[R] Blooper Reel (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: Yuna_Keller: i really like an actors au where the characters are on the Dream SMP but it's a TV show? Sponsored by Minecraft of course. I would like the oneshot to be a bloopers reel.
oh man the dsmp actors au is one of my favourite aus tbh. your wish is my command, i may not know how to write bloopers reel but I do know how to write humour so here)

Take #1, "Welcome Home, Theseus"

"Press that button, Tommy," Technoblade gestured to the stone button on the side of the button. Hesitantly, Tommy reached out, and pressed it, before walking back.

There was a beat. Then another beat. Then another.

"Uh, what's supposed to be happening again?" Tommy turned to Techno with a frown, but the man looked as confused as he was.

"Sorry, there's some maintenance problems with the rig!" one of the tech workers called, chuckling sheepishly at the groans the news got from Techno, Tommy and Dream, the latter of which who was directing for that particular scene.

Take #5, "Welcome Home, Theseus"

"Press that button, Tommy," Technoblade gestured to the stone button on the side of the button. Hesitantly, Tommy reached out, and pressed it, before walking back.

Slowly, the stone fell, and Tommy let out a loud screech as it revealed a room, filled wall-to-wall with Wither skulls. Technoblade had a wild grin on his face as he stalked to the opening of the room... and tripped on his own cloak.

Tommy's screeches turned into hysterical laughter as Techno didn't even bother to get up, too busy wallowing in his misery. Wilbur came out from the side and started stacking cups on the immobile man.

"Cut, cut," Dream wheezed. "Someone help with Techno's cloak, he kind of needs it at this point."

Techno shot up the middle finger, and Tommy only laughed harder.

Take #45, "Wilbur Soot's First Step Down"

Wilbur gestured wildly, taking a step closer to Tommy. "Me and you, we both agree we're right, yeah?"

"I- yeah?" Tommy took a step back, hesitancy and a slight tinge of fear on his face. "Where are you going with this, Wilbur?"

"We're in the right here, aren't we?" Wilbur had a mad, wild grin on his face. "Then let's be the bad guys."

Immediately after his words, festive music started playing. Both Wilbur and Tommy started laughing and wheezing as Techno, who was the director for the scene, buried his face into his notepad.

"Ay, ay, ay!" Quackity, the instigator, didn't even try to stop the music as he started dancing surprisingly well. A few other cast members cheered him on.

Take #1, "Ranboo's Introduction"

"So then I just hacked my way in, and now I'm here!" Ranboo told Niki jokingly, who laughed as they strolled through the Holy Land. "I'm the first person to hack onto the server and get in!"

"Yes, you are," Niki said brightly. "Good job, Ranboo!"

"Yeah, I finally did a good job for once in my life!"

Watching from the director's chair, Dream turned to Wilbur. "So when are we going to tell him that we're recording, and that he's now part of the cast members?"

Wilbur made a noncommittal noise as he munched on his popcorn, careful not to mess up his face paint in fear of the makeup team hounding his heels. "Dunno. We'll just let it roll and see how it plays out."

Take #14, "The Crimson Egg Grows" (*SCENE SCRIPT DISCARDED)

"Look!" Bad crooned over the egg as Sam stared in horror. "Isn't she so pretty?"

"She's growing so well, too," Antfrost added, marvelling at it. "Don't you like her, Sam?"

"Wh- where did it come from?" Sam whispered in shock.

"Don't call 'her' an 'it'!" Bad gasped. "She's just a fragile baby! Don't make her cry!"

"So it's yours and Skeppy's baby?" Sam said teasingly, breaking from his role. Almost immediately, Bad's face turned very, very red, and despite the black face paint, everyone could see how red his cheeks were.

"Wh- no it's not!" Bad flapped his hands around, flustered. "Stop fucking spreading rumours! It's not like that! Sam! Don't say stupid shit like that!"

Ant and Sam started laughing as Bad continued to act flustered and embarrassed.

"Skephalo baby when?" George laughed from the director's chair. Bad turned to start yelling at him too.

Further away, Sapnap turned to stare at Skeppy, who was eating a hamburger. "So when are you two getting together?"

Skeppy turned to face Sapnap with a frown. "What are you talking about? We're engaged."

A pause. "I'm sorry, you are what?!"


Take #55, "Pre-Exile, Tommy and Dream Confront"

"Go on, burn it!" Dream snapped at Tommy, who reeled back in surprise. Around him, Tubbo, Fundy, and Quackity all looked at each other nervously. "Burn Spirit! I don't give a- a f- oh my god I can't do it!"

Dream buried his face in his hands and groaned. "Do I really have to swear? My mom is so gonna get my butt for this! I can't swear!"

"Aww, Dream is such a momma's boy!" Tommy mocked, only to yelp as he got smacked by Tubbo.

"Tommy, you literally had your mother come to call you to put the dishes in the dishwasher," he sighed exasperatedly but fondly.

"We swore not to talk about that incident, fuck you."

Meanwhile, Dream was sulking. "I don't want to swear..."

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