Pretty Flowers (F1NN5TER & Spifey)

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"Finn! Finn! Look over here, please!"

"Spifey, will you please marry me?!"

"Mr. Finn, what are your thoughts on the latest rumour about you?"

"Mr. Spifey, how was your experience working with the team of Cursed Times?"

"Finn, I absolutely love your dress!"

"Spifey, your suit looks stunning on you!"

The chatter of the crowd and fans were muffled as the doors slammed shut, the guards standing on either side of the door, alert and ready to spring into action in case anything happened.

The flower crowns on their heads and the flowers threaded in their hairs were tossed away. The two men slumped down in exhaustion.

"Finn, do you know when's our next photoshoot?" Spifey yawned. His brown hair was let loose and messy to enhance the flower crown that was formerly on his head. He was wearing a black vest over a white shirt, but the black vest had little frills on its end that resembled the petals of sunflowers. There was a veil tied to a gold belt which rested behind his black pants. The veil had the pattern of leaves, and there were faint lines to mimic the veins of leaves. He wore black boot heels which had white lilies on its sides.

"Are you asking because you wanna try and sneak a nap in before it?" Finn replied dryly. His own brown hair was let loose of its short braid, the flowers having been tossed away. He was wearing an off-the-shoulder white dress, the cloth of it twisting and curling to resemble vines until it stopped just below his knees. His arm gloves were patterned to resemble twisting roots. He was also wearing boot heels, except they were white and had black calla lilies on its sides instead.

"We've known each other for long enough for you to know the answer to that."

Finn sighed. "As much as you'd like to? They're coming in 10 minutes."

"Goddamnit," Spifey cursed. "Guess I'll scroll through thirst tweets of me then."

The other snorted. "What are you trying to do before the photoshoot? Pop a straw?"

"Pop a— okay, now that's just a stupid comparison."

"At least it's better than Vurb's fire truck comment," Finn muttered, shuddering at the memory of that comparison.

"We don't talk about the fire truck comment." Spifey immediately said. "We absolutely do not talk about that. By the way, what's our theme for this photoshoot again?"

"Wh- don't tell me you forgot again."

"I was busy!"

"This is why management doesn't trust you anymore," Finn sighed. "Our theme next is Adam and Eve. We're promoting their accessories."

"It's our last one, right? How long is it gonna take?"

"Why? Wanna get home to your beau?"

"Shut up," Spifey playfully jabbed Finn. "Not like you don't have yours as well."

"True, true," Finn laughed.

They would've talked more, but a clear of the throat stopped them. The two models turned to look at the guard.

"Mr. Finn, Mr. Spifey, they are expecting you for the photoshoot."

Finn sighed, and tossed his hair behind his shoulders, letting it fall just slightly below his shoulders. "Time to get back into job mode, Spifey."

Spifey stood up, pulling his vest tighter. "Can't wait."

(A/N: This is a lot unlike what I usually write because I originally had another idea, but then I realised that certain things in it could be seen as cultural appropriation, even if I wasn't intending for it to be so, so I had to delete it and restart. Also feel free to assume whoever Spifey & Finn's partners are.)

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