🔘 A Little Test (Tommy & Tubbo)

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(A/N: first fic in the series that Finn's barely in. also ik we all like some tnt duo fluff times, but have you considered angery duo times? let them get angry at each other but not hinder their friendship 2kXX. also, once again, she/her pronouns for Eret.)

'Just a little more,' Tubbo concentrated, hands hovering over a small sapling in the ground. 'Just a little more and it'll grow... surely...'

All too soon, exhaustion took over, and his hands slumped down, the light coming from them fading out. Tubbo let out a loud groan as Tommy snickered.

"You can't laugh at me, you haven't done it either," Tubbo scowled at Tommy, who snickered harder.

"Yeah, but your face— man, you don't have to look constipated while tryna grow that plant!" Tommy laughed.

The two were trying to learn how to wield the powers they had, and they were starting off by trying to get their own saplings to grow. They were in the Garden, with Eret in her bird form standing on a branch nearby in case anything life-threatening happened. Mx. Finn had left them earlier, for they had to go negotiate trades with a neighbouring land, leaving behind instructions on how to properly grow it.

Tubbo was determined to accomplish it before Mx. Finn came back, but Tommy didn't really seem to care.

"Come on, big T," Tommy was sitting on a bench, his own sapling left abandoned in the ground. "Why spend so much time on this? I'm pretty sure Mx. Finn would understand; you don't have to always be so... y'know."

"I mean yeah, but the way they showed us seemed easy enough. Hell, they even stated that this was the easiest activity to do! What kind of impression would I be giving if I didn't manage to get this to grow before they come back?" Tubbo sighed, readying his hands over the sapling again.

"Man, you're so boring," Tommy whined. "Oh look at me, my name is Tubbo and I'm a teacher's pet. Blah blah blah responsibility blah blah blah I like bees and did you know bees are super cool? I know this because I'm Tubbo and I love bees. I can't read because I'm not good at it and I suck at PVP and did you know I like bees? Blah blah blah have to finish this oh I'm so boring and dull and uncool-"

"Will you just shut the fuck up?!" Tubbo snarled, stressed. "I'm trying to concentrate here!"

"What, you don't like me talking?" Tommy asked, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Blah blah blah BEES BEES BEES they go buzz and they sting and they like flowers and there's like hundreds of their species and shit. Oh Tubbo, big T, Tubbster, Tubbox, Tubbo in a box ohohoh what's he gonna do? Oh? Are you annoyed yet, big T? Do you wanna fight me yet? Come on Tubbo, don't pay attention to that sapling and play with me. Don't be such a boring little bitch boy, Tubbo. Hah, bitch boy."

"Oh you motherfucker-" Tubbo swore loudly.

He would've yelled more, if it hadn't been for the sapling under his hands suddenly growing. It didn't grow into a tree, but it was noticeably taller and bigger than it s before. Tubbo gaped at it, anger slowly overtaken by happiness.

"Holy shit, I did it," he whispered. A smile graced his face. "I did it! I did it! Tommy, thank you, oh my god, I finally did it!"

Tommy seemed to have overcome his earlier surprise, because he grinned back at Tubbo, hopping down from the bench. "Fuck yeah I helped!" he crowed, even though he had no idea why Tubbo was saying he helped when he didn't.

Then, he frowned. "Hey, Tubbo, why does your sapling look so fucking weird all of a sudden?"

Tubbo checked, and Tommy was right. The sapling had turned darker, with acid green tinting its leaves now. His smile dropped.

"Shit, did I do something wrong?" Tubbo cursed. "Fuck, I knew it was too fast to be true."

"Strong emotions can often influence powers," the voice of Mx. Finn from behind them made them jump, as they whirled around to face the amused ruler. "Your sapling's fine, if a little changed. As long as you don't feel any more negative emotions while speeding up its growth it should be fine in the long run."

"And Tommy," the blond straightened up at Mx. Finn's words. The ruler's lisp quirked up in a smile. "I suppose I should've guessed this kind of power wasn't yours. Come along, I'll show you another kind."

Tubbo and Tommy got up and followed the other, as Eret landed nimbly on the ground, shifting back into her human form before following along.

The youngest two shared an excited look. Whatever new kind of power they were going to be introduced to, it was definitely going to be good.

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