Hogwarts Sounds Like Pigfarts (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: I thought of this idea during dinner and ever since it has not left my mind. concept: dsmp characters (who aren't fighting and all because they got therapy) get isekai'd into harry potter world. some of them are canon characters, others are not. all of them are kinda op and they kinda frick shit up. no shipping, all platonic, please just let me spill my ideas here.
this reminds me so much of my Local Roleplayers and it makes me sad bc I can't bring myself to update it aaaa)

First Year
"Malfoy, Draco!"

"Hey, look, Tubbo's going up," Wilbur whispered to Schlatt, who peeked up from the newspaper he was reading, a small smile coming to his face as they watched him ascend the stairs, and have the Hat put on his head. "Ten bucks says he's going to Hufflepuff."

"You're an idiot; he's Slytherin."

The other students were staring at them in incredulity, but both of them ignored it. Wilbur was used to these stares as the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and Schlatt already had a lot of people staring at him for being one of the first 'Muggleborn' to be put into Slytherin.

"I still can't believe Aeilus Black and Stephen March have the audacity-" one of their housemates muttered, but the others shushed them pretty quickly.

When Tubbo was eventually sorted into Slytherin, Wilbur groaned and passed Schlatt his money as the latter gleefully high-fived Tubbo.

After that, it came to Tommy's turn.

"Potter, Harry!"

Once again, there were multiple snickers heard throughout the room amidst the silence. When everyone else has discovered who exactly Tommy had been reborn into, they all burst into laughter; but not before Phil quickly took Tommy away from the Dursleys to raise him in the mansion of Gryffindor, who Phil was the last descendant of.

"Hufflepuff!" the hat cried out, and though Tubbo looked a little disappointed that his best friend hadn't joined him, but still clapped loudly as the Hufflepuff table whooped in cheers. Tommy took a seat next to Niki and Ranboo, and immediately started talking to them.

"Let the plot begin," Wilbur muttered, as Dumbledore gave his speech, and Schlatt had to hold back a chuckle.

Second Year
"So Lockhart has been missing since this morning," Dream started casually, as he entered the Ravenclaw dormitory. "Any idea of who the culprit of his absence could've been, Lord Ravenclaw?"

"Mmh, no clue," Techno shrugged, idly flicking another page in his book. "Nothing at all."

"Good riddance, I'd say," Fundy snorted, and a few of their housemates threw scandalised looks at him, looks which he ignored. "He was honestly a piece of shit."

"I think quite a lot of people would agree with you there," Dream smirked. "Anyhow, someone from the Ministry needs to discuss something with you, Achilles."

"Oh, goddamnit," Techno groaned, but got up anyways.

Third Year
"Are you really going to sue the Ministry, Hermes?" Eret sighed as they sat down next to Quackity, who practically had steam coming out of his ears. "You know how supremacist they are. And you can't pretend to be pureblood either; Granger certainly isn't a pureblood name."

"Oh, I definitely fucking am," Quackity snarled. "They didn't even let him get a trial! What kind of law and order is this?!"

"A corrupt one," Eret replied bluntly, opening up the Daily Prophet as they sipped some coffee. "You're going to rope our pureblood friends into this, aren't you?"

"They've already agreed, anyways," he rolled his eyes. "So why not abuse their powers a little?"

A prefect tried to come up to them to ask Eret to head back to the Slytherin table, but glares from all over the room made him shrink back.

Fourth Year
"With all due respect, Lord Gryffindor," Dumbledore tried to speak, but winced as a palm slammed onto his table.

"Oh yes, do go on, Headmaster," Phil smiled coldly. The air around them started to freeze. "Give me one good, acceptable, and believable reason as to why you have to allow Mr. Potter to enter the tournament."

"His name has been pulled out-"

"After Cedric Diggory's."

"If I may speak my piece, Headmaster?" Bad spoke up from a corner of the room, where both he and Tommy had been invited to partake in the honestly one-sided discussion. "I don't feel like it'd be right to have someone as young as T- uh, as young as Harry to participate. What would the newspapers say?"

"And don't forget that I could very well remove you from your position," Phil was very scary at the moment.

Dumbledore took one look at his face, and took out a document. "I'll remove Mr. Potter from the competition."

Fifth Year
Sapnap didn't bother to play along with Froggie's plays. He simply grabbed his chair, knocked Froggie out, before ditching out as fast as possible, Blood Quill clutched in his hand.

He burst into the Gryffindor common room. "George, you have no idea what Umbitch tried to do to me."

"I don't want to know," George deadpanned.

"Did you know Blood Quills have suddenly become legal? I didn't know that," Sapnap deliberately said that sentence loudly, for people to pay attention. "I mean, she tried to get me to write with this, but y'know, my magic's been rough accidentally, so I knocked her out. Yeesh, I hope the teachers don't blame me for this one."

The next day, Umbridge was tied to a stake as flames burned below her. She did get down eventually, but as then taken to Azkaban afterwards.

Sixth Year
"Hey, where's Dream?" Karl frowned as he looked around. "Wasn't he supposed to be here with us?"

"The bitch went out with some others to go 'Horcrux hunting'," Tommy huffed, lounging on a pool noodle. "Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean."

"Me and Tommy and Ranboo wanted to join too," Tubbo sighed disappointedly. "But they wouldn't allow us to join."

"Hey, think about it this way," Puffy, who had appeared out of nowhere, wearing a blue and silver scarf, already working on helping Niki with feeding the Giant Squid. "At least you won't have to do the boring stuff."

Seventh Year
"Po-" Voldemort began, but a few spells to his chest was enough to not only make him shut up, but fall to the floor, almost dead.

The whole battleground stared at Connor, who stared back blankly. "What?" he shrugged. "I was getting bored."

Jack sighed as he trudged forwards, blood mysteriously splattered on his face. "Alright, who wants to take care of the snake? Potter, you should probably get here to give him a kick; maybe he'll die, and the prophecy will be fulfilled or whatever."

"Actually, they aren't here right now," Sam spoke up quietly. "They've gone to South Britain for something to do with scamanders and newts? I'm not quite sure myself."

Multiple groans resonated from the battlefield. "I can't believe they left us to clean up their mess again!" someone complained.

Jack shrugged, already taking out a revolver. "Whatever. Let's get some target practice in, shall we?"

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