. Burr wasn't like that before; he was actually the best older brother I could've ever had, but now...

There's going to be a final showdown soon. I think Burr's going to blow it all up at that point, and I don't know if when one day he snaps, if he will hurt me or not. Probably will. And usually I'm not the type to get scared easily, but right now I could really use some help.

TL;DR: My brother wants to blow up the place I and several others of my friends are living in because he lost rights to a building and control, and he's been behaving almost maniacal. My family is falling apart at the seams. What should I do?

u/placeHolDeq: do you have any relations to this one guy
u/treasureplanetfox? I feel like you do, your
stories are too similar for it to be a coincidence
u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT: that fucking fox bastard. yes, yes we are related.
u/treasureplanetfox: wait, what the fuck? is this why that thing happened?

u/owox3bbbb: sir I think you need to go see a therapist,
or at the very least distance yourself from
your family because holy shit?? you need
help??? and also maybe grab your friend
and gtfo of there
u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT: i want to, but I also can't just give up on my
family like that so easily. i want to get him the
help he needs
u/kismisfollinluv: yeah, but it's not going to help if you yourself are also
definitely traumatised and scared of the very same man
youre tryin to save. i still think wtv u have going on is
weird af and like a cult, but damn do you need rest

u/notaCIAagent: Others are telling you to leave and all,
                            and while that is also what you should do,
                            you should probably stage an intervention
                            as well? like call in another family member
                            or something? You're making it sound like
                            this isn't the first time shit like this has happened
                    u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT: It is Absolutely Not. My other brother is a
                                                                 wanted man and also torments the gov on
                                                                 a weekly basis. Might contact my dad though.
                                                                 he's the scariest one.

u/dsmpisacult: r/thedreamsmpchronicles
u/THEBIGGESTMANINNIT: that is so pogchamp but I don't think they're
gonna like this very much

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