[R] #FuckGary is Trending (Fem!Tommy & Fans & Friends)

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(A/N: peppermint_advertiser: (chapter 69) also, have you considered making a sequel where Tommy's story goes viral and trends on Twitter???
oh boy oh boy can't wait to format this in ao3 :')
but uh I cannot write news articles, if you couldn't tell. but have this. hope I did the Image Description thing correctly)

Who is Gary, and why does Twitter hate him so much?
As the volume of tweets with the hashtag #FuckGary begin increasing in mass amounts, many on Twitter were clueless as to why it was trending.
By Pamela Goodwill

'#FuckGary' began trending on Twitter after followers of 16 year old gaming youtuber TommyInnit heard her story of her encounter with a fellow college student known as 'Douchebag Gary', when Gary had harassed her on campus grounds, leading to a physical fight that ended in Tommy being sent home. Events like these are sadly common in many places, but that doesn't stop the young gamer's fanbase from getting rightfully angry at Gary.

In fact, they got so angry that they started trending the hashtag and showing their support for Tommy. While some were angry that a hashtag like this was trending, others were more sympathetic and showed their support even if they didn't know Tommy that well, if at all. One Twitter user remarked, "Honestly don't know who Tommy is, but #FuckGary if he thinks he can get away with doing that to someone in plain daylight". Another user, a fan of Tommy, wrote, "I'm so angry that something like this could happen. Thank god Tommy managed to fight back, and people actually stepped in to help her."

Tommy's friends are also very angry on her behalf. There have been rumours starting up that some of her friends will be issuing a lawsuit to the college she goes to, for their negligent and downright sexist behaviour in handling a case like this. The college has seemingly not commented, as there have been no comments found on the internet supposedly from them......

1. #FuckGary
2. Taehyung
3. Top 100
4. Douchebag Gary
5. China

Ranboo @Ranboosaysstuff
Yooooo pogchamp
[ID: A cropped screenshot showing the current trends on Twitter. In first place is the hashtag 'FuckGary', with a description below stating "Fans of TommyInnit show their hatred and distaste for a man named Gary who had harassed her on her college campus". End ID]

abi | douchebag gary dni @vo1dl3ssabi
come on guys we can put these as banners #FuckGary
[ID: A light yellow banner, with black text in Italics Arial font stating "Douchebag Gary Do Not Interact". Below the black text is a smaller, dark red Arial font text stating "TommyInnit support!". On both sides of the banner is a picture of TommyInnit's Minecraft skin's head, which has light skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. End ID]

Ray Bans Sunglasses @shorelihtgsandruins
seriously wtf is tommy's college doing?? like oi assholes like 6 ppl probably saw Gary do that shit to her. guy even has a reputation and you not only give him the same punishment as tommy, but you even give tommy a punishment in the first place for defending herself?? wtf?

loocus loves vie #fuckgary @loocusrenevie
replying to @shorelihtgsandruins
mfs be out here sexist, knowin that tommy has a yt channel and a damn good following, and thinking we wouldnt go ham when we found out what fuckin gary did 🙄

Dream @Dream
Lawsuit went through. They're gonna get what they deserve >:)
[ID: A blurred out image of an official document. There is a bolded and underlined word of 'Lawsuit' on top of the paper. Despite the blurred out parts, it is very clear that the lawsuit is approved. End ID]

Quackity @Quackity
replying to @Dream

1. #FuckGary
3. Taehyung
4. China
5. Douchebag Gary

purple stars | #FuckGary @depcisblemee80
cant wait for the colleges response so we can all laugh at it on twitter

raisin loves wilbur soot @rainsinsarebeter
replying to @depcisblemee80
lmaooo I can already see the trending page on that day

fumiko autocorrectd @fumikofurnitures
replying to @depcisblemee80 and @rainsinsarebeter
Wonder what description the Description Man will come up with 🤔

Fundy @FundyLive
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation between Fundy and Tommy. It goes as the following:
TommyInnit: Yeah the college is trying to get me to take down the lawsuit. It's funny because I'm not the one doing the lawsuit
Fundy: Okay but are they like sending you any threats or anything?
TommyInnit: Nah everything's good. Douchebag Gary hasn't shown his face at anywhere, not even the store he usually goes to. Some girls on college have already sent me their thanks for getting rid of him.
Fundy: So everything's alright, no need to worry?
TommyInnit: Nope
End ID]

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