[R] Surprise Children (SBI & Business Bay)

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(A/N: FearsomefigureT9 requested a part 2 for chapter 60, and I am providing. you thought dadbur and technodad and grandza were good? just wait til you see dadinnit with surprise kids who may or may not have been deaged specifically for this au)

"Hey, Dad," Tommy's voice came from the doorway. Phil didn't look up, simply just making a questioning noise as he drank his coffee on the couch. "So uh, you know how curses exist and they can do a bunch of stuff and all...?"

"Yeah, what are you getting at, son?"

There was a nervous laugh heard from his eighteen year old son. "Yeah, uh, you might wanna turn around for this..."

Phil turned, only to see his son, his eighteen year old son, holding a blond baby in one arm and a dark brown haired baby in the other, while a dark brown haired toddler held onto Tommy's pants with a tight grasp, and a light brown haired child simply stood next to him.

The coffee cup fell onto the floor as Phil gaped at the sight before him.

"Yeah, uh," Tommy laughed nervously, unable to rub his head like he would normally do because he had not one, but two babies in his arms. "I got cursed with children, but in my defence it was either to take care of them or die...?"

Phil took a deep breath and tried not to scream.

"What's going on? I heard Phil drop his cup and- what the fuck?!" Phil heard Wilbur come running down the stairs, and looked up just as he reached the bottom. Behind him, Techno stared down from the stairs wide-eyed, mouth opening and closing like one of a fish's.

"Don't swear around them!" Tommy snapped, instinctively cradling his, oh god, his son had children, he was only eighteen. "They're kids, man!"

"How did you get those kids?!" Wilbur snapped. "And come sit at the sofa for gods sake, your arms are going to get tired, and you don't want to drop them do you?"

Wilbur reached to grab the blond baby as Phil stood up. He grabbed the dark brown haired one, and noted absentmindedly how light the baby was.

"Hey, it's okay, they're safe," Phil saw Tommy gently tell the light brown haired child, who scrunched his face up, but nodded and allowed himself and the dark brown haired toddler to be led to the sofa.

"You know, here I was thinking none of us would get any more children," Techno started as he came back from the kitchen with baby bottles and juice boxes. "And then Tommy comes back with four."

"Their caretakers were sh-bad! I didn't wanna just leave them there!" Tommy snapped, even as he fussed over the dark brown haired toddler, who was trying to drink one of the juice boxes. After a few nudges and assurances, the light brown haired child took a sip from his own juice box too. The two babies were being fed milk.

"What are their names anyways?" Wilbur asked quietly, carefully feeding the blond baby.

Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the dark haired toddler.

"I'm Deo!" Deo announced proudly. "My older brother's 'alled Wisp! An' then Bitsel and Luke are wit' the rest!"

Tommy chuckled fondly and patted Deo. "Yeah, he's Deo, and Wisp is the oldest one. Luke is with Wilbur and Bitzel's the one you're feeding, Dad."

"How did you get them?" Phil asked. "You were only gone for a few hours, weren't you?"

"Yeah, but things can happen!" Tommy defended. "And it was better if I got them out of there anyways!"

"Wha's happening?" Phil sighed as he heard Ranboo and Fundy running down the stairs. His grandsons gasped upon seeing the new faces.

"Are they our new cousins?!" Ranboo said excitedly, running up to his father. "Does tha' mean I'm not gonna be the youngest no more?"

Fundy, on the other hand, went up to Wisp, who looked at him warily, clutching his juice box close to his chest. The ten year old didn't seem perturbed, instead offering out a hand. "I'm Fundy and I'm ten. Who are you?"

"Go on, introduce yourself," Tommy leaned over to whisper excitedly to Wisp. "He won't hurt you, don't worry."

After careful consideration, Wisp hesitantly took it. "I'm Wisp," he muttered quietly. "And I'm five."

"When were you born?!" Ranboo marched up and demanded, causing Wisp to flinch back and curl into Tommy.

"Don't scare him, Ranboo," Techno warned gently.

"Sorry," Ranboo apologised. "But when were you born?"

"...July 21st," Wisp responded quietly. Ranboo threw his hands up in the air and went over to his father.

"I'm still the youngest!" Ranboo pouted. Wisp looked up at his father in bewilderment, to which Tommy giggled and patted him lightly.

"Why don't you and Deo go play with them for a while?" Tommy suggested. Luke and Bitzel immediately started whining, to which Tommy quickly added, "With your other brothers, of course."

Fundy was given Bitzel to carry, while Wisp took Luke from Wilbur's hands. Wisp kept looking at Fundy in apprehension as the children left the room, leaving Tommy alone with his father and his brothers.

"Alright, now talk," Wilbur crossed his arms. "We're not mad, but how?"

"Right," Tommy winced. "I'll start from the beginning."

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