Meet-Up (Muffinteers)

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(Quick A/N: Since some ccs have said that they dislike having their irl names used, and it would be weird if only some of them had irl names while others didn't, I just decided to omit them entirely. With the exception of things like a waiter asking for names for a reservation etc, no irl names in here.)

Bad hummed a tune as he walked towards where he and his friends had planned to meet up. The Sun was high in the sky, but the weather was slightly colder than what he was used to.

After discussing it thoroughly, they decided to meet up in real life, at a park in Britain. Bad himself had to travel for almost 11 hours, including the taxi and the plane, but it would be worth it in the end.

He was wearing a black hoodie with a red trim, and some black pants and grey shoes. He purposefully dressed up similar to his minecraft skin, so that his friends would recognise him easier.

Bad looked around the area, frowning when he didn't recognise anyone. The park had barely any people, since according to George, it was one of the less popular parks.

He was just about to call him again to ask him for the address when there was a loud, "BOO!" from behind him.

Yelping, Bad spun around to glare at George, who was dressed in a blue shirt and dark blue pants. He also had a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses perched on his head. George laughed.

"Oh man, you should've seen your face!" he cackled. Bad huffed.

"That's not funny, you bad muffin," he scolded even as George laughed louder. Bad sighed and smiled. "But it's nice to finally meet you in real life, George."

"You too, Bad," George grinned, before grabbing his arm and dragging him off. "Come on, Dream and Sapnap are already here! You're the last one!"

They walk towards the edge of the forest, where Dream and Sapnap are waiting. Bad can clearly tell which one's which, because they decided to look like their minecraft characters too.

Sapnap was wearing a white neckerchief, a white shirt and black pants, along with black converses. Dream, on the other hand, was wearing a lime green hoodie with the hood thrown over his head, dark green jeans, and white shoes. He also wore black sunglasses and a white face mask with a smiley face on it.

"Hey, Bad!" Sapnap grinned at him, waving a hand. "Took you long enough."

"You can't blame him, he had to travel further than I did," Dream spoke up, voice slightly muffled by his mask, but still audible. "It's nice to meet you, Bad."

"Are you really gonna hide your face for the whole time?" Bad asked curiously.

Dream chuckled. "Well, you guys can see my face when the fans can as well."

"That's what I asked too, but you didn't give me an answer!" George complained jokingly, throwing his hands up in the air. "So why does Bad get the answer?!"

"You shouldn't have been mean, Dream," Bad said as Dream started letting out his signature wheeze. "You muffinhead."

Dream wheezed louder.

After a few minutes of them just talking, George glanced at his watch and gasped. "Oh damn, we have to go!" he said, already quickly walking off. "C'mon, we have to go."

"To where?" Sapnap asked for the three of them.

"There's a carnival in town, and it lined up directly with when we were gonna meet up," George explained, a grin on his face. "So I decided to get us tickets! We can go to the carnival."

"Oh, hell yes!" Sapnap cheered. "I haven't been to one since two years ago."

"I haven't been to one at all," Dream admitted, making the other three look at him in surprise. "What? Is it that weird?"

"I mean, kind of?" Bad shrugged. "I went to a carnival twice in my life. It was fun."

"Man, you missed out," George swung an arm over Dream's shoulders. "Come on, guys! Let's show Dream the Carnival Experience!"

Laughing, the other two agreed.

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