Incorporeal Voices (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: slightly different writing in the sense that this is a part of a bigger oneshot au that I'll be posting on my ao3. the reason why is because I'm currently at one of my relative's house and I'm staying here until nighttime and I can't really go anywhere for privacy and I'm writing this in the living room so aha)

The hoe sinks into the ground, wheat seeds soon being planted in the hole that the hoe has left. The dirt slowly wets from the water running beside it.

Tommy sighs, wiping sweat off his forehead as he finishes up the last of the seed planting. He's been meaning to start a bigger farm now, especially since there's an extra mouth around the house for him to feed. For a bird, Clementine can be surprisingly gluttonous. That, and Day and Night have been eating more lately. They're probably going through cat puberty or something; despite having two cats, Tommy doesn't really know much about their finer habits.

As he relishes in the feeling of victory that completing his task for the day gives him, the voices come back again. His good mood fades pretty quickly after that.



"you should check up on tubbo!!! guys come on spam this so that he hears this"





"Do you guys ever shut up," Tommy groans as he heads back. The voices appear and disappear randomly. For the most part, when they appear, he can usually tune them out by focusing on his writing, or whatever task he's doing at the moment. But after just finishing a task, it's hard to not pay attention to anything else but the voices. "You guys are annoying."

His words only seem to make the voices grow louder. Tommy half-regrets not asking Techno how to tune them out, but then he remembers that he would never ask Technoblade for help, and shoves that thought down before the voices can pick up on it and spam him and his thoughts with "Technoblade" or "Techno" or even "Blood for the blood god".



"check up on tubbo!! check up on tubbo!!"


"Are you gonna do something interesting already???"



"Look, if you want to see something interesting, you're better off just moving on and watching over someone else," Tommy has no idea if they can actually spectate anyone else, but it's worth a shot. "Let me live in peace, for fucks' sake."

He heads inside his house, the voices still saying random stuff. Day greets him at the door, and he lets her as she purrs, rubbin* the side of her head against his leg. Night comes running over soon enough, one of her many toys being dropped on the floor as she rushes up to him, eager for some pets as well.

The voices descend into a collective 'awwwwwwwwww'.




"they are the cutest cats ever holy shit"



"Hey there buds," Tommy greets. "Your boy's back. You must be hungry, aren't you?"

He places all his tools away first in the chests as Day and Night run to their respective food stations. Clementine is already flying around the dining table when he arrives, and she lands and chirps as Tommy moves to pour some seeds into her bowl.

Day and Night get to eat extra fish, since they're about to go expired anyways. They tear into it with delight, as Tommy chuckles and makes himself his own food, which is pumpkin pie and some hot chocolate with extra chocolate, since there's no one around to stop him from adding more chocolate.

Tommy enjoys his quiet lunchtime, with Day and Night playing with each other while eating their foods, as Clementine chows down on her seeds. Chirp plays in the jukebox, and all in all, it makes for a very calm scene.

In fact, it's even better now that the voices aren't-




"I just joined what happened"

"Wait who's the bird why is it there"




Tommy retracts his statement. The voices are, unfortunately, still there.

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