[R] Understanding (Schlatt & Fundy)

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(A/N: Peanuthefool: how about Fundy finding out schlatt is female to male as well
quick disclaimer: I am cis, so if anything said in here is misinformation or offensive, please let me know! also, this is about their smp characters, not irl, though it happens in an irl high school setting. alright, have this. left is schlatt, right is fundy)

You are calling Bastard Goat...
Your call is unavailable to go through, and has been sent to Bastard Goat's voicemail. Please leave a message after this beep.


"Schlatt? This is Fundy. I heard about what happened at school today. Are you okay? Please, I- okay, wait. I know you probably don't want to talk to anyone about what just happened, but if it like, comforts you or anything, you're not alone. I- I'm trans too. Female to male, just like you. So uh, if you ever need to have a chat or whatever, just... just call me, yeah? I'm worried for you, and I need you to know that you're not alone. And uh, yeah. I guess that's it. Stay safe, and don't worry about Jade. She won't be at school for much longer, not if your friends have anything to say about it. We are for you, alright? Just... call or text me back whenever you can."

Contact: Bastard Goat

heard your voicemail
did you
are you saying the truth?

you can ask
wilbur was there for my transition
Eret helped me pick out new clothes

you don't sound like you're lying

that's because I'm not
please, Schlatt
I just want to help
I can take a pic of my upper shit if you want full confirmation

no need
i'm already convinced
fucking hell
i feel like shit
fucking jade just HAD to be a bitch
had to just fucking
god i hate her guts

you and me both
nearly got outed to her, but Wilbur punched her before she could do anything

wish i could've seen that
would make me feel better to see that fucking face being punched
is it wrong for me to want her to just leave

trust me, if her father wasn't important she would've been gone a long time ago
but are you alright though?
okay stupid question nevermind
can I help in anywa y?

how did you deal with it
the dysphoria shit
the fucking thing that keeps making me want to cry and shit

usually I just sit on the couch
wearing a binder or a really baggy shirt if Ive worn the binder for too long
with a shit ton of ice cream and snacks in general
sometimes I call Wilbur and hell join me on the couch
and then I watch Netflix and shovel ice cream tino my mouth like there's no tmr

godamnit now i want to do that
the binder that jade fucking ruined was the only one i had
all the comfortable ones are expensive as fuck
and it's not like i can order one with my parents right there
speaking of my parents
they stilll dont know and i dont want them to
theyll be accepting sure but i don't fuckig need their pity

okay first of all it's not pity
your parents care about you and so do I and all our friends
second of all I can give you the names of the shops I go to
they sell the binders for pretty cheap and if you want I can keep them first
then you can come over and pick it up and hide it under a sweater you left at my house
or something like that
third of all do you want to come to my house?
I have ice cream and a premium Netflix subscription

why are you feeding into capitalism
but yeah i guess
youre offering so dont you dare say im taking advantage tho

I would never do that
I'll prepare the ice cream and shit you can come over

yeah yeah ik furry
im coming over after i let my parents know
and get dressed

I'll be waiting



dont say this shit often
but thanks

don't thank me
I'm just helping a friend out

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