[R] Princes and Crowns (Brighton Meet-Up + Tubbo)

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(A/N: request by theyluna_womoon (watt): could you maybe write some secret royalty tommy or tubbo with a reveal.
i am an absolute SUCKER for secret royalty aus so I'll write both tommy & tubbo as secret royalty)

Niki isn't the kind of person who would think badly of someone when they do something mildly suspicious. She's a fan of second chances, which is why when she receives a text from Tommy telling her, Wilbur and Fundy to go to the alleyway behind the arcade him and Wilbur had gone to, she doesn't think Tommy's dealing in suspicious substances.

Wilbur does question Tommy when he sends the text, though, typing something into his phone. As he finishes, Niki's phone dings with a notification. And another. So she pulls it out to check.

wilbur soot: Why?

tommyinnit: just do it big man

tommyinnit: it'll all make sense

fundy: what are you involved in, drugs?

tommyinnit: No listen its veyr important

tommyinnit: go to the alleyway an if someone asks you fo rthe class password tell them Caldia sent you

Now, a few minutes later, they're heading to the alleyway.

"I can't believe we're actually following what's the child told us to do," Wilbur sighs as they walk to the arcade, with him leading the way since he's the only one who's been there. "What's he doing in an alleyway anyway?"

"Tommy wouldn't prank us by doing something so weird and annoying," Niki says. "He's a good kid."

"I honestly didn't expect him to be so nice," Fundy comments as they round the corner to the alleyway.

A man's standing there. He looks up when they approach.

"Class password." he says, and nothing else.

"Man, Tommy really went all out, huh," Wilbur comments to them, before clearing his throat and talking to the man. "Caldia sent us."

The man nods and turns to walk to the wall that closes off the alleyway. For a moment, Niki thinks he's going to do something bad, like pull out a knife or a gun.

And then the man casually opens up a portal on the wall which is- it's not what she expected. Neither was Fundy, if the way he chokes and nearly falls over has anything to say about it.

Beside her, Wilbur splutters. When she peers closer, she can see why.

Tommy and Tubbo are standing on the other side, dressed in garbs more akin to those she sometimes sees depicted on arts of gods. They're dressed in matching red and green, long robes sprawling onto the ground they're standing on. Niki could almost swear that the little stars on their robes are moving too.

"What the fu-CK!" Fundy is in the middle of swearing when he is pushed into the portal, landing on the other side. Niki lets out a startled noise as she's pushed through too, Wilbur following soon after.

As she's pushing herself up, she hears Tubbo yell something in a foreign language, and there's the feeling of air being sucked out. She stands up properly and takes a closer look at Tommy and Tubbo, the two boys who she would've never imagined to have a secret as large as this.

"What the fuck?" Fundy repeats. "Where even are we?!"

"Sorry we had to do that," Tubbo apologises, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "But Auntie didn't want to take any risks with us, especially since the assassins were getting more fiercer and stuff."

"Okay yeah but where are we," Wilbur asks. "You haven't answered Fundy yet."

Tommy winces. "Have you heard of Pierrciens? Y'know, the legend that's been going around as a copypasta? Yeah, well, welcome to Pierrciens. We call it Pyer here."

"Tommy's parents are the king and queen of this place!" Tubbo says brightly. "I'm his cousin, so I'm a prince as well."

Niki's heard of the copypasta. It's well-made, the story of it woven so intricately that actual critics have praised it. A hidden world, born of people shunned and shamed, fleeing away to make their own country. And when the world attacked them, they hid themselves, never to surface again until the major part of the world realises their hypocrisy and hatred and changes.

And from the looks of what she's seen so far, it seems as though 'Pyer' has been very busy since then.

"Holy shit," Wilbur breathes out. "Damn, I would've never thought...... wow."

"Yeah," Tommy laughs awkwardly. "Uh, we can go hang out at the castle. I can't be out too often, but I promise we'll get you back safe and sound. Sorry for not telling you guys, again, but as princes we kinda need secrecy and all..."

"Yeah!" Tubbo nods. He starts walking. "Come on! I'll lead you there!"

Niki laughs as she follows Tubbo. Logically, she should question them more, but Tommy and Tubbo are good kids. They wouldn't do a thing.

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