Drafted: Heartbreak (Fundy-centric)

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(A/N: for clarification, whenever there's a 'drafted' in front of any chapter name, it means that it might appear in another, solo-published fic, albeit with some edits. chapter titles will not be the actual fic's name. also, this is unreliable narrator, but dream does deserve some of the hate tho. also this is in the smp!! they're just the characters!!)

All his life, he had always been the second choice. To his family, to his friends; hell, even to strangers. So it shouldn't have been surprising when he was the second choice for a romantic partner as well.

George was pretty. George was strong and soft and loyal. George was Dream's best friend. George knew Dream much more intimately than Fundy did. So it made sense that he would always, always choose the other before he chose Fundy.

Still, that didn't mean that it didn't sting. He should've known better before falling in love with someone who would rather see his friends and family suffer before caring for them. He should've known better than to fall for someone with poison on the tip of his tongue and a knife hidden behind his back.

His mother was right. She had always been right.

Even in the cold comfort of his small home, Fundy swore he could still remember his mother's words, as clear as day.

"There are plenty of poems about things like this, sweetheart," his mother answered amusedly, when he asked her about heartbreak and poisonous love out of curiosity. "All of those poets have been victim to a love that was never meant to be. Perhaps you should read more of those poems first."

"But you always have the best tips!" Fundy protested. "Please, Mom? Just one?"

His mother went quiet. She stared out the window, and her gaze seemed to become unfocused. Fundy watched as she started rubbing the gold ring nestled around her ring finger, looking deep in thought.

"One day," she started carefully. "You will meet someone who you will give your everything to. You will meet someone who claims to love you more than the waves love the shore, and they will not be telling the truth. It may take time for you to realise that, but when you do, you will become ever the stronger from it. Trust me."

"You were rubbing your ring," Fundy said, frowning up at his mother. "Did... did Dad do something to you?"

His mother laughed. It didn't sound fully sincere.

"Your father is a good man," his mother said affectionately, but there was a hint of bitterness in her voice. "And I do not regret marrying the man that he is today. But there is a reason why we do not sleep in the same room, and it is a reason that you shouldn't have to know at your age."

Fundy never asked her anything to do with love ever again.

Fundy reached around his neck, and unclasped a necklace. He let it spill onto one hand, and stared at it.

It was a beautiful necklace. It was nothing to scoff or at, with the gorgeously intricate craftsmanship of the green and orange jewel in the middle of it, surrounded by a little fox shaped head. Around it were little beads, all white, orange and green.

It also represented a love that Fundy never wanted to remember again. Because no matter how beautiful it seemed, no matter how much it must've cost, or how much time must've been spent on it, it didn't remove the fact that it was a gift for a love that had never been meant to be in the first place.

Fundy clenched the necklace, one of the first gifts Dream had given him. He let it shatter under his grip, let the glass and steel cut his palm and the blood trickle down slowly. The anger and cold determination he felt numbed the pain that came from sharp glass sinking into his skin.

He was done being shoved to the side. First there was L'manburg, then there was Manburg, then there was each and every individual person who took one look at him and thought of him as malleable and soft.

If Dream wanted him to be lead around by his puppet strings, then fine. Fundy will just have to sink his claws into the threads and snap them.

And he knew just the way to do it.

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