[R] Unexpected (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: request by Lost_atSea. hope you don't mind the aboverse in here, it won't be prominent that much further into the story. but if this doesn't suit your tastes i can rewrite this in a separate chapter,,,)

Growing up, Tommy knew exactly what kind of person people thought he was.

For starters, he was an Omega. For another, he was the youngest prince of the Antarctic Empire. Lastly, he had been seen acting on pointless wars and having the usual teen angst moments multiple times when he was younger.

So yes. He knew most people saw him as an overemotional Omegan prince whose family coddled and his him away from the uglier sides of the world. He knew they thought of him as nothing but a loudmouthed brat who just coincidentally happened to be related to some powerful people.

But what most people forgot was that he was the son of the Angel of Death, the brother of the Siren's Vessel, and most importantly, the brother of the Blood God. And what most people forgot more was that Omegas were known to be very, very protective of what was theirs. And as Techno had taught him before, those stereotypes and those false beliefs were just another weapon on his side, to be used when necessary, and to prove others wrong, of course.

Which was why it only made it the more satisfying when the Netherite cracked and shattered under his grasp, falling onto the ground in pieces as the assailant stumbled back in shock. Tommy wiped the blood from his palm off on his shirt, and glared at the man who dared to try and hurt his Tubbo.

"Get lost, fucker," Tommy said coolly. "Before my brothers arrive, that is."

He had never seen someone run as fast as the assailant had ran. Tommy picked up one of the leftover shards of the handle of the axe and tucked it into his pocket. The man forgot that his scent would still be on the handle after gripping it, and that was what would be his downfall.

Once he was sure the man wouldn't return, he turned around to see Tubbo, with one hand clutching his injured arm, and his eyes staring back at his in shock and surprise.

"T-Tommy?" he squeaked out. Tommy only grinned at him.

"I took care of that bitch boy," he said. "So now you won't have to worry about him anymore."

"Worry about him? What about your hands?!" Tubbo's voice became near-hysterical near the end. He reached out, but winced as it rubbed his bruised and bloody skin wrong. Tommy noticed it, and stalked closer.

"Let me see?" Tommy murmured gently. With permission, he removed Tubbo's hand from the place of the wound, and had to resist the urge to let out a growl that would surely scare Tubbo.

He took a deep breath and stepped back, ignoring his instincts telling him to wrap his best friend in a hug and never let go for the time being. "I think my brothers already felt the bond on my side go weird, so they should be here any second now."

"Ah," Tubbo nodded, before letting out a nervous laugh. "I don't- I actually didn't expect you to do that. Are you sure your hands are okay?"

"They'll heal in no time," Tommy dismissed his own injuries in favour of helping Tubbo's injury first. "You need more attention first."

And just as he expected, his brothers soon arrived. But because his instincts were still high-strung from the assailant and the attack, when Wilbur and Techno arrived, Tommy couldn't help but bring Tubbo closer to him, in an attempt to protect him.

"Tommy," Wilbur started, but Tommy only snarled and clutched Tubbo closer.

"Potion of healing," he demanded. "Now."

Wilbur raised both his hands and took a step back, looking towards Techno instead. "You calm him down, and I'll help Tubbo."

Techno rolled his eyes, but took a step forwards towards the two. "It's okay, runt. Danger's over."

Tommy hissed at him as a response.

"How about this? You let Tubbo get healed by Wilbur, and you can watch to make sure Tubbo doesn't get hurt more than he should," Techno coaxed the younger. Hesitantly, almost unwillingly, Tommy let Tubbo be led away by Wilbur, while Techno walked to stand beside him as they looked at Wilbur healing Tubbo.

"You really did take after me the most, huh?" Techno muttered fondly. Tommy scowled and batted the hand that came to ruffle his hair away, but he didn't refute the statement.

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