🖕Entering Anarchy City (Dream SMP, SBI & iDots)

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(A/N: if you saw something else up here no you didn't)

When Techno bursted into the Community Meeting Hall in a panic, it obviously gave everyone a pause. Techno was one of the calmest people in the Community, after all, so to have him be in such a hurry, something must've happened.

"Techno?" Phil stood up first, worried for his brother. "What's wrong?"

Techno took a moment to pant, before looking up. "2B2T wants to meet us in the Neutral Lands! Tomorrow!"

A pause. Then, chaos.


The Underworld was a strange place. You could meet all sorts of groups and people there. Some were well-known, while others were stuck under the dirt. Groups warned against one another practically daily. People fought. There were no hold-backs. That was just a glimpse of the life you were bound for if you decided to become part of the Underworld.

But if there was a group everyone knew not to piss off, it was 2B2T.

2B2T — pronounced exactly like it seemed, Two-Bee-Two-Tee — was an anarchist's dream. Unlike other groups, it was made out of multiple factions and mini groups, considered 2B2T as a whole. There were leaders for each faction, and they formed something similar to a government. Each had their own agenda and goals, and yet they were united as a group. An anarchist group, as many had called them. They were also extremely secretive people.

In fact, if it weren't for 2B2T's best designated 'Historians' — Fit Emm-Cee and Sal Cee-One — nobody would've known about the shadowy group.

In the Underworld, 2B2T was basically considered the Apex Predator of the Underworld, powerful enough that many other groups tried to imitate them. Their reach went so deep that almost 80% of the world had at least some part of it controlled by one of their members. Everyone could name at least 6 major brands that were controlled by 2B2T. To find a place still safe from their control was near impossible, and the Community was lucky they had their safe haven, in the form of their relatively secluded neighbourhood.

The Community were used to keeping on the down low; they didn't want anybody to discover their deeds, after all, especially when they knew at least a good portion of them would be stolen away and fought over by other groups. Besides, they were all also pretty young, and they each wanted to stay alive for much longer, thank you very much.

But having the meetings summon meant two things: one, that 2B2T knew who they were and what they were doing, and two, that they were deemed important enough for them to go out of their way to send them an official meeting. One that would be held on Neutral Lands — meaning any attacks would be prohibited —, even.

To say that the Community was nervous would be an understatement. 2B2T had luckily included a dress code in their message — formalwear —, and the Community was getting ready a few hours before they had to make their way to the Neutral Lands, where 2B2T would be waiting at the meeting hall of the lands.

"Stop tugging on it, it's fine," Tommy whined, ducking as Phil tried to fix his tie for the fourth time that hour. After discussion, it was decided that regardless of gender, they would all dress up in a black vest over a long-sleeved shirt of whatever their favourite colour was, which would be tucked neatly under a golden belt and black slacks. Their shoes would be black leather, obviously. Their ties would be their favourite colour. And, after a few arguments, they could wear whatever extra accessories they wanted to wear, as long as it didn't make them look like a hobo, Wilbur.

"Just let the poor kid breathe, Phil," Techno said dryly. Phil pulled his hands away hesitantly.

"I know, it's just," the oldest man sighed. "I don't want to make a bad first impression. I mean, who knows what they could do?"

"Don't sweat it, Phil!" Wilbur laughed, and swung an arm over the man. He had decided to don a long black coat over his attire, claiming it made him look cool. "If anything goes wrong, we can always burn down their house!"

"Did someone say burn?" As usual, Sapnap instantly perked up at the promise of arson, white bandana whipping around along with his head. George, Bad, Antfrost, and Dream all smacked him over the head. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Not everything has to burn down, Sappy Nappy," George huffed. He wore his classic clout goggles on his head, although everyone knew it was to disguise the AI it controlled.

Alyssa, Punz, Ponk, H-Bomb, and Callahan were quietly discussing strategy in a corner. In addition to their attire, they all also donned a blue ribbon wrapped around their upper arm. The ribbons were actually used to record audio and video around them, as well as control the drones they sometimes put out. Not that anyone outside their group would understand what it meant.

"Drista," Tubbo called out. "Can you come here for a second? Take a look at this."

The younger sister of Dream turned around, and hopped off the porch. Like Dream, she also had a mask over her face, with technology keyed in it to allow her to see without cutting holes into the mask. "Yeah, sure, what is it?"

Velvet hummed a light tune as he sharpened his blades. He was sitting next to the rest of the Idots, who were all busy discussing their legal options. It might sound boring, but they needed to be prepared in case 2B2T tried to pull any legal shit on them. They were also debating whether or not Finn could theoretically seduce and spy on them.

Quackity, Jack, Schlatt and Sam were all making a few last-minute calls to their allies and accomplices. Making deals, bargaining, talking trade, just the usual.

"Furry boy!" Wilbur teasingly called out. "Are you and the others done yet?!"

"I'M NOT A FUCKING FURRY!" was the reply that came back, startling some of them and making others snicker and laugh.

Sparkles casually walked out of the house, smoothing out his vest. He wore a red bandana over his head. "They're almost done," he told the others. "They just need to get the portal ready."

After a few more minutes of waiting and doing some minor gambling, Fundy, Niki, Eret, Purpled, and Karl all stepped out. Fundy had his black hat resting on his head, and Eret had his sunglasses on and covering his eyes.

"It's done!" Eret smiled and jerked his thumb, gesturing for them to get in. "Come on, let's go!"

The portal swirled a light, misty blue, which was the main colour of the Neutral Lands. Technically, they could get there by bus or van, but if they wanted to be taken seriously, they had to make a good and big first impression, and what was a better way than getting there using technology almost no one had heard of before?

Some of them looked at each other nervously. Some clutched each other's arms or hands. They were about to head into unknown territory. It was exciting, in a way.

Phil took a deep breath. "Let's go."

And together, they stepped through the portal, and were met with the blue skies of the Neutral Lands.

It was time to show 2B2T what they were made of.

(A/N: gonna be honest, the reason why they're called Community was because I thought that the fans SBI, DTeam, DSMP in general or the Idots were often like connected to one another? like if you knew about one of them there was a pretty big chance you would be a fan of another or all of them. idk maybe it's just my experiences.)

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