🔘 A Grey Box (Nihachu & F1NN5TER)

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Niki smiled as she descended from the clouds, landing with a soft thump in front of the looming mansion.

She breezed through the gates easily, her white dress swaying gently from the breeze. If she was anybody else, she would've been dead even before she neared the mansion.

But, well, when you were friends with the ruler of the Forest, you tended to have quite a bit of more freebies than other people.

"Finn!" Niki called out, waving at the servants passing her by. "I'm back!"

Soon after she spoke those words, a figure rounded the corner of the hallways. Wearing a flower crown made of wither roses and dressed in a casual yet businesslike suit, Finn didn't look like the type of person you'd expect to rule over people, much less creatures.

Then again, that was what made them so mysterious.

Finn smiled and went forwards to hug her, their arms wrapping around her waist tightly. "Welcome back. What's happened?"

"Oh, you know," Niki shrugged as she stepped back, and the two continued walking. "The usual. Just helping out some poor kids. I got paired with Minx for the monthly Cloud Surfer Competition, and we got 5th, which is pretty good!"

"You'll get first one day," Finn said. "I believe in you. I mean, with how fast you're rising up on the rankings? You'll get that place in no time."

"Thanks," Niki laughed, brushing her hair away from her face. "I'll do my best to make you proud, I suppose."

"You should be doing it for yourself," Finn replied. "But if it's what makes you continue on, then make me proud."

They rounded another corner, to see the Garden right up ahead.

The Garden was less of a garden and more of an exposed space of the Forest itself, one that had been made pretty. Flowers bloomed, and trees with overhanging branches stood tall. There was a pond in the middle, and Niki cooed at the young drowned she could see in the water, swimming happily with the fishes.

Finn sat down, and gestured for her to sit beside them just a few steps away from the pond.

"Niki," they started. "While you were out, did anybody try to do anything to you?"

"They always do," Niki sighed. "It's fine, Finn. You know I'll stick by you no matter what they say. Besides, Minx and Will usually make sure they don't say anything more. And they wouldn't dare do more to me; nobody wants to piss you off, after all."

Finn didn't say anything to that. They looked deep in thought.



"If... if I were to ask something of you, would you do it?"

Niki blinked at the unexpected question. "Of course," she replied simply. "You're my friend."

A pause.

Finn reached into their suit pocket and pulled out a small, grey box, with a yellow ribbon wrapped around it. Aside from that, it was plain.

"There's something very important inside this box," they told her. "If you're willing, I need you to make sure Wilbur Soot gets it. In fact, I need you to hand it to him and say that he needs to open it when he's sure he's alone, but don't tell him anything else."

Niki looked at the box, then back at Finn. "Am I allowed to know what's in there?"

Finn shook their head. "Not yet. But soon."

"And will it hurt anyone?"

This time, Finn hesitated visibly. "No," they said. "Not if you get it to Wilbur before the next new moon."

Niki reached out to take the box. "Alright, I'll take it to Will," she said, grasping it tightly. "But if this gets anyone into trouble..."

"It won't! Trust me, Niki," Finn suddenly stood up, and offered a hand to her. "Come on."

"Where are we going now?" Niki asked them as they walked along more corridors. Finn turned to her, and smiled.

"I'm taking you to meet a few special people." they responded. "I think you'll like them. After all, haven't you met them before?"

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