[R] Palace Gardens (Dream & Tubbo)

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(A/N: BlueJayz (ao3): I was wondering if you could a fluffy one with Dream and Tubbo as brothers. They could meet up in like a secret garden or cottage and just relax together in each other's company
god I wish I could do better but honestly all my mind has been focused on is my other fic so have this-)

Dream jumped over the fence, snickering at the little yelp Tubbo let out as he landed next to the boy, careful not to accidentally fall and break the guitar that was strapped onto his back.

It had been a while since he visited, but after a few deals and trades, he was able to get a day off to sneak into the palace gardens and meet up with one of the few people who he didn't hate, or who wasn't out to get his head.

"Hey there," he grinned.

Tubbo lit up. "Dream!" he cried out happily. "You're back!"

"Yeah, sorry for not appearing for a while," Dream apologised, strapping his guitar off his back to hold it in his hands as he plopped down next to Tubbo. "But I'm back! And I have new songs!"

"I love hearing them!" Tubbo said brightly. "Come on, sit down, I'll make you a flower crown! Hey, that rhymed!"

Dream laughed. It was always nice to meet with Tubbo. The younger never asked for anything more from him, nor did he attempt to break his privacy or kill him. He was like a little star: bright and kind of cute. In a platonic way, of course — Dream would rather die before sea Tubbo in such a way.

"Alright, first new song starts now!" Dream said before strumming the guitar and making up lyrics as he went along. He rarely got to do it, or show anyone that he could do it, but Tubbo was a different matter entirely.

"What's your job, anyways?" Tubbo asked him as he started making a flower crown. Dream stopped singing for a while.

Like all the other times Tubbo had asked him that question, Dream winked at him before continuing his song. He wasn't about to tell the prince what he was doing, considering it could get him jailed up.

When Tubbo finished the flower crown, Dream let him put it on his head when he was done with his last song.

"There!" Tubbo announced cheerfully. "Now we match!"

"Now we match!" Dream repeated his words with a soft smile on his face. "How was your day, anyway?"

Tubbo grinned as he scooted closer to Dream before rambling on about his day. Dream listened as he complained about the unfair treatment of the servants by his uncle, who was the king regent until Tubbo was old enough to claim the throne. He nodded sympathetically and offered his own advice at times, but for the most part, he just let the younger talk his frustrations out, since he looked like he needed it.

At some point, Tubbo had fallen asleep leaning on him. Dream stared at the boy he considered his little brother, sleeping so soundly, his face peaceful as if free from all the stress and expectations that came with being a prince. He carefully put away his guitar to shift Tubbo so that the younger could sleep in a better position.

Soon, Dream would have to leave. Soon, someone would come looking for their prince, and if he stayed for too long, they'd catch him and lock him up for being a thief. Soon, they would have to split again.

But for now, Dream would lay next to Tubbo, and let his little brother sleep.

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