[R] Young (BBH-centric)

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(A/N: requested part 2 to Kind (BBH-centric). had an idea that didn't get out of my head, so here I am. kind of an au of it, in the sense that in here a few people do actually know about Bad being the Saint, and were with him. very unlikely scenario but I don't care)

Bad was kind, that was true. He was nice, but he also knew to manipulate the strips from the background, just like Dream did. The only difference was that unlike Dream, Bad had morals he kept to, in fear of becoming who he was before.

So when he heard about Tommy's exile and Dream's actions? Forget being angry, he was furious.

"He promised," Bad snapped. "We all promised! Me, Sapnap, George, Ant, Dream— we all promised not to get children involved in petty wars where they did nothing wrong! The L'manburg War was one thing, but this is a whole different situation! He has no right!"

"Bad, calm down," for the first time in a while, Skeppy was the one being calm. "You're not gonna get anything done if you just yell around."

Bad took a deep breath and shuddered. He remembered the old days, back when he would do whatever it took to reach victory and win, no matter if he had to kill or manipulate children to do so. For all that he was called the Saint, he was never truly one.

"We need help," Bad admitted reluctantly. "I'm not sure where Ant stands on, and Sam is still following Dream's words. We need someone from outside."

He and Skeppy shared a look. They both knew just exactly who he was talking about.

"I'll go talk with Dream," Skeppy stood up. "You can call the others and tell them to come over. Dream will listen to me anyways, since I have the other disc."

"Alright," Bad nodded as Skeppy left their house. After only a moment of hesitation, he took out a different communicator, one specifically enchanted and tailored to him and his closest friends, and dialled a number.

"Hey?" a voice came through the communicator. "Who's calling?"

"It's me, Finn," Bad responded. "Are the others with you?"

There was shuffling heard from the other side. "Uh, yeah, we're working on a redstone project. Why? You usually never sound so serious."

"Dream messed up," Bad responded flatly. "He and Tommy had this disc war going on, and I was going to just standby and let it happen for the Badlands' benefit, but then Dream had the audacity to exile Tommy and blame the carnage on me and Skeppy's home on him. I know manipulative behaviour when I see it, and I want Dream to stop."

"Wait, so he just did that to Tommy?" Disbelief was clearly heard in Finn's voice. "I mean, the kid may be annoying at times, but he doesn't deserve to have that happen to him!"

"Exactly, which is why me and Skeppy are gonna need you and the others' help to take him down. Not really for Tommy, but for the fact that Dream violated our pact." Bad ended his sentence with a snarl.

"Right, okay," there was a brief pause where Bad assumed Finn must've been filling in the others on what was happening. Finally, Finn's voice came back on. "Could you start a portal or a runic teleportation? We'll be there in a bit after we get dressed in some more badass clothes."

"I know," Bad said as he took out a tiny activator from his pocket, and casually tossed it onto the floor in front of him. It grew into a circular portal, and black and red particles started floating out of it. He stood and waited. Any moment now...

As he thought that, multiple pings sounded out in the server communicator and Bad sported a grin as he read through it.

F1NN5TER joined the game
JustVurb joined the game
Spifey joined the game
Zelkam joined the game
MegaPVP joined the game

In front of him, the portal particles died out as the last of group of five stepped through. Zelk, Spifey, Finn, Mega and Vurb all stood in front, dressed in the clothes they wore in the Mjol-Aers War. They were holding their respective weapons as well.

Skeppy burst through the doors, and his eyes shined with glee the moment he saw who had arrived in person. Bad couldn't see him at first, but he did see him when Skeppy went to stand next to the others, also dressed in the clothes he had worn back in the War, a thin silver blade held in his right hand.

Bad stood up, his clothes shifting to match theirs. A grin slowly appeared on his face. "Glad to have you back. Are you all ready?"

"Ready," Spifey reaponded for them, swinging his sceptre back and forth, sporting a grin that matched the others'. "For your orders, commander."

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