[R] Bloody Mary (Fem!Techno-centric)

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(A/N: request as a photo. fem!techno is called tisiphone. in this au 'technoblade' is both her name and one of her monikers. only her family is allowed to use her actual name. if techno isn't comfortable with genderbending I'll change up this oneshot. also kinda implied that tommy's nb w/ he/him & they/them pronouns. uhh if any of this is offensive in any way, please tell me and I'll change it)

"Tisi," Tommy called from downstairs. "Forgot to mention yesterday, but my friends want to meet you!"

Tisiphone had half a mind to ignore her younger sibling's calls, as she was just about to start a new book, but a look from her father made her groan and slowly walk down the stairs, the book left on a corner table of the sofa upstairs.

"Why?" she asked boredly.

Tommy huffed. "Because you're Technoblade, and they didn't believe me when I said you were my 'sister'."

"Why were you even telling them about me in the first place?" Tisiphone sighed as she reached the bottom of the stairs. "Obviously they wouldn't believe you; everyone thinks I'm a man, remember?"

"Well, yeah, but still," Tommy whined. Tisiphone refused to smack him, no matter how annoying they were being. "But seriously though, can you come to school with me today? It'd be so cool."

"I dunno," she responded with a small shrug. "What's it in for me?"

"A bigger social presence, for one," Tommy said smugly. "You can meet my friends. And, oh yeah, one of my friends is being picked up by Dream today, so there's that!"

"Hmm," it was tempting to have a chance to speak to the Dream that everyone had been comparing her prowess to. But then again, she had just bought a new batch of books she had been excited to read, and there would always be another day for her and Dream to meet... "Tempting, but that's not enough."

Tommy scrunched up their face, and groaned. "Ugh, fine. I guess you could like, fuckin' make fun of me or some shit."

Now this was something she could get behind. Tisiphone reached for her mask that was hanging on her belt, securing it on with a wild grin. "Give me a few minutes."

Shoreline Marble Private looked just exactly like how it had been when Tisiphone graduated a few years back. Technically it was called 'SM-Private Earth', but that was one of the most egotistical names she'd ever heard, so she refused to ever refer to it by that particular name.

Tommy was practically vibrating in the back seat when she checked in the rear view mirror. When she parked their family car, her sibling had almost thrown themselves out of the car, if it weren't for their seatbelts.

As she got out too, however, she could see him having some second thoughts. "Actually, are you even allowed to strut in like that? I'm pretty sure that's breaking a few rules, isn't it?"

"It's fine," Tisiphone waved dismissively, checking her outfit over to make sure that there was nothing that would suggest that she was a woman clothing-wise. She wanted to surprise the people she would be meeting; it was always fun to see their jaws drop upon realising that the 'Blood God' Technoblade was, in fact, a woman. Plus, if any of them tried to be sexist, she could always gut them. "I'm Technoblade, after all. What are they gonna do, stop me?"

"Ooh, yeah, gotta remember to use that name," she heard Tommy mutter.

As they neared the school, Tisiphone smirked as she saw multiple people do a double-take, sometimes even more than that. Perhaps it was because of the gleaming Netherite axe she had strapped to her side. Or maybe it was because of her rather unusual attire. Or perhaps it was just that she was Technoblade, visiting 'his' old school once again.

She flung open the doors of the school, relishing in the sudden silence that befell the hallways. Tommy, who had somehow ducked behind her cape, was now clutching it as he gasped at the hallways.

"Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen it this silent before," they whispered. Tisiphone made a noncommittal hum; now that there were much more people around, she couldn't afford to show a sign of her more feminine voice. It was deeper than a woman would usually have, true, but it was still distinctively female enough.

Tommy turned to her with a bright smile. "Come on, I think I see my friends over there!"

She let herself be dragged along. The crowd of students and even teachers parted for them, and whispers followed in their wake. They suddenly stopped, and Tisiphone blinked as Tommy enthusiastically started talking to a group of five boys, all of whom looked very shocked and a little fearful, which was good.

"Oh yeah, we should probably talk about this in a private place," Tommy said aloud, before dragging all of them into a nearby classroom. Tisiphone made sure to growl out a "If you spy there will be consequences." with what she hoped was a low, male-like voice before the door slammed shut.

"What the fuck?" one of them — Time Deo from Skyblock, if she remembered correctly — whisper-hissed, looking at her in a panicked way. "No, seriously Tommy, what the actual fuck?"

"Remember what I was telling you all? Well, meet this bastard," Tommy grinned at his friends' shocked faces. "Technoblade."

Tisiphone huffed amusedly. "Says the baby who begged me to come here because he didn't want to look stupid in front of his friends."

"Wh- shut up! No guys, Ti-Techno is lying! Sh-he's a fucking lying bastard!"

Tisiphone snickered lightly. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Anyways, you promised I could meet Dream, so where is he?"

Most of Tommy's friends seemed shocked that she was actually, well, female, but one of them, dressed in a purple sweater, pointed somewhere vaguely to the right, albeit shakily. "Uh, I think he's in, uh, computing sciences? Second floor, uh, fifth class-"

"Good enough for me," Tisiphone opened the door and strolled out, ignoring the yells of her moniker-name. "You can stay here for a while longer, Tommy. Big sister's gotta prove a point."

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