[R] Red Hoodie (Tubbo & Quackity & Karl & Tommy)

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(A/N: mmmhhhh okay soo I'm planning to end this book soon (at around 122 chapters) bc I wanna make like 3 books that all add up to 366 chapters (one for each day!) soo just a quick statement that if I don't do ur request in this book I'll do it in the next! okay uh request as a photo, hope you enjoy, sorry I couldn't include everything)

"Hey, Tubbo!" Quackity entered the president's office, a big smile on his face, with Karl trailing behind him, but just as eager.

Tubbo looked up from the documents he was midway through reading. Both Quackity and Karl winced at the dark circles under the former president's — now vice president's — eyes, but they both knew they couldn't do anything about it.

It had been months since Tommy ran away, and L'manburg knew that Tubbo hadn't been the same ever since. He withdrew from the world, having to be told to do the basic necessities to survive and live. He threw himself to his work, stepping down to let Ranboo become president instead, blaming himself for making Tommy run away. After all, he was the one who called him a monster in the first place, it was his own fault that made him lost his best friend.

"Oh, hi Big Q, hi Karl," Tubbo tried to smile, but nowadays his smiles rarely seemed truly happy. Still, Quackity and Karl had a plan to at least give Tubbo back his smile once again.

"Well," Quackity and Karl shared a look. "You know that red guy who always follows Dream around nowadays?"

"It's hard not to," Tubbo sighed.

Recently, a person dressed in a red hoodie and a mask similar to Dream's, but in a frowning face, had been spotted around L'manburg. No one was really sure where they came from, but they were pretty powerful, and they haven't spoke once at all. For now, they all agreed to just stay clear of them in case.

"Right, well, me and Karl have the idea to chase them down!" Quackity said brightly. "I mean, we're all curious about who they are, aren't we?"

"And you've been cooped up in here for far too long, Tubbo," Karl continued gently, reaching out to pull Tubbo up, using his hands to try and make Tubbo's hair less messy. "It wouldn't kill to have fun for a while."

"I don't think..." Tubbo weakly protested, but he still followed them out as they stepped out of his office. He winced minutely at the bright rays of the sun, having not stepped outside in quite a long time.

"Relax, Tubbo," Quackity assured, smiling gently. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Look, I see them lurking over there already! Let's go to them!"

As it turned out, it was much more work than they thought it'd need.

The person was powerful. As expected of someone who was probably Dream's protege, of course, but it still shocked the trio when they first confronted them. And now, they were chasing them through the forest.

In a fit of luck, Karl managed to trip on the person, sending them crashing to the ground. The person managed to get up, nut by that time both Tubbo and Quackity had caught up, and they managed to dogpile onto the person enough for them to not be able to get back up so easily.

The next few minutes were a blur of struggling and fist-fighting. But eventually, they managed to pin the person down, though they still struggled. As they struggled, they somehow managed to get one of their arms free, and tried to punch one of them, but Quackity was quicker.

However, in their little tussle and struggle, something happened.

The mask fell to the ground, having been accidentally torn off the person's face. The red hoodie-wearing person snarled up at them, but Tubbo was frozen in place, staring at the face in front of him. Besides him, Quackity and Karl gasped, sending each other incredulous and worried looks.

Fresh tears fell from Tubbo's face, but he didn't care for them at the moment. Because the person in front of him, the person he'd wanted to apologise to the most after all these months...


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