[R] r/FriendshipAdvice (Ranboo-centric)

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(A/N: teawitch: Request, Ranboo in the Reddit au?
I am here to Deliver. slight au that in here, Ranboo realises that Dream is doing his weird manipulations on him.)

r/FriendshipAdvice from u/endermansmile- I (18M) think my friend (23M) has been manipulating me to use me for something. Help?

Hi. For as long as I can remember, I've had very bad memory problems. I tend to forget things very quickly, and I don't remember my childhood at all. I've taken to keeping a memory book to write down what I can remember. If I ever panic about this, I usually go to my 'panic room' to just have a few panic sessions there. Recently, however, I think my 'friend' has been tampering with my book, as well as making me think that I misplaced something, or did something bad, and more.

I live in a pretty chaotic neighbourhood. The 'friend' I am talking about here — and I'm using the word 'friend' pretty loosely, because I'm pretty sure that he's done a lot of things that I really dislike — is basically the head of the neighbourhood. Like a HOA, if you will (if that's the right term). He's done a bunch of bad things to everyone, and everyone dislikes him for it, but we can't really do anything.

He's offered to teach me and show me around the neighbourhood, and that's why I used to think he was my friend. Recently, though, I think he's been manipulating me. Once, he burned and blew up a very important part of the neighbourhood, and pretended that I was the one who did it, and blamed it on someone else (who is also a pretty good friend of mine). I believed that, too, until I got a few bits of evidence that made me realise otherwise.

More recently, I keep misplacing my memory book more and more. Once, a few days back, I found it completely void of any words I had written in it, and that sent me spiralling into a really bad panic session. And while in that panic session, I heard his voice. He was talking to me and telling me that 'they had found out', as I had written some pretty negative thoughts about my other friends' decisions in there. He also convinced me that I did a bunch of bad things, and that he took the blame for me, which made me feel really bad and uncomfortable, and sent me into a deeper panic and-

Okay nevermind. My point is, I think he's messing with me. I know he's messing with me. The problem is, I don't know how to get him to stop. He's known to be pretty strong and smart, and I think he has quite a few connections. It's why we kind of haven't kicked him out yet. He's also notoriously hard to find and contact unless he wants to talk to you about something. I think all of my neighbours have had at least a few occurrences of being manipulated by him, too, and it hasn't stopped yet.

So what do I do? I used to consider him as a friend, but he's clearly not helping me for the friendship anymore. And I need to find a way to somehow get him to stop without hurting even more people, like the last time someone tried to stand up to him. Thoughts? No trolls, please.

u/joshmackintire: um lmao?? is this part of r/thedreamsmpchronicles??
                             this sounds too fake to be actually a thing
               u/endermansmile: It is very real. And yeah I guess I'm part of the Dream SMP now
                              u/joshmackintire: yooo what I was joking oh shit. oh god man you should gtfo

u/SaboErfr: ditch him. dump him. whatever the term is. literally don't
                   even try to talk to him. he's clearly too far gone. just gtfo
                   and talk to trusted people. also, have you considered going
                   to a doctor for your memory problems??
               u/endermansmile: I think I'll do that. And I've already tried going to multiple
                                             doctors in the past, but none of them could find a solution

u/treasureplanetfox: Psst check ur messages
               u/endermansmile: Ooh good idea, but couldn't you have just called me???

u/amongstyourstruly: have you tried contacting any authorities about
                                   this matter? don't neighbourhoods have like
                                   police or something?? they could help
               u/endermansmile: Good idea, but 1) there aren't any police around, and
                                             2) he is the authority.

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