[R] It Runs In The Family (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: request as a pic. if you haven't been keeping up with my ao3 (which you should, bc I have like 10+ more fics there that aren't in my wattpad, sorry for talking about this a lot but man you won't want to miss out on some of my fics) I didn't actually write something like this lol, but without the 'death for the death god' part, and it's part of a canon divergence series. if you're looking for fluff w/ tommy & techno, check out soundless chatter! okay self-promo done, time for the actual fic)

It started off small. A little whisper of the wind here, a sudden and random thought popping into his head one day — they were all excused by the fact that maybe he was just hearing things. He'd been out with only Dream in his exile for so long, maybe Dream was testing him? It was a likely thing for his thing to do, despite how cruel it was.

Then, slowly, it started to build up. For a while, he would hear voices questioning how they had gotten into his head, or why they weren't with Technoblade (and god, did he hate hearing his stupid name). But after that span of time, they would start commentating on his life.

Tommy complained to Dream about the voices, once. Dream had simply ruffled his hair, told him that he was hallucinating, and ordered him to stay in bed while he blew up his stuff again. That day wasn't fun, mainly because his stuff got blown up again, but also because the voices got really angry, which made him unable to sleep.

Eventually, it got to a point where Tommy was used to the voices in his head. They would say all sorts of wild things, mainly talking about death and revenge, with the occasional "how did I get here?" from one of the newer voices.

"hmmm we need to push him further"

"damn it's taking so long for the action"


"hide your stuff from dream!!"

The voices weren't helpful at all, but they were his only friends other than Dream, so he tolerated their presence in his head. At least, when Dream wasn't around.

Speaking of Dream, he was due for his daily visit now. Tommy waited in front of his tent, his new diamond sword hidden in his inventory. Despite the fact that it would be destroyed eventually, he couldn't help but feel a connection to it.

The voices were telling him to not take shit from Dream, but that was silly. Dream wouldn't like him not following his orders, and Tommy really didn't want to get hurt.

The voices started getting louder. Tommy perked up, turning towards the portal, smiling tiredly when he saw Dream coming through the portal, and to him.

"Hey, Dream," he greeted.

"Tommy, nice to... see you again," Dream said pleasantly, even as he started digging a hole in the ground. "Alright, you can do it now."

In any other day, Tommy would've instantly dropped his items, and lit the fuse to the TNT. But on this particular day, the voices were louder than usual, and whenever the voices were loud, that meant that they were telling the truth. They would always tell him when exactly Dream would come, so how could they not be speaking the truth?


"fucking abuser"

"Don't!! Tommy you can fight him!"

"He's manipulating you! He wants you gone!"

"He wants to get rid of his one enemy"


"Tommy?" Dream interrupted the voices, though it was too late for him to do anything about the realisation that Tommy was slowly going through. "Come on, you know the drill. Just put your things in, and everything will be fine."

Tommy stared at Dream, slowly moving his head from his masked friend (was he ever his friend? Or was he being a manipulative fucking bitch?) to the whole in the ground, before back at Dream.

"No," he muttered.

He couldn't see behind the mask, but Tommy was pretty sure that Dream was frowning.

"Tommy, don't be like this," Dream sighed. "We've talked about this already. Either you put them in yourself, or I'm blowing everything up. Now, I'll ask you again. Put your things in the hole, Tommy."

"I said," Tommy's mouth curled into a snarl, the voices in his head growing louder and faster as the diamond sword appeared in his hands. "NO!"






When Tommy finally came to his senses, he found himself standing in the middle of a clutter of Netherite armour pieces. There were other things strewn around him, like blood and blocks, but the most important thing was that the voices were finally quiet. They were satisfied.

What did he do?

The voices were telling him to check his communicator, so he did, and his eyes widened when he saw what was in the death message chat.

[CANON] Dream was slain by TommyInnit.

Oh, fuck.

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