[R] Protective Friends (Fem!Tommy & Fem!Tubbo + Friends)

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(A/N: falloutyaoi: Can I request more fem Tommy? Like one where they all meet up and some adult (a/n: changed that to teen(s)) keeps flirting with tommy and tubbo and the others notice tommy is uncomfortable and they get very protective
hope you don't mind that I also made tubbo female lmao, anyways here! uh thea is tommy and taise is tubbo
tw: harassment of minors, implications of s*x, victims aren't consenting. nothing explicit, though, and the harassers get what they deserve soon.)

"You guys can go ahead and order, we'll stay here to keep an eye on our stuff," Taise called out with a bright smile.

She had gotten the opportunity to meet up with Thea, Wilbur, George, Phil, and Quackity, the latter of whom had flown over to come and hang out with them for a few days. Her parents were initially nervous at letting their daughter hang out with men who were older than her, but after a few assurances from Thea's parents, who had met some of them before, they reluctantly let her go with them.

Now, they were sitting in a fast food joint. It was, luckily enough, pretty empty, meaning thy could talk louder than they would normally be able to. She and Thea had decided to stay back to watch over their table while the other four ordered for them. They were watching YouTube videos together, laughing and joking around, for once taking a break from their streaming lives.

"Should I post something on Twitter?" Thea laughed lightheartedly. "Something to give the fans to eat on?"

"We should probably wait to ask the others about it first though," Taise said, peering at Thea's phone. "But I bet our fans will go crazy when they hear about what we got up to!"

"Crazy, you say?" Both she and Thea stiffened up when they heard someone else speak. "I know something else that could make you girls go crazy too."

With a polite smile hiding a grimace, Taise turned around and spotted a group of five boys around her age, all dressed rather loosely, and who were all staring at her and Thea in a way that made her skin crawl. "Sorry, do I know you?"

"Well, not now," one of them in a red shirt grinned. "But you will soon, babe."

"Please don't call me babe," Taise said politely. Thea wasn't so polite, choosing instead to glare at them.

"What do you want?" she asked annoyedly.

Another boy, this one in a white shirt, pouted. Or at least, tried to, considering that he looked more like someone trying to mimic having fish lips. "Oh come on, don't be so stingy won't you?"

And then the five boys tried to sit down. Taise rolled her eyes.

"You guys can't sit here," she said. "We're here with our friends, and you haven't even asked for permission."

"You're here with your friends?" despite her protests, one guy in a green jacket slung his arm over her. Obviously, Taise pushed him away in disgust, and scooted closer to Thea, who was also facing a similar problem.

"Yes," she gritted out. "Yes we are, and they'll be returning soon."

"But you can spare some time for us, can't you?" one of the boys in a blue shirt crooned in a way that was more disgusting than lovable. "I'm sure we can make it worth your while, for two lovely ladies like you."

"For the last time, no means no," Thea snapped. "Leave, for fucks sake."

"You know, a girl like you really shouldn't have such a dirty mouth," the last boy, who was also sitting uncomfortably close to Thea, commented idly. "I mean, there's a lot of things that a mouth like yours would be good for."

Before Thea could sucker-punch the boy like she looked like she was about to do, someone else spoke up.

"Hands off," in an instant, the boys moved away from them, and Taise breathed a sigh of relief.

When she looked over, she spotted Wilbur glaring menacingly at the boys. Phil was doing the same, and somehow looked more menacing despite being dressed like an everyday 40 year old suburban father. Then again, it could be because of the fact that he was holding his water bottle very, very threateningly.

Besides them, Quackity smiled coldly as he held up his phone. "I have it all recorded," he said casually. "Would be a shame if this was to be posted accidentally on social media, accidentally not blurring your faces, and accidentally contacting your parents to tell them just exactly what you did, wouldn't it?"

The boy in the green jacket paled. "Hey, hey," he laughed nervously. "We were just leaving. Isnt that right, guys?"

The other boys hastily nodded and murmured agreements.

George, who was standing a little further back from Wilbur, Phil and Quackity, stared at them emotionlessly. "Good. Now leave."

As the boys quickly headed out, Quackity stopped one of them to whisper something in their ear. Judging by the way the boy's face paled rapidly as he quickly ran away, Taise was pretty sure he threatened him.

"Are you two okay?" Phil came to sit next to them, a concerned frown on his face. "We can leave if you guys don't want to stay."

"I wish I could've punched them in the face instead," Wilbur grumbled. "I could've paid for the bail."

"We're fine now," Thea responded for her, smiling. "Thanks for, uh, defending us back there."

"They shouldn't have tried that on you in the first place," George sighed as he plopped down. "But anyways, food's done. Do you guys want the ice cream?"

Taise was all too happy to accept the vanilla ice cream from George, happily chatting with her friends and slowly forgetting about the incident that had happened earlier.

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