Imposters (Phil & Sparklez)

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(A/N: colour code & characters: Dark Green (Phil), Dark Blue (Sparklez), Pink (5up), Yellow (Tubbo), White (Wilbur), Red (Tommy), Black (Techno), Cyan (Crumb), Orange (Fundy), Purple (Niki)
and for the record yes this is an among us au)

"Hey, Sparklez!" Phil's word made Sparklez stop his conversation with Tubbo, turning around with annoyance.

Still, he mustered up some semblance of politeness as a pretence. "Hey. Did you need something?"

"Hello, Philza Minecraft!" Tubbo did not share the same annoyance as him, smiling brightly at the dark green suited man, who chuckled and ruffled his hair fondly.

"Hello to you too Tubbo," Phil said gently, before turning to Sparklez. "Hope you don't mind, but I have to steal you away for a moment."

"For what?" Tubbo frowned, tilting his head.

"It's adult talk, Tubbo," Phil laughed. "You can't hear it."

"Wha- I am an adult!"

"No you're not, Tubbo," Wilbur suddenly came over, a glint in his eye that meant he was about to start teasing someone. "You're a child."

"No I'm not!"

As the two argues, Phil grabbed Sparklez's arm and started dragging him out of the cafeteria. Sparklez made a note on who saw them go out.

'Black, Red and Crumb are oblivious, White and Tubbo are arguing, 5up probably noted it down, Orange and Niki are a maybe...'

The doors to the cafeteria shut as Phil finally stopped, leaving them in an empty hallway.

"Cut to the chase, Phil," Sparklez growled out. "What do you want?"

Phil stayed silent, scrutinising him. After a few moments, he spoke.

"So you've become a Deserter, huh?" Phil narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "And you can't lie your way out of this one; I've seen how you act around Pink, Yellow, Cyan and Purple."

"You're one to talk," Sparklez snapped. "I've seen how you act around White, Red, Black and Orange too."

"They have names."

"And so do the others."

They stared at each other for nearly a whole minute, before Phil sighed and relaxed his stance. He barked out a laugh.

"Guess the Nest isn't going to be hearing back from us tomorrow," Phil grinned. In turn, Sparklez relaxed.

"How much do you want to bet that we can fool them for at least one more week?" he suggested. Phil shook his head.

"Not possible. The longest a ship's ever lasted was a month, and it's already been a week here. Not to mention we're two of the best, so anything more than 4 more days would make them suspicious."

"Damnit," Sparklez knew that already, but to know it and hear it out loud were two different things. "Well, what do you suggest we do now? You know how our kind gets when we don't have normal sustenance for a while."

"First, we have to find a way to get out of this part of the solar system as soon as possible," Phil said. "We don't want the Nest to track us down so easily, and we most definitely don't want the humans' Foundation to find out about us."

"We can't go after the Nest directly either," Sparklez frowned. "That would bring danger directly at our front steps, and we can't risk that kind of thing happening."

"So the only plan we have right now is to get this ship out of here without making the other dump us off, somehow avoid both the Nest and the Foundation, without letting them know we are the imposters, and somehow last at least 3 days without sustenance."

Sparklez stared at Phil in horror upon hearing the end of that sentence. "Wh- Philza! What kind of suggestion was that last part?!"

"It'll be bad for us, true," Phil responded calmly. "But anything to protect them, am I right?"

Sparklez stayed silent. It was true. They both knew that, under these circumstances, they would go for the options that would protect the crewmates they cared for the best. He sighed.

"Alright, fine, we'll go with your idea for now," Sparklez turned away to face the cafeteria door. "I'll do the excuse for why we need to redirect the ship, you make sure they are convinced."

He typed in the key for the doors, and let them slide open.

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