🖕[R] Strawberry Frills (Eret-centric)

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(A/N: we do not speak of the dream smp's season 1 finale. haha what finale am I right?? i have emotions and only one of them is good.
anyway request by astra on ao3: could you do one of eret just pulling up in a dress in heels and being an absolute BAMF. something like he just pulls up to battle in a dress and heels, wins, and then just walks away. Thank you!
your wish is my command so here you go)

Dresses are made for girls with soft faces and pretty frames. They're designed for girls to wear at any event that doesn't include fighting, for them to look pretty and nice and quiet.

Before he heads off, Eret dons on a strawberry dress, given to him on one of his birthdays. He slides on the pink heels Finn has lent him for the match he's about to have.

If he's going to win this match, he's going to win it in the best way possible.

On the day and time the boxing match takes place, Eret is ready. When the announcers call Eret's name to go up against the top dog of the underground boxing world, everyone falls silent as he comes out from the curtains in a pretty, flowery, frilly strawberry dress and pretty, high, thin strawberry heels.

His opponent, a big muscular man who, despite Eret's own height with the heels, towers over him. The man looks at him incredulously, mouth slightly open in disbelief at what he's seeing. To be fair to him, most of the audience is as well.

He knows what they see him as. This idiot, wearing a dress and heels to a boxing match, as a man. Against the best, too! How humiliating, how idiotic, how dumb.

Eret ignores them and steps into the boxing ring with ease, showing no fear against a man who most think could punt him into the wall any second. His heels click on the floor of the boxing ring, and as muted as it is with the material the floor's made of, the people near it can still hear it.

They do a little bit of stretching first, and Eret doesn't do any flashy things, watching as the other strains his body in, sometimes, admittedly cool ways.

They stare at each other as the announcers count down. The man rushes forwards the moment the air horn sounds, clearly underestimating Eret because of how he's dressed.

When the first punch lands, the man reels back from just how much force had been in it. Eret knows he doesn't look the strongest, and that gives him a bit of an edge over his opponent.

For the next five minutes, they spar. Beating each other up, bruises being formed. Eret grabs the man's leg, throws him on the floor, and steps on him with his heels. The crowd falls silent as the man struggles to get up and fails. Eret hums, leaning down to say one last thing.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I win."

Eret grins, wiping a thin trail of blood coming from his lips with bruise-kissed knuckles. His heel never leaves the man's chest even as he gracefully stands up, dress falling around his ankles gently and the heel pressing into the man's chest, piercing and sharp.

He only releases it when an officiant comes to tell him to. Stepping back, he grins as his opponent growls and snarls.

"Good match," Eret says sweetly. The other visibly grits his teeth, before saying through clenched teeth, "Good match."

An officiant hands him the trophy, and he raises it in the air as the crowd starts to cheer. If he looks close enough, he can see a few members of the Community watching him from afar. He winks at them, before lowering his trophy and preparing to leave.

As he turns away, he hears his opponent say quietly, in anger, "Little cheating bitch."

Eret smirks dangerously, turning around to face his opponent one last time. "Well, I don't need to dress like you to win. Not that I would've, anyway."

And with those words, he turns and leaves the boxing ring, heels clacking on the floor loudly, as the roar of the crowd covers any more threats his opponent might've shouted at him. He walks to the back, where Niki and Tubbo are waiting for him, both also wearing strawberry dresses, although not in heels.

"That was amazing, Eret!" Niki smiles at him brightly. "You've really improved!"

"Y'know, with all the growls and shit you'd think the other guy was a furry or something," Tubbo remarks, and Eret barks out a laugh.

"Let's go back," Niki says, when they stop laughing. "I heard Will's trying to create more ravagers, and I don't think any of the others would appreciate loud noises interrupting their sleep. Besides, we do need to tend to your bruises."

Together, they walk out smiling, wearing strawberry dresses without a care in the world.

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