Nationwide (Dream SMP + Phil)

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(A/N: I know almost to nothing about Hetalia I'm just using the idea of Personified Nations please don't attack me-. also, I'm not tryna change anyone's race or insinuate anything of anyone, I just can't put everyone to be either Britain or America, so I had to improvise. If this truly comes off as offending, I apologise sincerely and I'll take this down and replace it with another one.)

It begins with a promise. It (might) will end with one, too.

But to get to the ending, we first have to start from the beginning.

It begins with a promise between two gods. No, not the gods you all know about now, not the ones you praise for the game, not the pig-masked king and the green-cloaked speedrunner. No, it begins with a promise between a brown haired man, and a red haired woman. It begins with a promise between Steve and Alex, with the two gods that started everything you see now. It begins with a promise between them, to never interfere with mortal doings, unless it truly is dire.

(They do not want a repeat of what has happened before.)

Like some legends and myths, they fade with time. Humanity evolves after their destruction. They change. They adapt. They conquer. They create lands, and give them names. They create nations.

After the nations, comes the Nations. Humanised, personified, real Nations, representations of the lands that humans have conquered, have given names to. Nations are the nation itself, and they do have power, but for the most part, they don't represent certain people, just the general idea of it.

No one truly knows who rises up first, who had risen up first, but they all know that the oldest of them are Canada and America.

Canada has brown hair and green eyes. America has black hair and brown eyes. If you watch them interact with each other at, say, a random street or inside a random store, you would never be able to imagine that these two would get as close as they are, what with their differing personalities and opinions. They are the oldest, and the wisest, for what they've experienced and seen.

Soon after them are Italy, Russia and France. Blond hair and blue eyes, brown hair and brown eyes, dark brown hair and darker brown eyes. They are arguably the most fearsome of the Nations. Conquerors and leaders at heart, creative and bloodthirsty, and yet they seek peace and quiet. The sleepy boys, they were called, for how tired they always looked.

Soon following the three Nations are Australia, Britain, Greece, and Egypt. Blond hair and green eyes, brown hair and blue eyes, light brown hair and brown eyes, brown-blond hair and blue eyes. A gradient, one might call them, if you just rearrange them slightly. The dream team, they jokingly call themselves, for their teamwork and their friendship, despite their nations' differences.

After them come a group of three. Switzerland, Germany and Netherlands. Dark brown hair and brown eyes, blonde hair and blue eyes, orange-brown hair and brown eyes. They are the kindest Nations, always willing to lend a helping hand, but also the most overlooked. And as everybody knows, the overlooked are sometimes the most dangerous, and that is true here.

Soon follows another duo. Africa and Greenland. Brown hair and brown eyes, blond hair and blue eyes. They can't look more different even if they tried, and yet they are friends. Although they prefer to stay in the background as fights start occurring, if you dare to underestimate them, then this advice should be necessary: don't.

After those two comes Mexico and India. Both with brown hair and brown eyes, and yet unlike from description alone, one look at them and you would know that they aren't related. One word from their mouths and you'll be left wondering how in the world two vastly different individuals could stick together like they do.

After them are what they all call the 'Inbetweens'. It's not meant to be demeaning; most of the Inbetweens have already adopted it as their official group name. Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Spain, Hungary, New Zealand, and China. They aren't usually involved in the petty conflicts the others usually start, but they're useful and amazing in their own rights.

And lastly, the youngest. North and South Korea. Two halves of a whole. Blond hair and blue eyes, brown hair and blue eyes. They are best friends from birth (creation), and they've stuck together like glue for most of their survival and continued life. They may be the youngest, but their ferality is rivalled only by each other.

So far, they only have themselves, and each other, to turn to, when things get rough. After all, no new Nations have been found yet. So they start mingling with humanity. Groups are formed, friendships made, but they all know deep down that the only people they have are each other.

(They knew that from the start, but it's still jarring to hear.)

As times change, so do the Nations. Social media becomes a thing, and they adapt with it, even going so far as to becoming YouTubers and streamers, entertaining their audiences and slowly, but surely, but convincingly, all 'meeting' each other for the first time, until their dynamics are set back in place, until they can tease each other without worrying about questions of how they got so chummy with one another.

(They do not remember Steve and Alex, even despite them being known for the two preset skins in the block game of Minecraft, but that's okay. They aren't expected to remember anyway. Not yet.)

Their retirement days are still far away, and even if they'll have to disappear and migrate again soon enough, for now, they can smile, entertain, and do what they do best.

Have fun.

(ending A/N: list of people, by order of introduction (countries):
- BadBoyHalo
- Skeppy
- Phil
- Techno
- Wilbur
- Dream
- George
- Sapnap
- Antfrost
- Eret
- Niki
- Fundy
- Quackity
- Jschlatt
- Alyssa
- Callahan
- HBomb
- Purpled
- Karl
- Jack Manifold
- Ninja
- Tommy
- Tubbo
ok sorry for dragging this on k thx bye)

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