📎 Soft Times (SBI)

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(A/N: So remember what I said in the explanation chapter? That chapters with the same emoji aren't guaranteed to be in chronological order sometimes? Yeah, uh...... have this chapter.)

"All-Stars Minecraft Championships, coming this month's 25th," Wilbur read aloud. "What are the odds they'll let us group up again?"

We're definitely getting put together, Tommy's voice whispered in their heads, the youngest sleepy after overusing his powers. Phil was gently carding his hand through the youngest's hair, the former laying on his lap. The fans would riot if we weren't.

Wilbur chuckled. "True that, Tommy."

Techno hummed softly, one hand idly twirling a few strands of hair. He was seated next to Phil, bundled up in a blanket. "We could use this," he said. "If we play our cards right, we can get the wider world interested in us. We just need something to go viral."

We could get a tag on trending, Tommy piped up. Just let me do my charmspeak and the viewers will do the rest. I bet our friends could help us as well.

"That's not a solid plan though," Wilbur frowned, plucking out a crystal that had sprung up, tossing it off the sofa. "Besides, we need to make sure people not even in the minecraft youtube fandom know about us and our, well, whatever that we're going to do."

Techno tilted his head to the side, before speaking up. "I think my ponytail can help with that. I mean, it is a spirit."

"What are you suggesting, Techno?" Phil questioned.

"I'm saying," the other drawled. "That it wouldn't be too much to just... give some world leaders a little nudge to check us out. Watch our stream. Listen to Tommy's charmspeak. Maybe shout us out on their official twitter accounts, even."

A pause. And then, Wilbur's face split into a wide grin.

"Oh Techno, that's brilliant," Wilbur said loudly. Phil was smiling, and Techno had a smirk on his face. His ponytail swayed back and forth, in what was clearly excitement.

That's a real good plan, Tommy's voice drifted in, much slower. I'm really sleepy now, though.

"It's okay, Tommy," Phil soothingly patted the youngest's hair. "Just head off to sleep. It's best to leave this discussion for tomorrow, anyways. We all must be tired after today's events. Especially Tommy and Wilbur."

"Worth it," Wilbur yawned.

Techno sighed and leaned on Phil's shoulder, looking already half-asleep. Phil smiled and gently patted the younger.

"Wilbur," Phil called. "Join us."

Wilbur scooted nearer until he was on the opposite side of Phil, being careful not to push Tommy or irritate the burns on his arm. As he closed his eyes, he felt the soft sensation of wings settling around him. Phil had spread his wings out from where they were originally closed.

Sing us a song, Tommy's voice was very quiet, but that didn't mean they couldn't hear him. Philza minecraft.

Phil laughed softly. "Alright, boys," he teased. "But only just this once."

There was a small shuffle from the oldest, before Wilbur heard him clear his throat, and begin singing softly.

"You've got it all,
You lost your mind in the sound,
There's so much more,
You can reclaim your crown..."

Phil sighed, getting drowsy himself. A soft smile spread on his face as he looked at his boys, all asleep and safe.

"You're in control,
Rid of the monsters inside your head.
Put all your faults to bed,
You can be king again."

Birds chirped from outside. The little pitter-patter of the rain was enough to create a peaceful, calm atmosphere. It was nice, and so Phil found himself falling asleep, safe and sound, with his family surrounding him.

What the four didn't know about, was the man fully dressed in a dark grey-blue, standing on a branch as if he weighed nothing more than a feather. He stared at the four sleeping on the sofa, curled with each other, and he let out a small breath.

"I pity them," he whispered, to no one in particular. "If they think what happened was the worst of it."

Without any further ado, he leaped down the tree and walked out. Slowly but surely, he disappeared with the pitter-patter of the rain, leaving no trace of his existence behind, except for one thing.

On the doorstep of the four men, laid a letter. The envelope was made out of thin, paperback paper, and it was bound by a single blue ribbon, and the words "To the Ghost of the Valley".

The man ensured they would know who the letter was from. After all, it was hard to forget an old friend.

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