[R] That One Bird-Related Idiom (Quackity, Fundy & Schlatt)

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(A/N: ThisIsVoided (on ao3): Hey, I was wondering if you'd consider writing something Quackity-centric? Maybe where quackity is accidentally discovered to be a hybrid or smth.
I'm sorry I couldn't do any more, I'm not really good at describing and getting to the main plot in the same chapter aha- if you're not satisfied with this I can write a follow-up if you'd like?)

Hybrids weren't a new thing. True, they did stand out from the crowd, and they behaved differently than humans, but for the most part, the two just co-existed.

And that was true even in the Dream SMP. People like Fundy, Schlatt, Technoblade and Antfrost were treated no differently than the others, who were humans. They weren't looked down on or thought of as anything less, because why would they be?

Quackity knew everyone thought he was a human. After all, he had no visible hybrid traits, and no visible behaviours of a hybrid.

But in reality, he wasn't just a hybrid of one animal. No, he had to be a duck and a parrot hybrid, and he was in hiding.

Sometimes he wondered why he never showed himself properly. But he looked at the other hybrids freely showing their traits, he understood why. He was a coward.

He has lost his family to anti-hybrid activists. Back then, the so-called 'activists' had ran more rampant, and they had burned down his house and griefed his server, leaving him separated from his family, a freak of nature all alone against the big, scary world.

He learned, though. He learned to hide his animal traits, both his parrot wings and his duck tail, learned to push down the urge that told him to make a nest, to make a safe place, learned to pretend to be as human as over half the population. He learned to show no signs of him being anything other than purely, undeniably human.

But now all of that was ruined. All because Schlatt came up behind him and shouted 'Boo!' and Quackity, tired, sleep-deprived, and easy to scare, accidentally brought out his animal ears and tail, his wings flaring outwards to slap Schlatt in the face with yellow, blue and black feathers.

Immediately after, Quackity quickly his everything again and dashed to the nearest window, only to get pinned down by someone, who he pushed off and ran to a corner to hide, as ineffective as it would be.

Which was how he found himself curled up in a corner, face buried between his knees, quickly spiralling into a panic attack. Everything was too loud, people were talking over each other, and he just wanted everything to end and stop-

Hands were suddenly on his shoulders, and he flung his arms out to push whoever it's as away, eyes still squeezed shut and waiting for the inevitable announcement of his banishment from Manburg. The hands retracted, and one landed on his knee.

"Quackity?" That was Fundy's voice, wasn't it? "Quackity, can you hear me? We're not going to hurt you or anything, just- can you hear me?"

"Yeah," Quackity responded, voice shaky and quieter than normal. "I can... I can hear you."

"Good. Uh, okay, we're not going to hurt you, alright? Calm down, it's okay-" Fundy said softly, but was cut off by him.

"Just banish me already," he snapped tearfully, startling the other two. "Just stop pretending already, okay? I know I'm a freak. You don't have to pretend to like me anymore! I'll go by myself, you don't have to go through the whole banishment process or anything, just say the word and I'll-"

"Whoa, whoa, who said I'm going to banish you?" Schlatt walked until he was kneeling at Quackity's eye level. "Who said that?"

"Well, why wouldn't you?" Quackity snorted, wiping his tears away. "I'm a fucking hybrid of two animals. That's not normal."

"Who am I, Quackity?"

Quackity blinked at that sudden question. "You're- you're the president, Schlatt."

"Yeah, I'm the president," Schlatt said. "And as the president, I can make sure nobody even dares to insult you or demean you, under threat of execution or banishment."

"You'd do that?" Quackity asked, shocked. "For me?"

"Of course he would," Fundy responded in Schlatt's place gently. "You're our friend; hybrid or not."

"Besides, what difference does being two different animals make?" Schlatt shrugged. "A hybrid's still a hybrid."

With those words, Quackity flung his arms around Schlatt, tears brimming his eyes. Fundy came up and hugged him from behind, soft fox ears brushing against the back of his head.

"It's okay," Schlatt patted his arm awkwardly, but his words were nothing but genuine. "Hey, Quackity, it's alright. You can explain later. You can tell us everything later."

And in his friends' embraces, Quackity sobbed.

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