Little Spirit (Business Bay)

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(A/N: I need to get started on my other series but someone on tumblr gave this epic idea and I just couldn't refuse writing it so have this I have business bay brainrot I'm SORRY
also if you see this also posted on a tumblr blog with a purple icon that's me babeyyy)

Ever since Dream opened up his land for visits, Wisp had been wanting to go to visit Tommy. They had fixed their friendship after SMPEarth, but Wisp would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous at how Tommy would react to him.

He was walking along L'manburg with the other Bay Boys. They had met up at the entrance, and decided to surprise Tommy with their presence together. They thought it would be an easy search for him, seeing how loud and bright their leader was. But it had been over half an hour, and Tommy was nowhere to be found.

"He might just be busy," Bitzel suggested. "We don't know much about what he's been doing, after all."

"True," Luke agreed. "We didn't really tell him too. Should we just keep searching or ask around?"

Wisp spotted Tubbo sitting on a bench further up ahead and ran up to go talk to him, and ask him where Tommy was.

"Hey, Tubbo," Wisp greeted the younger as Tubbo turned to look at him. He wasn't particularly close with him, but Tubbo was nice and Tommy's friend, so maybe he knew where Tommy was. "We were looking for Tommy. Have you seen him?"

Tubbo paused in the middle of waving. His smile dropped. Wisp stared at him, feeling concerned as he reached out. "Tubbo?"

"Tubbo!" Luke smiled as he and the other Bay Boys came running. "It's nice to see you again! Hey, have you seen Tommy around?"

"Well, why do you need to look for him?" Tubbo asked nervously.

"Can't a couple of guys just visit their friend again?" Deo laughed teasingly. "I mean, we can always come back later if he's busy, but we just wanted to know where he was."

"Tommy isn't-" Tubbo replied with a sigh. "Tommy's not... he's not the same guy we all used to know. Who you all used to know."

"Why, what happened?" Bitzel piped up with a frown on his face. "Did something happen to him?"

Tubbo opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a voice calling out his name.

"Tubbo! Tubbo!" from a distance, a ghost floated over. Wisp would've dismissed them as someone on the land who had died permanently who he didn't know, if it wasn't for the shock of bright yellow hair on top. As the ghost drew closer, more recognisable features started appearing. Wisp connected the dots, and he did not like what it was implying.

"Tubbo, look what I found!" now that the ghost was closer, his voice was more recognisable. "Yellow dye!"

Wisp's heart dropped. "Tommy?"

"Why is he...?" Deo murmured in confusion.

The blond ghost turned to them, semi-transparent and floating off the ground. He floated closer, and blinked at them, before smiling at them.

"I remember you!" he exclaimed brightly. "I think. I don't really know. Hey, my name's Tommy, what's yours?"

"Don't you remember us?" Luke stepped forwards, a hand reaching out in distress before falling to his side. "Tommy, it's us. Business Bay, from SMPEarth."

Tommy tilted his head, looking deep in thought, before shrugging. "Kind of? I don't remember you, but I know you guys were really nice to me! Wanna play hide and seek with me? I promise I won't cheat, because that's mean."

"How about later, Tommy," Tubbo spoke up gently, a sad look in his eyes. "I have to show them around. You can- you can play with them later."

"Oh, okay!" Tommy said cheerfully. He handed a piece of yellow dye to Tubbo. "You look sad. Don't be sad!"

He then turned to them, and Wisp couldn't help but notice the way his eyes were blank and empty, and the way he looked so small in his red shirt and blue pants, despite them fitting him perfectly.

"I've run out of yellow," Tommy apologetically said. "But I'll come back soon to give you all some yellow! Yellow makes me happy, and you all look like you need something to help you be happy! Goodbye!"

As Tommy flew off, Tubbo coughed. "We should... I should probably explain later."

"What the hell," Wisp said flatly. "Why is he-?"

"He died," Tubbo responded quietly. "Three lives gone, so he's dead and wandering around with, uh, with Ghostbur. Wilbur Soot as a ghost, in case you were wondering."

Wisp shared a look with the other boys. They didn't speak, but they all knew what they were thinking.

What happened to Tommy?

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