Pick A Flower (L'manburg)

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Tubbo carefully threaded the flowers together, making a crown of lilacs and sunflowers.

After L'manburg got its independence, things just kind of relaxed for a bit. Dream's group hadn't bothered them in days, and so far everyone in L'manburg were fixing up the land, and rebuilding the walls and gathering much-needed materials. It was peaceful.

Tubbo had done everything he needed to do today earlier than expected, so he decided to take a break for himself in the flower fields he and Tommy had found and hid for themselves.

He laughed as two bees bumped into one another and flew in the opposite direction.

Smiling, he let a bee land on his finger, as he used his other hand to carefully fix the flower crown he had made onto his head.

"Do you think I should make some more flower crowns for the others?" Tubbo wondered out loud, as he looked at the bee. It was really small, but it looked like it was bopping its head, as if to agree with him. Tubbo smiled.

"Okay!" cheerfully, Tubbo let the bee fly away, and looked around the flower field. "Hmm... what flowers should I put on their flower crowns?"

And so Tubbo set off to collect some flowers, and make them into flower crowns.

Around an hour later, Tubbo almost screamed when Tommy yelled loudly, "HEY TUBBO!"

"Tommy!" Tubbo turned around. "You scared me," he whined.

"Heh," Tommy glanced at the sight before him. Tubbo, wearing a flower crown made with lilacs and sunflowers, surrounded by a few other flower crowns as well. "You becoming a botanist now, Tubbo?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" Tubbo grinned and picked up one of the flower crowns, which was made out of poppies and alliums. "I made this for you!"

Tommy stared at the flower crown handed out to him before laughing nervously, "Ah, Tubbo, I'm not really a flower person..."

"Oh..." Tubbo frowned at the flower crown. "Well, it's okay then, you don't have to wear it-"

"No," before Tubbo could say anything else, Tommy snatched the flower crown from his hand and placed it on his head, leaving it just slightly crooked after a few attempts at getting it to be straight on his head. "Back off, I'm gonna wear it forever."

Tubbo giggled. "You can't wear it forever."

"I'll try," Tommy shuffled to sit beside Tubbo, careful not to trample the flower crowns. "You made this for all of us?"

"Yeah!" Tubbo nodded. "I just thought it'd be a good thing to do, y'know? We can be matching! L'Manburg flower crowns pog!"

"Then what are you waiting for?!" Tommy pulled Tubbo up, helping him gather the rest of the flower crowns into his arms. "They'll definitely like it! C'mon, you gotta give it to them!"

Laughing, the two boys stumbled out of their hideout, and made their way inside L'manburg.

Wilbur and Fundy were chatting by a riverside while Niki was busy reorganising some of their chests. All three of them looked at the two boys as they walked in, laughing. Obviously, their attentions were drawn to the flower crowns on the boys' heads.

"Are those flower crowns?" Fundy asked curiously. "Didn't take you for someone who'd wear one, Tommy."

"Yeah, but it's made by Tubbo, y'know?" Tommy shrugged half-heartedly, as Tubbo excitedly bounced forwards and proudly showed off the three flower crowns to the adults.

"I made one for each of you too!" he announced proudly. "Um, you don't have to if you don't want to, but..."

"They're very pretty, Tubbo," Niki cut in gently. "Do you want to give them to us?"

"Yeah! I got oxeye daisies and lilies of the valley for Niki," Tubbo handed out the flower crowns. "Made a flower crown from blue orchids and peonies for Wilbur, and I got dandelions and roses for Fundy! I really hope you all like it!"

"This is very nice, Tubbo," Wilbur told him as he put it on, the flowers resting against his wild brown curls gently. Niki has also put hers on, the flowers forming something almost like a halo around her head.

Fundy had to struggle a little to get it through his fox ears, but he eventually managed it, and it stood out starkly against his orange hair, but in a pretty way.

Tubbo grinned at the sight of all of them, wearing flower crowns, smiling and at peace.

Really, he couldn't ask for a better family.

(A/N: catch me in denial of the smp election. manburg what i only know l'manburg. also I had to search up flower symbolisms and all the flowers found in minecraft for this. ok now I go sleep)

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