[R] Taking No Shit (Fem!Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: request as a pic. btw unrelated but does anyone know what business bay + wisp's stance towards genderbending is? if you do pls lmk I need it for a future fic ok thamk u enjoy this oneshot!)

Tommy wasn't showing it outwardly, but she was getting annoyed with the raiders.

Usually, on Twitch, getting raided would be a nice thing, no matter how many viewers the raider had. Sometimes, it could even form friendships, like how she and Tubbo had met when she had raided him. That was why Tommy always made sure to thank every raid that landed on her channel, no matter how many viewers they might've had.

But this particular raid was making her angry.

In the past few weeks, her fellow minecraft streamers had been under... well, attacks was a mild way to put it. There was a rather persistent group of raiders who, for some reason, just didn't want to accept the fact that they were streaming minecraft and getting more attention than the raiders streaming their other games will ever get. They were called the 'anti-raiders'.

They would come into other people's streams, and start spewing insults and mocking streamers. Tommy had heard of quite a few ending their streams because of it, to which the raiders would then take their victory over to social media platforms, where they tried to trend a stupid hashtag. Emphasis on tried, because the Minecraft community was stronger, and usually there would be at least 3 positive hashtags about the streamer, drowning out the negative hashtag.

Tommy was proud of her community, and while the raiders were annoying, she didn't care too much for them. But recently, they've been getting more vicious. At that point, she and her friends learned how to deal with them; by simply ignoring them, while others helped to moderate the chat. She had helped to ban quite a lot of people over the past few days in other people's streams, but she guessed that this time, it was going to be her turn to face the brunt of the attacks.

For the past five minutes, she had been pretending to ignore the flood of insults directed to her, as well as her fans' kindhearted, if unfortunately useless attempts to get the anti-raiders to stop. She caught a few that mocked her 'non-femininity', while others mocked her gameplay, and a few even made condescending jokes about the company she surrounded herself with. Most, however, made fun of her directly, talking about how her stream was bullshit, and that she had an audience of stupid children.

All false, of course, since it was more like they were the children, but Tommy would rather not get into a scandal at her age.

Her moderators had been banning all the raiders slowly, and one by one, and she caught a few of her friends in chat. She made sure to act as nice as possible, chatting lightly, and interacting with her audience. It was at times like this that she was glad that she wasn't one of those streamers who liked to put their chats on their screen. Not that there was anything bad about it, it just made it easier for her to ignore the anti-raiders.

As she was talking about a bee she had found on her windowsill while building yet another cobblestone tower on the Dream SMP, she received a text. Curious, she went to go check it.

Dream: The document's ready, and so are we. Can you pull it up on your stream?

With a carefully blank face, she pulled up a document. Opening it, she made sure to make direct eye contact with her camera, with her lips curved up in a smile as she highlighted the text of, 'Anti-Raiders of Twitch: Who To Block and Not Interact With'.

"Dream will be linking this on his Twitter tomorrow, and we're all going to be retweeting it," she said casually, scrolling down the long, long list of the anti-raiders' usernames on Twitch. It was technically not harassment, because it was only their Twitch usernames, which didn't even reveal much in the first place. "I think it's a particularly good information document, really! It helps people know who to block, and who to not listen to based on their idiotic tantrums, and who to absolutely avoid interacting and giving attention to. Isn't that so nice?"

"Absolutely, Tommy," Phil chimed in. Tommy giggled lightly as her chat started freaking out.

Most of her friends had been in her voice call from the beginning, ready to make a statement to the anti-raiders. And now was the time that they would get to do it.

"I think it's very- we all think that it's great," Wilbur added on. "Because it helps us know who are the bad apples in life, and then we can ban and block them easier. It's not very healthy to keep toxic things in your life, after all."

"Plus, why would you want to be around these people anyways?" Sapnap continued. "If they have nothing better to do with their lives than make fun of someone on the Internet who probably won't give them the time and attention they crave due to a bad childhood, why would you want to hang out with them?"

"Weirdchamp," Technoblade said monotonely. "This is why I'm not on Twitch."

That comment sent all of them into laughter and snickers. And for the next half an hour or so, all of her friends took their time saying their piece, showing a sign of unity in their community to the anti-raiders who thought that they could break them down. She was pretty sure the fans were having their best time with this stream, what with all the memes she found on Twitter once her stream ended.

Yeah, she was glad to be part of such a great community.

And the next time the anti-raiders tried to come after Tubbo? Well, Tommy made sure that they knew exactly who they were dealing with.

After all, the Minecraft community was more than just people playing a block game and getting wildly popular from it. It was a community, and it was about time everyone else learned about that part.

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