🌱 Transfer (Fundy-centric)

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"Hello, and welcome to Elsewhere University!" the girl in front of you says. "I'm assuming you've read the brochure, right? You know what we have here?"

"Yeah," you nod. You've read it, alright.

"Cool!" the girl's smile doesn't falter. "You can call me Pathogen! May I have your name?"

You know she's testing you. You respond accordingly.

"You may not, but you can call me Fundy."

"Fundy, huh," Pathogen tilts her head. "I feel like I know that name from somewhere..."

"No you don't," you say automatically, face never betraying your emotions as her face goes slack for a moment, before she returns to normal. "Say, where's my dorm?"

"Oh, you're rooming in the L'Manburg dorm!" she responds cheerfully, not remembering the previous conversation. Good. "Here, I'll lead you to it."

You walk with her to the dorms, eyeing each and every passing human and non-human with suspicion.

(You try not to think about what you are hiding. You do not think about what you are hiding.)

Pathogen suddenly stops in her tracks as a boy with a smiling mask walks up to her.

"Your English professor wants to see you, Pathogen," the masked boy says. "It's about your test."

"Oh, well I best get going then," Pathogen gestures to you. "Could you show the new student to the L'Manburg dorms? He's already read the brochure, don't worry."

And then she's off. The masked boy grumbles something about being enemies, but he turns to him with a kind, if wary smile. "Everybody knows me as Dream," he says. "And you?"

"Call me Fundy," you say. "I just transferred."

"We don't get transfers often," Dream tells him as they walk to the L'Manburg dorms. "If at all. The others here might be curious. I know the L'Manburgs will pester you, at least."

"The L'Manburgs," you repeat. "What's with all these groups?"

(Why do they sound so familiar to you?)

"There's two kinds," Dream shrugs. "Dorm-groups, and friend-groups. Dorm-groups are groups like L'Manburg and the Antarctic Empire. A bunch of people are roomed together, and they become tight-knit. Friend-groups are groups made of people you choose to trust. Usually both kinds of groups tend to clash, just like how Innit and Soot are both from L'Manburg, while Technoblade and Hardcore are from Antarctic Empire, but they all make up Sleepy Boys."

"Sounds complicated," you say. It seems like a pain to be in so many different circles at once. Don't they get tired of it?

(Don't they get tired of always changing?)

Dream shrugs. "Complicated, yes," he agrees. "But well, trust is trust."

Dream stops in front of a room, and you do too. There's a plaque on the door, that says 'L'Manburg'. It's written in gold, and the plaque itself looks like a flag.

"This is where I take my leave," Dream says. "Knock on the door. Be careful of the salt lines. If you see a brown haired man with a beanie, tell him the weekly group meeting's cancelled; the Idots are going to be on a Quest."

With those words, he leaves. You watch his retreating back, before sighing, resisting the urge to mess up your hair.

(Do not pay attention to something you do not have. Of course you don't have it. What even is it, anyways?)

You knock on the door. It swings open. There's a blonde girl at the door, her blue eyes blinking in surprise at your appearance.

"Oh," she says. "Are you the new transfer student?"

You nod. "Call me Fundy."

"Fundy," the girl repeats. "Curious name. You may call me Nihachu. Come in!"

You are led into the living room. It's not as big as the ones you've seen before, but it feels like home, so maybe that's why they're still here. There's two brown haired boys on the couch, but only one of them wears a beanie, while the other has a cloak draped over them. You walk over to the beanie boy.

"You are Soot, right?" you ask. He raises an eyebrow.

"That's me. Did you need something?"

"Dream told me to tell you that the weekly group meeting is cancelled," you inform him. "The Idots are going on a Quest."

Soot frowned. "Those idiots," he muttered, before standing up abruptly. "It was nice meeting you, transfer. You can tell me what to call you later; I have a few idiots to talk to."

You watch him stalk out. Nihachu sighs.

"That was Soot. Don't mind him, he's usually friendly," she smiles, and gestures to the last person in the room. "This is Eret."

"Any pronouns will suffice," Eret says, his voice smooth and silky.

"Nice to meet you," you say. "Call me Fundy. Weren't there supposed to be more people here?"

"Oh, Innit's out with Tubbo," Nihachu says. "Those two are best friends."

Best friends. It is rare to find someone who trusted someone else so wholeheartedly. They must've went through a lot together.

(You had one too. Where have they gone?)

"This will be your room," Nihachu says to you. The room is as normal. It is blank and empty, meant for you to fill the space up yourself. Only a bed, and a table are included. "I hope you have a safe time here at Elsewhere."

She smiles, and you know that there are fangs hidden beneath her sweet smile. You nod.

"Great! Dinner's at 7, don't be late!" with those closing words, she shuts the door. Giving you some time to yourself.

You close your eyes. You breathe in. Breathe out.

(It's not safe yet. Not safe to let yourself be seen yet. You have to wait. Wait. And wait some more. You have to be patient, otherwise you'll end up dead, or worse.)

You open up your eyes.

You came to Elsewhere University for a reason. Now you just have to finish that reason.

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