[R] Don't Mess With Her (Fem!Tommy & Friends & Fans)

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(A/N: requested by 2 diff ppl. basic premise is that fem!tommy's harassed & others stepping in to help and maybe threaten a lil. social media fic pog! also literally genderbending is one of my fav tropes so yknow,,,, some requests,,,, not just tommy,,,
also some things in here might be worded weirdly, just a small warning)

hey tommy aer you going to joen the smp today :D?

Nah, not feeling well today

Can you tell me whu?

Just the usual hate shit
They just got to me more today
Pretty sure theres a trend on twt about it too
Wont join today, probably wont stream either
Need a liftle time to myself

Alroght ill tell the others
Feel better soon okey?

Thanks Tubs
You da man

Transcript (0:11:23)
Tubbo: Like- why are you hating on Tommy for, what, being herself? She's just- me and Tommy are just having fun! We're roleplaying and stuff and just because she's a girl doesn't mean you get to treat her like she's worse than me! We talk with each other before the streams, you know? We make sure we don't go too far with the roleplaying and stuff like that.

Hey Tubbo
Watched your stream for a while
Think I might make a statement on it too
Is Tommy okay? she's not responding to my texts

Tommys fine
She is just having a bad day becuase of the trend

Tell her we'll all be here for her

I will

Dream is live- A Serious Discussion
Transcript (0:16:34)
Dream: Like, why are you hating on- she's 16! She's one of the youngest popular YouTubers on the scene right now! What gives you the right to decide to hate on her just because she made a tiny mistake which she apologised for? I've known of YouTubers who have done more and never even acknowledged it! She's young, we all are. We all make mistakes. There are so many others out there who have done far worse, but you choose to acknowledge her small mistake instead?

And when I check the Twitter profiles- a lot of them are misogynistic as fuck. Like, do you really hate women succeeding so much that you decide to shit on a sixteen year old? Are you really trying to be an asshole to a girl just trying to have fun? What is wrong with you?!

Technoblade @Technothepig
hating on gamer girls because they're doing better than you? cringe, get out of here.

do @TimeDeo
honest to god if i met a tommyinnit hater irl i'd punch them. like ok u hate successful women now shoo nobody wants u here

anonymousmcyt444 @anonym0usmcyt5384
this will def b controversial but honestly? why do people even like tommyinnit lmao she's just like all the other loud gamers out there?? y'all are just simping for her just bc she's a girl lmao don't be stupid she's not gonna fuck you #tommyinnitcancelled

vie hearts loocus @vierenevie
replying to @anonym0usmcyt5384
1. Why are you s*xualising her she's 16 go fuck off
2. Because she's genuinely kind-hearted and cares for her friends. Because she makes sure to apologise if she oversteps anything, and manages to create entertaining content on a near-daily basis.

go white boy go!! @unisowoft34
replying to @anonym0usmcyt5384
good choice on being anonymous. still doesn't stop me from blocking you
and literally none of us are 'simping'? what, can we just not be fans anymore? if anything, looks like ur tryna chase clout by throwing hate at someone who deserves none of it

Ph1LzA @PhiLzA
Shits fucked up when there's a hashtag all about sending hate to a sixteen year old on trending... anyways send some love to @tommyinnit and use the hashtag #TommyInnitToWinnit yeah?

junpier! @junPyer2a
imagine throwing hate publicly to a sixteen year old who did nothing wrong, and getting surprised when people attack you back monkaS

oh my god
You guys didnt have to do that for me

sand mmmmmmm
But we wanted to.
You're one of the best people out there, Tommy
Don't let the hate get to you

We realy love you Tommy

Oh wow
I really love you all too <3
I'm feeling better now, might stream soon
Thank you, really

No need to thank us
We care for you and we're not afraid to show it

1. Tommy Is Poggers
2. #TommyInnitToWinnit
3. Grammys
5. The Office

TommyInnit @tommyinnit
Thank you so much everyone! <3 I'm really thankful for all of your supportive comments tonight, I really appreciate them.
[ID: A selfie of Tommy smiling at the camera. Her blonde hair is tied up in a high ponytail, and she's wearing a red shirt. She's making the peace sign to the camera, and there is a green bracelet wrapped around her arm.]

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