Being Bored (George-centric)

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(A/N: dw I'll get started on requests soon pls be patient w/ me thamk u. also am very very tired)

Immortality took a toll on people. It also took a lot more from them that most normal people wouldn't know about.

Unlike most would believe, George did not get his Not Found moniker from just constantly not showing up to important events and activities. Why would he bother with such trivial, mortal matters when he could manipulate everything from behind the scenes?

All it took was one whispered word, a tight bond settled in, and they were putty in his hands.

He went by a lot of names. They changed over the course of decades and centuries, of course, and his appearance did change a few times too, to make sure nobody would ever make a connection between, say, Lloyd Flocter of Bricannia, or Saint Pend, to George Not Found, a known immortal.

He was a legend among humanity, one that quickly faded into the shadows when he stopped performing daring and dazzling feats after his ascension. Just as he planned it.

George made a deal with the Hellvaster. He wasn't sure who or what the Hellvaster was exactly, but their goals matched up, and as long as George did his part, the Hellvaster would do theirs too, and they would both get to keep their immortality and their power, all without getting the attention of the Higher Courts.

Morality was a fickle thing. George was surprised they still had that sort of thing in the Higher Courts. But if they wanted to live within the terms of a liability instead of branching out and exploring the depths of the power they had been given, well, he wasn't about to stop them.

He hummed as he walked through a forest. This decade, he had decided to go for a mimicry of his first appearance, which meant that he now had short brown hair and blue eyes, with his classic clout goggles situated on his head.

One thing he would never get tired of doing was making friends. When people trusted him wholeheartedly enough, they would go to the ends of the world for him. True, he did have to pretend to be nice and act as if their friendship mattered to him as much as it mattered to them, but that was the fun of it.

'Sappy nappy is nice,' he thought to himself. 'But two doesn't sound like a nice group. I should introduce him to someone, then we can make a trio. Trios are lucky.'

Up ahead, he spotted a figure looking about the same age as Sapnap, a boy from a nearby village to the forest he was currently walking in. Sapnap needed another push to actually do things and become great and give George himself some riches and a following in the future, and what better way to do that than to give him someone else worth defending?

With that idea in mind, he decided to teleport to the boy, tripping him. The boy fell and immediately turned around, leaning his weight on his hands as he gasped.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed with faux-shock in his voice. "My bad!"

He stared down at the boy who had fallen down. He had blond hair, and forest green eyes. He was wearing a white shirt and green pants, along with some black sneakers. He was probably one of the village kids.

"Who are you?" the blond stared back up at him, eyes narrowed. "I didn't feel you around."

For a moment, George toyed with the idea of just killing him directly. But as he looked at the kid before him, he knew he could use him for something. Something grand. Also, the idea with Sapnap needed another person, and he was the perfect one. Even if he was a little too rough for George's liking.

With that idea in mind, he decided to 'befriend' the boy. He might help him out in the future, and if it didn't work out? Well, he could serve as entertainment, at least. Him and Sapnap.

"I'm George," he said, offering a smile and a hand. "Let's be friends!"

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