📎 Inhumanised (SBI)

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Social media was in a buzz. The group of four men of what their fans dubbed as 'SleepyBoisInc' had ended their last streams about a month ago, and ever since then, nobody's heard anything from them. Not even their friends. They didn't appear in anyone else's streams, they didn't post new videos, they didn't write anything on any of their social medias...... it made everyone worried.

Phil sighed as he checked the posts relating to them. Most of them were fanart and speculations about their whereabouts. Some even suggested that were killed, or kidnapped. Even their friends had spoke up about this, expressing their thoughts. Everyone was confused and distressed.

If only they knew the truth.

Phil... he heard Tommy's thoughts trickling into his mind. What'cha looking at?

Phil turned around and smiled at the blond boy, who was bundled up in a bunch of blankets, with only his head poking out. Unlike before, one of his light blue eyes had become an eerie purple, glowing ever so slightly.

"Just the posts talking about us," Phil said quietly. "Are you okay to talk now?"

Tommy shook his head, his now longer curls swaying back and forth. Saving voice control for later. We're still with the plan to stream, right?

"Yeah," Phil shifted until he was next to Tommy, careful not to put his new wings in an uncomfortable position. "We do owe our friends and fans an explanation."

Miss Tubbo.

"I know, Tommy," Phil rubbed his hands on Tommy's back soothingly. "I know. We'll call him later, once Techno and Will return, alright?"

Tommy nodded. Can I see the posts?

"Of course. Here, this one redrew our MCC 4 announcement picture..."

It was a few hours later when a soft portal sound was heard, and Wilbur and Techno stepped out of seemingly nowhere. Tommy visibly perked up as Phil smiled.

"Welcome back," he whispered.

Did you get it? Tommy's excitement was clearly heard. Wilbur chuckled, raising up the plastic bag, shaking it to show the rustling sound within it.

"We got it." Wilbur nodded, walking over to sit next to Tommy on the bed, little crystals following in his steps, which Techno picked up and placed in the dark blue bag they used to keep all of Wilbur's grown crystals. The bag was already half-full, and it had only been 5 days. Luckily, they had spares.

Tommy smiled brightly as he held up the chips, immediately shoving some into his mouth. Wilbur chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Slow down, Tommy," he teased.

They're delicious, Tommy announced. Techno, did you get anything?

Techno hummed, his wispy ponytail swishing back and forth. "Not much," he finally spoke up. "Nearly got caught, but don't worry, they forgot."

His ghostly ponytail seemed to stay put for now as Techno reached over to hug Tommy, the blond preening at the hug. Wisps of white and red ash floated from Techno, his happiness evident to everyone in the room.

"We also bought some snacks for me and Techno," Wilbur explained, as Techno reached over to pull out a small fish, throwing it into his mouth without regard. "And we got some extra binders and hats for you, Phil. I know you can hide your wings, but no offence, your halo's way too bright."

"I know," Phil sighed. "Are you two ready?"

"For what?" Techno asked quietly, as Tommy immediately sat up in attention.

The stream. Tommy said. We're gonna tell the fans and our friends what we've been up to. We're gonna use Phil's laptop.

"I figured it was about time anyways," Phil explained. "We don't want to put it off long enough until they think we're actually dead. We need them to know we're still alive."

Techno clasped his hands together, letting the remaining bacteria on his hands from the fish evaporate away in a smoke of green. "Sure. What's our cover story?"

"Some incidents came up that we can't speak about," Phil said. "Tommy will do the speaking for this one, just to make sure no one questions it."

"Are we gonna call our friends as well?" Wilbur asked curiously, as he set up the laptop to face them, Twitch already open in Tommy's account, seeing as he had the most followers. "And do we tell them the truth?"

Save that for later, Tommy's thoughts sounded in their heads. Gotta make sure everything's fine first.

"Good idea, Tommy," Phil ruffled the youngest's head, smiling as Tommy beamed up at him.

"Shouldn't you all be getting ready for hiding?" Techno said dryly. The man had his ponytail hidden behind his neck, and a pig mask on his face to hide his face. He was wearing a red hoodie and black sweatpants. His black gloves were snug on his hands, so nobody outside of the four would notice the claws on his hands.

Phil laughed, even as he put on an oversized green bucket hat, and slid on the binder and a long sleeved shirt. Wilbur tugged on a yellow sweater, careful to make sure to hide the gills on the sides of his neck. Tommy closed his eyes, reopening them to reveal that his eyes had become as normal, light blue eyes. He also dropped the blankets, and tugged on the red jacket over his white shirt, and blue pants.

The four huddled on the bed, making sure to check every spot of the room to make sure nothing was out of the blue. The walls were black, with the floor a deep royal blue. Anything that would seem weird, like the sword collection or the crystal bags, were hidden behind the camera, which was only showing the bed, the wall behind the bed, and the four men.

Techno helped Tommy tie up his hair into a short braid, even as Wilbur helped the former do the same with his ponytail, careful not to tug on the painful spots of the wispy ponytail.

"Are we all ready?" Phil asked, his finger hovering over the 'Broadcast' option.

"Yes," Techno said.

Wilbur nodded, a grin on his face, his clearly sharp teeth showing for a bit, before it was hidden again.

"Yeah," Tommy finally spoke up, his voice under control, the young man careful not to accidentally lose control.

Phil nodded, pressing the 'Broadcast' option.

TommyInnit is live: the gang is back, and we're here to explain!

There would be no going back from this.

Then again, they stopped caring a long time ago.

"Let the show begin..." Wilbur whispered, as people started flocking in.

Time for their explanation.

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