[R] Loving You Forever (Antfrost & Velvet)

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(A/N: request as a pic. this is one of the few oneshots where the romance is pretty evident lmao. i don't know how to write romance, if you cant tell.)

"What are you doing out here alone?" even without looking, Velvet knew his boyfriend would have that teasing smile on his face that Velvet equally adored and hated at the same time.

"Just waiting for you to join me," Velvet turned around with a small smile, arms crossed over his chest. Antfrost laughed, walking towards him to pull him closer.

A year ago, they wouldn't be in this sort of situation. A year ago, Velvet wouldn't have even known who he was, or that he even existed at all. But now, Velvet let him plant a kiss on his cheek, snickering and pushing him away playfully, so that they could actually eat their dinner instead of getting distracted and getting into a competition of who can kiss the other better.

"You really outdid yourself with this one, darling," Antfrost murmured. Velvet smiled and gently led him to sit on the other side of the table he had set up on their balcony. The plates on it were filled with both of their favourite foods, and a rose in a vase was put in the middle of the table. It looked like a scene for a cheesy romantic movie.

"Well, I couldn't just slack off on our anniversary, could I?" Velvet laughed softly. "Come on, let's eat. Then we can go watch some movies together."

As they ate, Velvet's mind wandered. He could remember the first time they met as clear as day.

Despite their appearances, both him and Antfrost were professional ghost hunters. As in, the ghostbusters but with less cool gadgets because most ghost hunters weren't that rich. They both worked as solo hunters until, by chance, they both accepted the same job at a shack in the middle of the woods. Then, from there, they met when Velvet stumbled upon Antfrost's hiding place as they were both searching for the ghost, which they soon discovered was a Reverend.

And from then on, things just kind of connected. They were rescued by a ghost cat, of all things, and eventually adopted him as their pet. They decided to become a ghost hunting duo, travelling the world and accepting missions together. Velvet was introduced to Antfrost's friends, who sometimes helped him with his ghost hunting missions. And through all those missions, they slowly fell in love, and pined for each other until it all came to a head when Antfrost accidentally blurted out a confession when they thought he was going to die.

And now, a year later, they were happily boyfriends for nine months, and still going strong.

"Ant, I love you," Velvet started, feeling the need to state his love for his boyfriend, but was cut off by a loud woof. He and Antfrost turned, and despite how bad the timing was, Velvet couldn't help the smile that came to his face as Floof, their cat, rushed in, glowing neon green in excitement.

"And Floof," Velvet added, chuckling as Floof jumped onto Antfrost's lap, tail wagging and purring for food. "Even though he's not a very patient little guy, is he?"

As if he could understand his words, Floof turned to face Velvet with a hiss. Antfrost started laughing lightly at that, petting their cat lightly.

"Velvet, don't be mean," Antfrost teased. "Come on, Floof, how much food do you want, hmm? You're a pretty bad boy, but it's okay, because we love you anyways."

"Sorry Floof," Velvet chuckled, leaning back on his chair, food discarded on the plate.

As he watched his boyfriend and their cat play, Velvet felt a fond smile tugging on his lips. His hand reached towards his pocket, where a box was hidden, with a gleaming silver ring inside, that Velvet had bought a few weeks back. It was engraved with the words, "With you through everything", and it cost him quite a lot to buy it.

'No,' he told himself mentally, lifting his hand away from his pocket. 'Not now.'

There were always other anniversaries. Velvet could wait a little longer to propose. In the meantime, he'll just enjoy spending time with those he loved the most.

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