🖕Knees - Gone (Tommy, Techno & Tubbo)

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Tommy immediately knew something was wrong when he heard sniffling coming from Tubbo.

He frowned, already walking towards the older boy. They had planned to meet up here to just chill and hang out for a while, maybe talk about things, but it looked like the plans had to be derailed. Not that he minded, of course. His best friend took priority over almost anything else.

"Tubbo?" he asked, settling down next to the other, who was shaking and sniffling. "Tubbo, talk to me. What happened?"

Tubbo finally raised his head from where it was hanging below his arms. There were visible tear tracks on his face, which made Tommy grit his teeth and vow to stab whoever hurt his best friend enough to make him cry. "Tubbo, who do I need to kill?"

"No one," Tubbo hastily said, wiping his tears again. "It's just someone bein' mean, don't worry about it."

"What did they do?"

"I..." the older paused to sniffle. "He killed my bees."

Tommy's blood ran cold. "What?"

"He killed my bees, Tommy," Tubbo wailed. "I saw him from the security cameras! He took my beehive down and drowned them! And then he laughed! He just killed them and walked away and..."

"Tubbo," Tommy cut him off, deadly quiet. "Can I see the footage?"

Startled, Tubbo quickly handed him his phone with the footage on it. Tommy watched it, eerily silent. Finally, he put it away, and drew Tubbo in for a hug.

"I'm gonna get revenge," Tommy swore as he comforted the other. "I'm gonna stab that motherfucker. I'm gonna do it for you, Tubbo."

"You can't stab him!" Tubbo yelled, panicked. "You'll get into jail, Tommy."

"Not if I don't get caught."

There was a long silence, where the two boys just sat and hugged each other, before Tubbo sighed and pushed him away gently.

"Just..." he bit his lip. "Don't get into too much trouble, alright? I'll meet you back soon."

Tommy nodded, standing up. "Bye."

As he walked away, he took out his phone from his pocket and rang up a certain person.

"Techno, I need your help."

"You owe me for this, Tommy," the pink haired man sighed, the remaining pieces of rope propped up on his shoulder.

Tommy hummed, eyes never leaving the tied up and knocked out man on the floor of the abandoned warehouse, just a few miles away from his and Tubbo's neighbourhood. "I know. I'll get you something good."

"You're really protective of him, huh," Techno mused. "Whatever, nerd. I'll be waiting outside. You better be finished before 6, otherwise Phil's going to have our heads."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Tommy waved him away, idly swinging his bat back and forth. "I'll deal with him now, you can go."

Tommy didn't turn around to watch Techno leave and click the door shut. Instead, he stood in place, watching idly as the man slowly stirred and groaned awake.

"Finally awake now?" he asked, grinning as the man looked at him. Or tried to, anyway, since his eyes were tied with a blindfold. "Good. I was worried I'd have to actually go and touch you to wake you up, and that would just be disgusting."

The man also tried to speak, but it was obviously muffled by the socks Tommy had stuffed into his mouth earlier, which was tied around his head by another piece of rope to make sure he wouldn't be able to spit it out.

"I know you might be confused," Tommy began. "But don't play the fool with me; I know what you did."

The man was clearly confused. It sent a shock of anger down his spine. How dare this disgusting filth not realise the damage he'd done?

"A few hours earlier," Tommy said. "You went into the backyard of a family's house, and you plucked the son's beehive down, and you drowned it, along with all the bees inside of it. And it was all the bees. Do you remember that?"

A pause. Then, Tommy started laughing. "Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you don't, you're an asshole! Well, one that won't be healthy for long."

The man started struggling in his binds at his words. Tommy's grin widened.

"I won't do much to you, really, because I'm such a nice and kind man," he informed the struggling and obviously fearful man. "In fact, I'll just hit you once, maybe twice, and then I'll leave you in here! Who knows, maybe someone will be lucky enough to pass by and save you, but that's highly unlikely."

Muffled pleads slowly started making their way out of the man's mouth. Tommy ignored them.

"I'll give you one final message," Tommy said, walking forwards until he was standing just a few centimetres away from the man, and more importantly, his legs. "Pay attention."

"You kill my best friend's bees," Tommy started casually, swinging his bat around, eyes never leaving the shaking man on the ground. "You lose your fucking knees."

And with those words, he swung the bat harshly down onto the man's tied up legs, grinning at the snap that sounded out, and the scream that followed soon after.

Tommy swung the bat back up, and walked out of the warehouse, where Techno was waiting outside, a small match lit up in his hands.

"You done?" Techno asked. Tommy nodded.

"Throw it in, big man," he said. Without hesitation, Techno threw the match into the warehouse, a small smile on his face as a nearby piece of wood caught on fire, one that would surely spread.

"Let's go," Techno said. The two brothers drove off, leaving behind a burning warehouse, and a man soon to be dead.

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