🔘 Visit (F1NN5TER & Dream)

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Finn heard the flap of wings behind them, immediately knowing who it was who showed up to their window.

"Dream," they acknowledged, not turning to face him. "What do you need?"

"Why is that the first thing you ask whenever I arrive?" the winged man asked, his tone amused.

Finn rolled their eyes, even though they knew he couldn't see them. "Don't play a fool with me. You have a god complex five times the size of the meeting hall, and everyone knows you rarely seek people outside of your little 'group' unless you need something from them."

Even though they weren't looking, they knew Dream had a mock-pout on his face. "Am I really that transparent? You wound me, Finn."

Rolling their eyes once more, they turned around to face the eternally smiling mask of the winged runner. "Just say what you want to say and go."

The man slid down from the windowsill, the hoodie tied around his waist fluttering with the wind. His wings were folded behind him.

"Rumour above has it that you've got a few strays hidden in here," he began, sauntering forwards. "The higher-ups sent me here to check."

"And you're following their orders now?" Finn raised an eyebrow, showing no other hint of emotion. "Thought you were the wildcard."

"I still am," Dream shrugged. "I'm just curious. It's not everyday you pick strays up."

"And why should I offer you this information?" Finn questioned, taking a step forward, their long cloak sliding across the floor. "I owe no favours to you. What could you possibly offer that would make me show you my strays?"

"Nothing," if it weren't for the mask, they knew they would be able to see him smiling. "Except the fact that you know their association with me."

Finn was silent. A small frown appeared on their face.

"I suppose you're right," they said eventually. With a quick flick of a hand, they gestured for him to follow as they turned and walked. "Come on. I hope you remember the rules of courtesy for guests; you're going to be following them strictly today."

"You're really protective of them," Dream commented from behind.

Finn didn't answer. What could they possibly answer to that?

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